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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Firedad53073

  1. Hi I just wanted to say my birthday is may 30th. its cool yours is the 29th...

  2. Firedad53073

    Nemo Ride Florida

    AWW! look how cute you ate.
  3. Firedad53073

    Dec 08 -80 lbs

    You were pretty before. You look great! Keep it up :-)
  4. Firedad53073

    Disney on Ice with my son - 12 weeks out of surgery

    Looking really good...
  5. Firedad53073

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    :thumbup:Welcome back!
  6. Firedad53073

    Side by side

    From the album: Just happy Old me

  7. Firedad53073

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Nurses have my full respect. I cant even think about how much patients it takes to be a nurse and deal with all you have to deal with. I guess as a Fire fighter I just have a thing for nurses. Thank you for all you do!
  8. Firedad53073


    WOW! you are beautifull
  9. Firedad53073

    i know im a pretty girl, but im not happy, my smile hides it

    Yes you are very pretty.
  10. Firedad53073

    For my Lady.

    :thumbup: I have always thought of love as kind of well a hoax, we all know cupid that crazy fellow he will do any thing for a joke. He aims his arrow at every one he sees, the next thing you know loves great strength brings us to our knees. I wrote this little poem just to remind it is not love that alters when it alteration finds.:blushing:
  11. Firedad53073

    For my Lady.

    :thumbup: I have always thought of love as kind of well a hoax, we all know cupid that crazy fellow he will do any thing for a joke. He aims his arrow at every one he sees, the next thing you know loves great strength brings us to our knees. I wrote this little poem just to remind it is not love that alters when it alteration finds.:confused:
  12. You see that doesnt make since to me. The people we would look to for support the most turning in to the first person to drag you in the dirt. Just like with my Ex wife she got over 300lbs and I supported her every step of the way when she decided she wanted the gastric bypas I worked 3 jobs so we could pay for the sergery. And as soon as she got down to the 120s and less She decided she could not be with a fat guy and divorced me. LOL. its funny the guy she left me for slept with her cousin and now she is all alone and I am getting on with my life.
  13. Firedad53073

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I am so sorry to hear what you have been forced to go through. That is the hardest thing in the world to deal with. I wish you all of the best and you and your family are in my prayers. I have been through something very simular and would not wish that on anyone.
  14. Firedad53073

    Down 43 pnds since surgery and 70 in 6 months!!

    You are simply gorgeous.
  15. Firedad53073

    after 55lbs lost

    Wow! way to go keep up the great work.
  16. :shades_smile:Keep up the good work you are doing great. It is hard to be motivated on the graveyard shift I know this to be a fact. The confidence will come right along with those results the more the results the stronger your confidence will become. It wont hurt to put a little bounce in your step confidence is sexy and the happier you are with your self the hotter you will be.
  17. Firedad53073

    My dog Petri (shes adorable right?) and Mikey the turtle

    AWW! How cute.
  18. Firedad53073

    Me at a pajama party

    WOW! you have pretty eyes.
  19. Firedad53073

    No caption

    WOW! You go! Girl...
  20. WOW! great job you look awsome.
  21. Good luck with your bypass. I know every one is diffrent but my best friend had the bypass and she lost a whole lot of weight. She says its one of the best thing s she has ever done. I know you will be fine.

  22. Firedad53073

    I'm a dork! LOL

    WOW! great job keep up the great work.
  23. Firedad53073

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Thank you all for your support It really means a lot to me. I should start measuring just see what happens. I have been on third shift and that doesnt help me to get in the gym because I am always exuasted when I work thirds. I am going to swing shift and that is a little better. I am going to try to lose as much as I can before Xmas for a preasent to my self...

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