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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rosebud51

  1. :wink: I had my lapband on Feb 4/09 and I saw Dr Tom two weeks later.Everything was fine & I made my appt for my first fill for the end of Feb. The last week in Feb his office called & said he took an indefinite leave of absence. That's all they would tell me. Someone did tell me he went to Georgetown Ky. My question is whats the big secret? Why didnt he tell his patients he was leaving? Other Dr's had to step in for him so I got two fills Dr Moon 5cc 3/9 Dr Brown 2cc 3/30
  2. rosebud51

    Anyone Out There?!?

    Where in ky are you
  3. rosebud51

    Anyone Out There?!?

    HI, I'm from Northern Ky, about 20 Min's from Cincinnati Ohio. I will be seeing Dr Sonnanstine on 10/28 This is my first visit. I also have United Health care & they cover 90%
  4. rosebud51

    Hi From KY-

    Hi, Im in northen ky & so want to do the lapband. I've been checking it out for about 2 yrs. Not sure what Dr is the best but Im about 30 mins away from Cincinnati. I hope things go well for you,I'll keep checking in. rosebud51
  5. Hi everyone,

    I'm new to all of this.

    I'm in Northern Ky.

    Has anyone had Dr Tom Sonnanstine in Florence

    I had an appointment w/him on 10/28

    I,ve heard a little on this site but still not sure about him.


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