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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timandmich

  1. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    That's awesome Tylee... You're doing great.
  2. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Never say never, Amber... Unless your tubes are tied or something! We were done..didn't want to go thru this again...but, the pill didn't stop this!I only had 2 days of bedrest after the cerclage last week. Since then I am working, and trying to take it easy when I get home. I'm interested in what my OB will say tomorrow when I see her about the fact that I feel my stitch. Clayton, our son, was in the level III NICU... 35 days before he passed. Jordan, our daughter, was taken out at wk 36 and only have to stay 2 days in the NICU. I'm very, very anxious about this pregnancy... I pray all the time for peace of mind. Thx again for writing Amber- it helps. Thanks so much, Dee..I appreciate it.
  3. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Wow Amber...sorry you lost your son--it's so hard. I was so scared while pregnant w/my daughter....had cerclage at week 10 and 24 weeks of bedrest. I just had this cerclage at 13 weeks and am not prescribed bedrest. Did you have bedrest at all? I feel like this time I can feel the stitch too- it's weird. I have a follow up tomorrow....we'll see what she says. Thanks for writing.
  4. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    So..... Update for me... I am an amazing 13 wks pregnant.. I was preg when I had lapband surg... About 4 wks... Didn't show up on their routine urine test... No clue...and it lived...and looks great....just found out last Tues-Jordan, our daughter, said mommy u have my baby brother in ur tummy... I took a test, and sure enough... went to OB, confirmed via ultrasound... A whopping 12 wks... Turned 13 wks on Mon.. And had a cerclage placed yesterday to hold cervix closed since I have incompetent cervix. I am scared. My son was born at just 24 wks due to incompetent cervix, and died 35 days later... Then w/my daughter I had a cerclage and 6 mths of bedrest. It's crazy..we were on the pill and everything... God has a plan I guess.. For now I am leaving the band alone...no prob eating as of yet...so, no need to unfill at this time.... Pray for us!
  5. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    So sorry to hear that Amanda.
  6. timandmich


    I just was banded Aug 13th, 2010...........and have just found out I'm pregnant. I'm freaking out..... Soo soon!! I also have incompetent cervix... So that's scaring me to death as well........ Just needed to share w/people as I sit in OBGYN's office in disbelief..........!
  7. timandmich


    You just made me cry...thanks for the congratulations! My doc was amazing~ you're right. Very positive, and proactive. We have a plan in place already and another appt tomorrow. Whew~ what a day!
  8. Wow, Angera-- same band date, and you are here in SA? I'm doing OK... How are things for you??
  9. I am in San Antonio! I was banded Aug 13th by Dr. Richard Benavides with True Results.
  10. Hi! I am Michelle.. I live in San Antonio, TX. I teach 3, 4, and 5 year olds with special needs. I am married and have a beautiful 3 year old daughter. :smile2:
  11. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    I personally had effects immediately from the fill....but I DO think it takes a few days for potential swelling to go down and things to kind of settle before you get the "true" effect of the fill. I have my next fill on the 6th...hoping it's smoother than the 1st one! Eek..
  12. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    I think you hit the nail on the head: it shouldn't be an all the time "diet". I watch "normal" people eat--people w/o obesity issues.....I think WW is a healthy way of eating....not a "diet"....and I also think it's going to be OK to not micromanage points..splurge when you want to, in moderation...and in general try to eat healthier. I guess I feel like WW's could be as much a tool as the band is in re-learning how to eat...and rebuilding a relationship w/food. No idea if that makes sense...it's clear in my head... LOL
  13. timandmich

    Recovery period

    I think you have to rely on your pain tolerance, and your own knowledge of your body. I have had a lot of knee surgeries...and I have a high pain tolerance. I teach 3, 4, and 5 year olds w/disabilities-there is lifting at times, a lot of up and down off the floor, and a lot of energy required. I had surg Aug. 13th, and I went back to work on Aug 16th. I've been fine. Does your doc have recommendations?
  14. timandmich

    Half way to goal!

    Awesome--congratulations! Your hard work is paying off!
  15. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    I started back at my boot camp yesterday...it felt awesome! Since my weird fill this week, and beginning back at exercising, I've lost 4 lbs and I have energy again! :thumbup: yay!
  16. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Oh....so, moral of the story? Don't be too anxious for an aggressive fill! I was so stoked that she was putting another 1.5 cc's...turns out, for me, .5 was plenty! So, now I have 4. Of course a lot of surgeons don't put any during the operation like mine did. I go back Oct 6th if I feel I need another.
  17. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Ok... Just didn't want to freak anyone out...I'm one of those people that if it can happen, it'll happen to me. LOL So, went in, had vitals done, than went into the room to have my fill under fluoro. Turns out she stuck me so many times on monday b/c we were in the wrong place-my port is a good 3" lower than we thought. So, found it- but could not reach it. So, she had to get the 2.75" needle....after some digging around- we found it. She took out what was in there: 3.5 cc's... Then put back a total of 5 cc's. Then I sat up to drink the water. I took a sip..burped twice. Tried another sip~ burped more. Felt a little strange, so sat in the waiting room to try to finish my water. Took another tiny sip...and my chest hurt a little. Meanwhile I'm having this conversation w/myself in my head: Michelle, stop...this is normal...you're fine...you've just read too much online......... Meanwhile my fingers are tingling...I am sweating like crazy....and the lady at the desk is like: ms. Andrews, are you ok? Umm....noooo... They took me back to the room to check my bp: never had bp probs, but anyway---174/105!! I felt sooo bad...they put me on the table...took out 1 cc of saline...and I had instant relief. Stopped the sweats...finished my water...and bp dropped back to 118/68. Whew....and I feel great. Satisfied w/my shakes right now...mushies tomorrow, solids on friday.............pretty scary experience..but happy outcome...
  18. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Thanks for asking tara...I don't know that I should go into too much detail......I think what happened w/me was rare....if y'all want to know, I'll share....but for now I will say I had a fill, and slight unfill all today. I feel great now. We'll see if this restriction lasts...gives me hope.
  19. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    Here waiting for adjustment under fluoro.......... Here's hoping they find it this time....talk about nerve racking!
  20. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    So...fill didn't happen. 30 minutes and lots of pokes later...still no luck. She said she does not think anything is "wrong"... Just "deeper" than she is comfy "digging" w/o doing it under xray. So..... We try again wednesday. Other than that, things seem good. Fun times~ if something weird can happen? It'll happen to me. Let y'all know what happens Wed.!
  21. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    I can totally relate w/the whole hunger thing. I DO eat less than before... But I get so hungry way too often... And definitely eat more than a half cup of food! LOL. 1st fill this afternoon--hoping for a change!!
  22. timandmich

    August Rush in bandland!

    I was banded on Aug 13th... I've lost about 25 lbs..... And I am hungry all the time. I have my 1st fill on Sept. 13, Monday.... So stoked for it! :smile:
  23. I have the same ins- my first actual appt was April 8... And I was banded on Aug 13. It's tight... But if you get an appt soon, I DO think it's possible. I had to do 4 weightloss visits- if you have to do only 3, you should be fine. Good luck!!
  24. timandmich

    Advice needed!!

    I think we all react and heal differently.... I think it's possible, yes... I had surgery on the 13th and was back to work on the 16th.... Good luck!
  25. timandmich

    back to work too soon?

    So... They want to schedule my surgery for Aug 13th.. :smile2: :smile: However..... I go back to work for inservice/mtgs on Aug 16th!! I've always, always recovered quickly from surgery.... But am a bit concerned... That's fast!!.............. It is mostly sitting and listening those 1st couple of days though...... Input/thoughts??

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