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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jerseyshore

  1. I have my surgery on Monday and am scared, and excited, both at same time. Looking forward to meeting all of you. :thumbup:
  2. Jerseyshore

    What's up all? Newbie here!

    Hi Everyone. Can someone tell me where to go to get all of the weight loss symbols at the bottom of each post? I cannot seem to find them on this site. Thanks so much!
  3. Jerseyshore

    Surgery on Monday

    Hi AVi. I am also scheduled for surgery at NYU on MOnday. Dr. Ren is my DOctor. Yours?
  4. Jerseyshore

    Surgery on Monday!

    Hi SUe. I also have my surgery on MOnday. Good luck and I know we will both do great!

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