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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by timandmich

  1. Hi! Well, I can only speak from my experience.... but, I think I am MORE fun! :)

    I cook more - I want to try more things... I enjoy trying more things. I eat far less than my husband and children - however I eat very slowly.... so it's not like I finish quickly and just sit there. I take my time. I finish my small bit in the time they eat their normal portion. Husband gets the big plate and my daughter and I get the smaller plates. It's fun.

    As for the soda - I know all doctor's are different... but I know plenty of banded people who drink soda still. (diet) My surgeon told me to let it sit out for a bit so the bulk of the carbonation is gone... then sip slowly if I really want some. Personally, I've found that I don't even crave it anymore.

    The band is awesome....

  2. Hi everyone! :)

    I am wondering if anyone has changed shoe sizes?? I have some size 10 1/2 and 11 shoes that are basically falling off now. It's strange. I guess I had fat feet! haha~ Anyway... I am wondering if anyone has any size 9 1/2 or 10 shoes (in good condition!!!) that they are getting rid of. I'd happily pay shipping to receive.

    16 or 18 tops......

    20 or 22 bottoms....... even 24......

    all would be appreciated.

    My e-mail address is mich_andrews76@yahoo.com

  3. Hi everyone. :) I don't know how many of y'all remember me....~ I was banded on August 13, 2010.......... and on October 5, 2010 I found out I was 12 weeks pregnant. Yep~ I was just about 3-4 weeks pregnant when I had the surgery. I also had two fills in that time span under fluoro..... I was SO scared of potential effects all this would have on our child...... All totally unexpected - we were on the pill - very long story that I shared back here last Fall. Anyway.......... I wanted to share that amazingly our perfectly healthy baby boy, Carson, was born on March 29, 2011. He weighed 7 lb 14 oz, 19" long. I gained ZERO. :) I never got "unfilled".... and had no complications, and by the grace of God the docs say he is perfect. :)

    Just wanted to share.....

    let the weightloss begin! haha~

  4. It's so amazing to "see" y'all! I have not posted in what seems like forever.

    I do see familar faces, so that's nice!

    Well..... 7 months.... wow! Y'all are doing SO great! I am proud of myself too--but for different reasons. If you were here way-back-when, you will remember that AFTER I had my surgery, I found out I was pregnant. What a roller coaster. Long history..... were on the pill.... couldn't go through the loss of another child, etc. etc....... here we are.... 35 weeks pregnant today! :) Awesome. Will have c-section in the next TWO weeks! Craziness.

    Then I can join the weightloss with everyone else... haha~ I will say though.... I've had no complications/problems re: the band with this pregnancy. Seems at the time I was banded I was about 3 1/2 weeks pregnant, so it didn't show up on the pregnancy test they give prior to surgery. I have not had to have any Fluid taken out, I've not vomited even one time since being banded, and I've not gained a pound with this pregnancy--the band has allowed the baby to grow--not Mommy! Very cool. Anyhow.................... that's my update!!

  5. My lil love, Jordan just turned 3 last mth and is potty trained too....that's awesome!......but, diapers, are hopefully, in our near future again..............

    I hear ya on the tough years and weight gain. Clayton was born Oct 21, 2006... Got pg w/Jordan in Dec 2006...... Lots of nerve-wracking stuff going on. Am glad I have the band to help me stay on track thru the pregnancy, but even more excited to use it as planned next year!

  6. Never say never, Amber... Unless your tubes are tied or something! We were done..didn't want to go thru this again...but, the pill didn't stop this!I only had 2 days of bedrest after the cerclage last week. Since then I am working, and trying to take it easy when I get home.

    I'm interested in what my OB will say tomorrow when I see her about the fact that I feel my stitch.

    Clayton, our son, was in the level III NICU... 35 days before he passed. Jordan, our daughter, was taken out at wk 36 and only have to stay 2 days in the NICU.

    I'm very, very anxious about this pregnancy... I pray all the time for peace of mind. Thx again for writing Amber- it helps.

    Thanks so much, Dee..I appreciate it.

  7. Wow Amber...sorry you lost your son--it's so hard. I was so scared while pregnant w/my daughter....had cerclage at week 10 and 24 weeks of bedrest. I just had this cerclage at 13 weeks and am not prescribed bedrest. Did you have bedrest at all?

    I feel like this time I can feel the stitch too- it's weird. I have a follow up tomorrow....we'll see what she says. Thanks for writing.

  8. So..... Update for me... I am an amazing 13 wks pregnant.. I was preg when I had LAP-BAND® surg in August... About 4 wks... Didn't show up on their routine urine test... No clue...and it lived...and looks great....just found out last Tues-Jordan, our daughter, said mommy u have my baby brother in ur tummy... I took a test, and sure enough... went to OB, confirmed via ultrasound... A whopping 12 wks... Turned 13 wks on Mon.. And had a cerclage placed yesterday to hold cervix closed since I have incompetent cervix. I am scared. My son was born at just 24 wks due to incompetent cervix, and died 35 days later... Then w/my daughter I had a cerclage and 6 mths of bedrest. It's crazy..we were on the pill and everything... God has a plan I guess.. For now I am leaving the band alone...no prob eating as of yet...so, no need to unfill at this time.... Pray for us!

  9. So..... Update for me... I am an amazing 13 wks pregnant.. I was preg when I had lapband surg... About 4 wks... Didn't show up on their routine urine test... No clue...and it lived...and looks great....just found out last Tues-Jordan, our daughter, said mommy u have my baby brother in ur tummy... I took a test, and sure enough... went to OB, confirmed via ultrasound... A whopping 12 wks... Turned 13 wks on Mon.. And had a cerclage placed yesterday to hold cervix closed since I have incompetent cervix. I am scared. My son was born at just 24 wks due to incompetent cervix, and died 35 days later... Then w/my daughter I had a cerclage and 6 mths of bedrest. It's crazy..we were on the pill and everything... God has a plan I guess.. For now I am leaving the band alone...no prob eating as of yet...so, no need to unfill at this time.... Pray for us!

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