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Everything posted by timandmich

  1. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Awesome ms_mention! I teach PPCD. I am also fixing up my room right now so I can focus on recovery and things like planning, etc post-op! Please keep in touch!!
  2. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Wow- really?? That's amazing. How did you feel going back to work on your liquids, etc.?? WildBill- I'm Michelle. :blushing: I am having my surgery by Dr. Benavides here in San Antonio w/True Results. I'm excited for us! I bet you will not have any problems either--not like you need to be lifting little ones daily. I still can't decide about telling the staff......
  3. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    I think the EAS AdvantEDGE tastes pretty good.... It's more "head hunger" I'm fighting! I've been working in my classroom a lot--that's helping... Staying busy. :blushing: still trying to decide if I am going to tell others at work about the surgery. I don't want to "keep it a secret"... But I don't want to be the campus discussion either! LOL
  4. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Oooh yay, WildBill! Very cool. :tt2: you will have to keep me posted on how you are doing! I think we can do this. Just have to hope we are both the lucky ones! :blushing:. I have a super high pin tolerance and am choosing to be very optimistic. :cool2: thanks for posting!!
  5. timandmich

    August rush 2010!!!

    Congrats tylee! :thumbup: Congrats mmmakala! Glad it went to awesome for you! Sooo exciting!
  6. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Yep~ hopefully! I am sure I will... I tend to lay in bed at night with my phone and can update then. :thumbup: How are you doing? I am sick of protein shakes. LOL
  7. timandmich

    August rush 2010!!!

    I went in today to begin working on my classroom since I go back to work RIGHT after my surgery! Man...it made it so real today... Preparing... :wub: so fun! it usually takes me a few days just to place the furniture how I want it... Nevermind the set-up and decorating!!!... Apparently I am WAY excited b/c the furniture set-up is COMPLETE! Heh.... Bring on the band!
  8. timandmich

    August rush 2010!!!

    Hi y'all! I am set for Aug 13th for my surgery! I am doing 2-3 EAS AdvantEDGE shakes daily along w/1 meal of chicken and green veggies. I am being banded by Dr. B at True Results here in SA, TX.
  9. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Hi! I hear ya. I've talked with several people who are post-op from the place I am having surgery.. and with the nurse practitioner, my band advocate, the nutritionist, and the surgeon... and all seem to think I will be OK. A cake walk? No.... but doable. I either do it on the 13th, or I postpone until Christmas break. No thanks! I am keeping positive... I've always recovered quickly from surgery........ but remaining honest with myself that I may have to call the Principal and say um... I can't come in............. and hope she doesn't hurt me. :thumbup: haha I am stoked about tomorrow. I begin my liquid diet. I'm ready! That's awesome that you will do the single incision surgery! Wow... you'll have to let me know how that goes! I get kiddo's on the 23rd. But, I do have 2 wonderful, wonderful assistants.... who I will prey on to help me with any lifting, etc. We'll be OK..... I have faith! :smile2: My saving grace(s) at this point are: 1. Inservice for a week before getting kids....~ 2. As of now I have no NEW students. All my spec ed kiddo's were with me last year and are 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 yrs. old... most are potty trained.. and know the environment... we'll see!!!
  10. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Good for you! That's so awesome. I won't meet with my doc any more prior to surgery either. They said they will call me the week of... to check in, see how I am doing, and go over any last minute questions I may have. Sooo exciting!! I bought two "packs" of the EAS pre-made shakes yesterday. It's getting cloooosser!! I'm impressed with you suppressing the urge to have a few "lasts"..... I'm not so much doing that. Eek~ that's probably why I feel SO ready to start the liquids... I'm eating too much! :-p I do definitely have my eyes on the prize. My only real "worry/concern" right now is going to work only 3 days after! I hope all is OK. We can do this.
  11. timandmich

    Any August 2010 Bandsters?

    Jen- I hear ya. I've told most family members... And I really don't want to keep it a "secret".... But, come on... I work with 98% women! Women talk.. We're the worst! LOL. I teach spec ed, and I have 2 assistants... So I feel I will have to tell them.. I am also thinking I will tell the school nurse........ Beyond that.. I may just tell as people ask.. And go from there. I am proud of my decision- not ashamed of it.... But I don't want to be the focus of back to school inservice either! :cursing: Ddow: I have to do the pre-made EAS shakes... Wish I had some advice!
  12. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    Hi y'all! Hey, ddow... How'd it go today?? Two more days and I'll join you for the pre-op diet. :cursing: I am actually looking forward to it! My eating is awful lately. Guess no time like the present to get it under control! Hope everyone is doing well.
  13. timandmich

    Any August 2010 Bandsters?

    I'llb be joining you w/the shakes on Saturday, ddow! :scared2: Surgery 8/13 for me! Saturday begins pre-op diet... And Monday I will begin getting my classroom all ready so it' done before surgery! Any of you teachers decide whether or not to tell your campus or team??
  14. timandmich

    Holy cow that was a cinch!!

    Sounds awesome! Good for you. I hope I am as lucky!
  15. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Aw, wow! We DO have tons in common. So, so glad we met! I really like True Results so far. I start my pre-op on Saturday! I am doing 2-3 shakes per day w/one meal... Meat & green veg. My eating has sucked lately, so I am actually kind of looking forward to the diet! My surgeon really prefers EAS advantage EDGE shakes... So... That's what it is for me. I need to go stock up. I am very anxious for the band too! So excited. :scared2: how do you feel...?
  16. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Oh wow- very cool!! Where are you from...? Yes! I'd love to be buddies- be nice to go through this together! I have 2 great para's... And I know they will be supportive. I am more bothered by wanting/needing to pick up and love on my own lil 2 year old at home! she's my love~ When do you begin your pre-op diet?
  17. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    Aww wow! Yep- so much for routines! What grade do you teach...? I teach PPCD-3, 4, & 5 year olds w/disabilities. So- YES.. Lots to decorate and set up! I can get into my room beginning on Aug 2nd. I plan to go soon as I can and take from the 2nd until surgery date (13th) getting all ready! So.. Yeah... Surgery on 13th.... 16-20th is basically planning/mtgs... So should be OK I think.... I hope to hear back from you.
  18. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    I want to blog, yes... But not too sure where/how to get started! I have lots of pics.... Soo ready! Where will you blog??
  19. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    Yay! August 13 for me!! :smile2:. It's official... Just waiting for a time... I will start pre-op diet on Saturday! Eek...
  20. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    Congratulations jingle! That's so exciting. I am hoping my stuff is submitted today. Awesome lk77!! :smile: No date for me yet.. Prayers for yuo losethemess! Sounds like we are on the same track! I had my last appt. yesterday as well!
  21. Hi! Let's see.... I had to do 4 months of nutrition visits.... blood work... chest xray... EKG... psych eval... and that's about it. My pre-op diet should begin in close to two weeks.... I am lucky in the sense that I do get to eat a little! My surgeon prefers EAS Shakes for breakfast and lunch.. then chicken or turkey and a green veggie for dinner.
  22. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    oooh... forgot... stats: Michelle, 34 years old, 5'9", 305 lbs.
  23. timandmich

    August 2010 anyone?

    Hi y'all! I'm Michelle. I am being banded with True Results here in SA, TX~ I have my last required weightloss visit and nutrition visit on July 8th... then we submit and wait for insurance approval. I am really hoping for an August date as well~ I am a teacher like some of you, and want to be banded when we go back to work! :confused: It's nice to meet y'all.
  24. timandmich

    One baby step closer!

    Sounds like things are going really well for you! Congratulations on the baby step! I have had my seminar and have my initial consultation with the surgeon, psych, nutritonist, etc. this Thursday. I am a teacher... so work in the school system as well... and am looking at the summer for a probable surgery date. :thumbup: Be nice to keep in touch!
  25. timandmich

    San Antonio

    hi... just me again... :rolleyes2: I had my seminar this past weekend..... I'm getting very nervous/excited/anxious. I have my initial appt. this coming Thursday........ anyone with some ideas of what to expect at this appt.?

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