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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jmonash

  1. Hi everyone. I was banded 1/08. Down a measly 10#. I need to know how much protien we are supposed to be getting. I was getting too much for awhile and was gaining, so I am scared of it. Also, when you are out and even at home what is a good way to tell how much a cup is? Also any one have any advice on how to get some energy. I do not like energy drinks. Thanks for any advice
  2. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! I was banded in MX 1/8/08. I am only down 10# I am sooo disappointed. I have has 3-4 fills. I am very sensitive to fills and have even had to be unfilled once because it was too much! I do not have a dr. here in IN where I live per say. There is only one dr. in my area that will do fills in pts. that were banded in MX so I have few choices. I was a surrogate just to get the money to pay for this surgery. I pay cash for all my fills, they are $300 a pop! I do not have it like that. I am a single mom, full time nursing student. The only insurance I have is Medicaid. There is no reason I should not be losing weight. I eat so much less than I used to. I have exercised, not exercised still no budge. I do not know what to do. At this point I want it taken out. The dr. in MX is not much help, nor is the one here. If I am going to be fat at least I should be able to eat the Big Macs and stuff at least then I'd know why I was still fat! My band is 10cc and I think I have 4-5cc in it. That doesn't sound like much but as I said I am very sensitve to fills. I throw up at least every other day if not everyday because food gets stuck. And I have had this fill for at least a month or more. What should I do? Any professionals that could help? I am so frustrated and disgusted with myself. My friend was banded there a few mos. before me and have never had a fill and lost 40+. I am so embarrassed to even tell people I had it because I have not lost. My boyfriend who sees what I eat wonders why I cannot lose as well. I am crying as I write and do not care who knows at this point! :sad::frown::lol::confused:
  3. I was worried about getting too much protien b/c I was getting 80 grams a day and was gaining. So I cut down. How much should female at my weight be getting?
  4. Thanks for every body who has replied. It is very hard to "keep your chin up and get yourself going again" when you have never really started to loose. But I am taking in all that everyone has offered.
  5. I will give you an idea of what I ate yesterday. I ate 1 crab cake at 12 noon. That was my first meal. I had a snack at 5:30p of cheeze it crackers. At 8:30 pm when I got home from school. I tried to eat a bowl of pot roast w/ carrots, pots, onions. I got about 1/2 the bowl down and threw it all up. I then fixed soup to help calm evrything back down. The soup was hot and sour soup I made at home w/ an egg in it. That is a normal day.
  6. jmonash

    Me before I got fat

    From the album: Me still no loss

  7. jmonash

    and me

    From the album: Me still no loss

  8. jmonash

    Me still no loss

  9. jmonash


    From the album: Me still no loss

  10. jmonash


    From the album: Me still no loss

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
