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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Jerseyshore

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/29/1958

About Me

  • State
    New Jersey
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  1. Happy 54th Birthday Jerseyshore!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday Jerseyshore!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Jerseyshore!

  4. Jerseyshore

    What's up all? Newbie here!

    Hi Everyone. Can someone tell me where to go to get all of the weight loss symbols at the bottom of each post? I cannot seem to find them on this site. Thanks so much!
  5. Jerseyshore

    Surgery on Monday

    Hi AVi. I am also scheduled for surgery at NYU on MOnday. Dr. Ren is my DOctor. Yours?
  6. Jerseyshore

    Surgery on Monday!

    Hi SUe. I also have my surgery on MOnday. Good luck and I know we will both do great!
  7. I have my surgery on Monday and am scared, and excited, both at same time. Looking forward to meeting all of you. :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
