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Missing Me15

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Missing Me15

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  • Birthday 06/29/1972
  1. Hey there! Imp a little late to the conversation but was sleeved on Aug 3rd. Things have been good for the most part! Certainly happy with my weight loss but I don't want to eat! I am really struggling with food! When I think about it everything sounds good, and smells good but when I think about actually eating it I feel nauseous! Anyone else have this problem? I also have had what I call a lump in my throat since week3. Its not really a lump and it comes and goes but it also gives me a sick feeling. I have tried taking Omneprozal 20mg. a day, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Any ideas?
  2. Missing Me15

    Sleeved Aug. 3rd- Did you feel like this?

    Thank You so much! Is Prilosec ok to take? I already have some of that. I will give it a try for a couple days and see if that helps. It doesn't burn like typical heart burn so I didn't think about that. Thanks again for your quick responses!
  3. I was sleeved Aug. 3rd and felt great for the first couple weeks. Starting at about week 3 I was feeling nauseous and like I have big lump in my throat. It kind of gives you that choking feeling but not. ( Sorry if thats hard to understand.) I have these feelings before I eat, after I eat, whnen I wake up and when I go to bed. Please tell me this will go away. Anyone else go through this?
  4. Missing Me15

    August Calendar for August Sleevers

    Aug. 3rd. Thank You!
  5. Missing Me15

    22 days post op and feeling nauseous

    Thank You so much TamaraBeck! You don't know how much I appreciate that!
  6. I'm sorry if there is a thread out there already but I didn't see it. I am currently 22 days post op and I feel so Nauseous and as if there is something stuck in my throat. The thing is, it doesn't matter what I eat or don't eat. Today all I have had is Water and I still feel like this. Is this normal? Will this pass soon? I am down 29lbs and so I am happy about that but I just hate this feeling! I have to many other things to do than feel like this! Thanks for listening and for any advice!
  7. Missing Me15

    Any Washington State Sleevers?

    Im in Tri-Cities. Just had my Sleeve done on Aug.3. We should chat!
  8. Happy 41st Birthday JJ165!

  9. Happy 40th Birthday JJ165!

  10. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary JJ165!

  11. Missing Me15

    Unusual Questions

    Mi_illusion_st...Thanks for the list! It looks very thorough and I will print it up. Slim-n-tn...Thank you also! I will make sure to ask those questions as well.....Thanks again for your time!
  12. Hey there guys! I have been looking into the band and found this site with all of your wonderful forums and information. I have been reading as many as I can and I have to say there is so much great information here! I am going to a seminar next week on the 22nd and I was wondering if there were any questions that I should ask. There are of course the obvious ones but I am looking for the questions that arent so obvious to someone that has not been banded yet. Anything you could suggest would be wonderful! Thanks for your time!

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