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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lulu66

  1. Lulu66

    Anyone from Texas?

    Metroplex Adventist Hospital has a Bariatric Support Group, anyone is welcome. Weight Loss Surgery is just a tool, and the support is what matters. Their number is 254-519-8491. Good luck on your Journey. LuLu66
  2. Metroplex Adventist Hospital has a Bariatric Support Group, anyone is welcome!. Weight Loss Surgery is just a tool and support is what matters the most. Their number is 254-519-8491. Good Luck on your Journey! Lulu66
  3. Metroplex Adventist Hospital in Killeen has a support group, anyone is welcome. Weight loss surgery is just the tool and what matters the most is the support you are getting !. for info call 254-519-8491 Have a happy Journey! Lulu66
  4. Lulu66

    Lulu66's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  5. Lulu66

    Starting over....Need a buddy

    Hello Everyone! You all have already made the biggest step there is... You reached out and asked for help and support...... that is huge!! So give yourself a pat on the back. As long as we keep trying that is all what matters. Bad habits and weight do not kreep over night and it takes 3 weeks of conscious effort to work on one habit at a time. We gals are very emotional and taking a real good look why we eat in the first place...we eat because we are bored, happy ..... and to also differentiate between truely being hungry and head hunger. that that make a big difference as well, to know when we are hungry because we need food as fuel. My surgeon told me to throw the word diet out of the window and he was right......we have to eat to live and food can be enjoyed as long as it is in moderation. So .... allow yourself the occasional splurge as long as it is occasional A journey is the time where you learn healthy habit and get better at it, also work on some of the emotional challenges and do something healthy other than eat.. call a friend, Zumba etc. Surround yourself with friends and family and Celebrate each little achievement. Positive affirmation is also a good practice to be proud of who you are and what you have achieved. Lulu 66 ( FKing70821@aol.com)
  6. Lulu66

    Starting over....Need a buddy

    Do not give up! As long as you have your buddy, and you have the possitive attitude to get to your goal you will be able to get there. I also would be more than happy to give you support, encouagement and and a place to vent it you face challenges. I have all the confidence in you that you can achieve your goal. Please e mail me and we go from there So do not give up Lulu66
  7. Hey Guys!! Congrats to you to become a member of the Bandster club! I am here to help LuLu 66
  8. Congrats again to be part of the bandster club and it truely takes a while to get used to your new buddy and the way satiety now feels. The biggest thing is to get the hang of changing habits and eat healthy, the bandster way. It takes a little while because your are truely transitioning into a new way of life on your journey because what you do from here on out will stay with you for the rest of your life. So keep yournaling and keep every day an " I can do"attitude and reach out for support to cheer you on and when bumps in the road come up guide you through them. So if you like Pm me lulu66:rolleyes2:
  9. I live in Killeen and welcome to the bandster club. It is not quiet near the austin area but it is not to far. I am here to help. Lulu66:rolleyes2:
  10. I am here to help!! First of all, welcome to the bandster club and congratulations that you are so motivated. I had my surgery 18 month ago and have reached m goal set by my MD and I. I have decided to see if I even can go just a little lower. It was the best decison I have ever don for myself and I too had a buddy from here to help me along my journey. For shopping, key pieces of wardrobe are a good idea and scond hand shops or clothes from other bandsters you can shrink into work great. So Congrats and welcome.!! If you like you can pm me. LuLu66:thumbup::thumbup::ohmy:
  11. Hello there! Dr Sankaralingam is baritric surgeon who moved from Temple to Killeen with his practice. As far as I know he takes patients for fills. Good luck with your search Lulu66
  12. Lulu66

    Any Killeen Bandsters?

    Howdy I also live in Killeen and I am a Bandster as well. Congratulations to you and for the decision to join the Club. For me it was the best decision I could have ever made for myself. No regrets whatshowever. I would do it again. I am here for you if you would like to e-mail. Greetings Lulu 66
  13. Lulu66

    Hello from Fort Hood

    Hello Sunset21May, It took about 6 weeks after my PCP refered me to the surgeon, after I did get to talk to the MD, he refered me to the Nutritionist and the Psychololgist for an eval and counceling. After that, it actually went pretty quick. I was already for my primary care at Kings Daughters, Temple and they also just started with the Lap-band. You also have a choice of going to Scott and White for bariatric surgery. I am very comfortable with Dr S. and his staff. For me it was the best thing ever! If you have any questions just ask ! Greetings Lulu66
  14. Lulu66

    Hello from Fort Hood

    Hello and Welcome! I also live in Killeen and was banded Dec 16th and I have found LBT is so supportive to one another. I am more than happy to help as well. Greetings Lulu66:thumbup:
  15. Lulu66

    Waco Band Buddies

    Hi daqui26, I started out before prop diet at 264 lbs, but my highest ever was 287 lbs, have been yoyo dieting for over 17 years, (lost 20 gained 25 back and so on) on the day of surgery I had 255, so far I have lost 6 lbs, but I have not had a fill yet and I am walking every day. I am happy not to have gained any weight even tough the weight loss is slow. The main thing is that you stick to the rules and the band will do its part. Greetings :rolleyes2:Lulu66
  16. Lulu66

    Waco Band Buddies

    Hi daqui26, :wink_smile: Happy New Year/new you to you !! I hope the preop diet is going alright, I know the waiting for surgery is somewhat annoying but it is so worth it !! I am right now graduated to purred food/ mushies (Yumm), and the band has really become a good buddy of mine. It was the best desicion I have made for myself and I am glad I did it !! ... If you like you can pm FKing70821@aol.com Greetings Bea:wink_smile:
  17. Lulu66

    Waco Band Buddies

    Hi there , I also had my lapband done @ KDH Dec. 16 th, I live in the Killeen area, would love to chat with local and give support. Lulu66:wink_smile:
  18. Hey you bandsters out there! I just had my band done Dec. 16th, and I know it's the best thing I have ever done for myself. I want to let you all know how inspirational you all have been for me to go forward with this procedure. Have a great holiday season and a healthy 09 Bea:thumbup::tongue_smilie::thumbup::tongue::thumbup::thumbup::eek:
  19. Hello y'all! My name is Bea, I am 42 years old and have 2 beautiful kids, a husband I adore and is been very supportive thoughout this journey. I have been yo-yo dieting since I can remember, always after loosing; the weight came back with a vengance some pounds added on... I got tired of it, want to feel good about myself .. the wakeup call for me was my dad having his 3rd stroke, diabetes II high blood pressure just to keep the list short... and we are our parents offspring. With a very good likelyhood of also getting these illensses when I get older and with some of it ...I might be bordeline. I got started in Sept. I am now on my pre-op diet and scheduled to have surgery on Dec. 16th. I am a little nervous and excited at the same time!! I know the lap-band will be a tool for life, to keep the weight in check once and for all !!! And I am ready.. Glad to be here and Seasons Greetings to All :thumbup::girl_hug: Bea
  20. Hello Perky66 I glad you have responded, and I see that you are also a member of AOL. If you like to p.m. me my e-mail adress is FKing70821@aol.com Thanks again Bea and I am glad ....
  21. Lulu66

    Killeen/Ft Hood?

    I also live in Killeen and I will get banded on Dec 16th. Would be great to have a local support group to give support to each other... Greetings Bea :tongue2:
  22. I am glad your are at the beginning of your journey!! I will keep you in my prayers tonight. I would be glad to receive and give support at the same time to you. I am scheduled to have surgery Dec. 16th ... It is a tool on the road to be happy and healty again and I am glad to share this journey with someone. Greetings Bea:thumbup:
  23. I would be honored to have you as my lap band buddy. I am having surgery 16th of Dec. You have been walking this path before me and I congratulate you to your success.. BRRAVO!!! .... and I am glad you are here.. Greetings Bea:thumbup:
  24. Lulu66

    in Bell Co. Texas

    Re: Bell County Tx Hi Gracie, I just found this website and I am scheduled to have surgery in Dec. aslo @ KDH, the staff has been very wonderful. I am looking forward of being healthy again Greetings Lulu66

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