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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timandmich

  1. Hi everyone! My name is Michelle. I am 32 years old, and I have been overweight since middle school. I am now 5'9" and just over 300 whopping pounds. I have been reading and researching the lapband for some time now. I've always been too scared to take it too far though. My brother was banded on Aug. 27th and is doing fantastically! It's so neat to have someone so close to me who is doing well post-surgery. I am attending a seminar this morning, 11/8, at 8:30 a.m. Very excited! I'm sure I'll be back afterward to post more! Thanks for letting me share. I look forward to talking with y'all.
  2. timandmich

    newbie here........

    Well, I made it through the seminar. What a wealth of information. I do admit that now I'm a bit more nervous and confused than before I attended the seminar... but I'm not sure why. I have an initial appointment on the 13th, this Thursday, to meet with the surgeon, discuss options, etc. Anyhow... that's where I'm at! I can do this... right?! oye... :rolleyes2:
  3. Curious if anyone works fo Valero Energy Corp.... in SA, TX. We have their insurance.... but although it's Valero insurance, Aetna handles the claims... so I assume we follow the Aetna rules? Anyone?
  4. timandmich

    Anyone with Valero Energy Corp....?

    Thanks! I actually have a seminar with New Dimensions this coming Saturday...... if I don't get a good vibe there I may consider True Results--I've read a lot about them on this site. Congratulations on your success!
  5. timandmich

    Anyone with Valero Energy Corp....?

    Are you a Valero Energy employee?
  6. timandmich

    San Antonio

    Congratulations! That's awesome.
  7. timandmich

    San Antonio

    hi... any of y'all still posting on here? I'm Michelle... new here..... attending a seminar on Saturday... with New Dimensions here in SA. Just hoping for some people to share with and learn from!

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