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goodbye overweight

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by goodbye overweight

  1. goodbye overweight

    Frustrated and Disappointed

    It's a New Year and you have time to do the right thing, We all slip and fall, eat the wrong things and gain and lose. It's trial and error, you'll learn. Get back up!!!
  2. goodbye overweight

    starving and surgery is finally here

    Tomorrow at 6am i will be banded and i am very excited,a little anxious but still hopeful.this has been a long journey just to get to this point.I am happy it is finally here. I didn't do well om the liquid diet pre op. Do anyone have any suggestions to share? I really need help.:eek:
  3. goodbye overweight

    starving and surgery is finally here

    Gordita, I was on a liquid diet for seems like forever i'm still having problem with food.I drink a lot of shakes and i'm now down 40pds.
  4. goodbye overweight

    20pds lost two weeks,not much since

    It's been hard, i'm in the phase of why me, I've lost 40 pds as of today and i am still having a lot of problem with food.I'm getting to the point i do not want to eat.any suggestions?
  5. goodbye overweight

    20pds lost two weeks,not much since

    It's been a while i am back...I had some difficulties with the hernia repair and not being able to eat.Seafood seems to be my friend very small amounts and where i loved chicken it's now my enemy.Chicken feel very heavy...It's been about 6 weeks now and i'm down 23 pounds, i lost 20 the first two weeks and has lost 3 the past 4 weeks. that concern me because i can not eat ...i've been drinking a lot of protein shakes and i can tolerate carrots. So i've been alittle depressed thinking about what's the problem? Why have i stop losing? trying to stay positive 23 pds 6 weeks is still very good.any suggestions..
  6. goodbye overweight


    Hello, I'm going in for pre-op tomorrow 10/13/08.This has been a long journey of doctor's appointments and insurance approval:cursing: ,I think i'm finally there and i am ready.
  7. goodbye overweight


    I've been really depressed and wondering was this the right thing to do.I have been really unhappy.I have lost 40 pds since surgery and i do feel better as far as my hypertension and diabetes,but this is very hard for me. How are you doing?
  8. goodbye overweight

    20pds lost two weeks,not much since

    It's been a while i am back...I had some difficulties with the hernia repair and not being able to eat.Seafood seems to be my friend very small amounts and where i loved chicken it's now my enemy.Chicken feel very heavy...It's been about 6 weeks now and i'm down 23 pounds, i lost 20 the first two weeks and has lost 3 the past 4 weeks. that concern me because i can not eat ...i've been drinking a lot of protein shakes and i can tolerate carrots. So i've been alittle depressed thinking about what's the problem? Why have i stop losing? trying to stay positive 23 pds 6 weeks is still very good.any suggestions..
  9. goodbye overweight

    beyonce concert/pre op

    From the album: goodbye overweight

  10. goodbye overweight

    Post -op 4 days out

    I am 4 days out post-op and i am starving. what is wrong? i'm feeling very depressed and wondering why me . i know food was my comforter but i have drawn many pictures read many books and nothing is helping me.I cried all night last night and feel like what have i done?suggestions please!!!!!
  11. Hello my name is sabrina , i'm post-op 4 days and starving, when is your surgery?

  12. goodbye overweight

    starving and surgery is finally here

    2 weeks on the liquid diet and now i'm pre-op 4 days and it has been rough.I'm having problems with taking all these vitamin and breaking up my pills to take. i had no ideas as far as the liquid diet so it's been rough.on the up side i have lost 10 pounds in 4 days.You will find out when you go to your first visit with the doctor, the purpose it to shrink the liver.Hope everything go well and i will be here if you have any questions.
  13. goodbye overweight

    Post -op 4 days out

    I am 4 days out post-op and i am starving. what is wrong? i'm feeling very depressed and wondering why me . i know food was my comforter but i have drawn many pictures read many books and nothing is helping me.I cried all night last night and feel like what have i done?suggestions please!!!!!
  14. goodbye overweight

    starving and surgery is finally here

    Tomorrow at 6am i will be banded and i am very excited,a little anxious but still hopeful.this has been a long journey just to get to this point.I am happy it is finally here. I didn't do well om the liquid diet pre op. Do anyone have any suggestions to share? I really need help.
  15. Thanks for the welcome, my big day is on 10/21/08 and i need all the support i can get!!!!

  16. My big day is 10/21/08 and i am very scared!!!!Thanks for the welcome. i really need alot of support

  17. goodbye overweight

    trauma survivor need help...

    Hello everyone my name is Sabrina and i will have surgery on 10/21/08. I am very scared!!I am a survivor of trauma,and i suffer from PTSD.I have major issues with my body image and i'm trying to get my life back.For so long i did not care about my appearance and really wanted to gain so much that no one would even look at me, disappear into the weight.I really need alot of support so i can start this journey and not allow my attacker to win.I think i'm making a great decision but i am very scared....my daughter has been very helpful , she manage to get me out of the house and attend different events but i am very afraid of going anywhere other than work and home.Food has really been my comforter.Any suggestions on how i can make it through this surgery?any suggestions on coping skills to substitute food?i welcome any advice..
  18. goodbye overweight

    trauma survivor need help...

    Hello everyone my name is Sabrina and i will have surgery on 10/21/08. I am very scared!!I am a survivor of trauma,and i suffer from PTSD.I have major issues with my body image and i'm trying to get my life back.For so long i did not care about my appearance and really wanted to gain so much that no one would even look at me, disappear into the weight.I really need alot of support so i can start this journey and not allow my attacker to win.I think i'm making a great decision but i am very scared....my daughter has been very helpful , she manage to get me out of the house and attend different events but i am very afraid of going anywhere other than work and home.Food has really been my comforter.Any suggestions on how i can make it through this surgery?any suggestions on coping skills to substitute food?i welcome any advice..
  19. You are such a inspiration, i have my surgery on 10/21/08 and i am very scared but it helps to see there are people doing well.What are your suggestions for liquid diet?
  20. goodbye overweight

    goodbye overweight

  21. goodbye overweight

    preop 2006

    From the album: goodbye overweight

  22. goodbye overweight

    beyonce concept/pre op

    From the album: goodbye overweight

  23. goodbye overweight

    beyonce concert/ pre op

    From the album: goodbye overweight

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
