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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Stitchy

  1. Ddiedre Thank you for that explanation. It makes lots of sense, now. And that is something I can explain to my engineering-mentality DH.
  2. Stitchy

    Please help me again!

    SherriJo You sound very normal. You are voluntarily doing something invasive to your body. It's a huge step. It's a huge committment. I had a lot of doubts. I was scared, nervous. You name it, I felt it. I mean, I had *only* 100 lbs to lose. But then I thought about it a lot more. Yes, I probably could lose a bunch again with a traditional diet. I have done it in the past. BUT, every single time, it would all come back - and bring some friends. What made me think that this time would be any different? This time, I wanted - really wanted - for it to work. To be gone for good. To have something more that my weak willpower working for me. My gatekeeper will always be with me. I still feel I made the best choice for me.
  3. Stitchy


    GAS!! Big wind! Oh, yeah. about 5 weeks out and still gassy. I haven't found any of the OTC meds that work. For that matter, I don't know if there are any that would work. I haven't complained to my PCP yet. I'm just grossing out my DH. :faint:
  4. Stitchy

    need help making a decision

    My reasons for the band over bypass: No malabsorption. My stomach is still intact and digesting properly. No irreversible cutting, stapling or other rearranging of internal organs. The band is reversible. If necessary, it is simply removed and everything is back to normal. Shorter recovery time. I was back at work in a week. Mortality rate from surgery is less. A real plus, I think. No need to take a slug of Vitamins, and other supplements for the rest of my life. I take one chewable Multivitamin a day. No dumping syndrome. Gross! Bypass loses weight very quickly, but in 2-3 years, the actual amount for both is generally the same. Slow losing just sounds more sane to me. I am hoping my skin will not be as droopy by going slow. I can still eat sugars and other foods that are off limits to bypass. Maybe I shouldn't, but I could.
  5. Stitchy

    Someone please help

    I agree with Shawn about starting out with warm liquids. This hasn't been a problem for me, but I have heard many people have tea or coffee first thing in the morning to *open* up the stoma. That may change after a couple of fills. It apparently has a relaxing effect. I would go with that for a few days at least. Go slow and take care of yourself. But that also means keep on sipping - apparently no gulping for you. You need to keep hydrated.
  6. I've lost 24 lbs. That sounds pretty good to me. Yesterday, while working in the garage with DH, I saw a 24 bag of charcoal. I picked up and walked around. Oof! Heavy. I gave it to DH and asked if it was pretty heavy and he said yep! His eyes got big when I told him that was how much I have lost so far and need to lose 3 more of them. Really drives it home when you can relate pounds lost to something tangible.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :bandit
  7. Stitchy

    need help making a decision

    I absolutely recommend the band. I think we would need to know what area you live in to make a recommendation. Several people have good opinions of the Mexico Doctors. I'm sure you will be getting some advice from them
  8. Stitchy

    This will blow your mind

    SherriJo I agree with Fishy's post. I was self pay, but chose a clinic in Washington State where the two doctors have perfomed over 1300 surgeries in 4 years. They are located less than an hour away, so for me, there was no option.
  9. Stitchy

    Pouch keeps stinging

    laurapar I think so too. It seems to me that if it was 5" under the skin and just fat that it wouldn't be so easily defined. I definately feel a *round* shape. Five inches??? That's a long ways in.
  10. Stitchy

    Someone please help

    I wouldn't drink anything for a little while. But, I would get comfortable with a heating pad. I used my heating pad on my tummy for several days and got lot of relief from it. I'm sorry about your argument, too.
  11. Stitchy

    Pouch keeps stinging

    My port incision is healing nicely, but the port *lump* was - and still is - very tender. I suppose I could describe it as stinging. The port is stitched to the muscle wall. I think that it is just taking time to heal - for me anyway.
  12. Stitchy


    Yeah, the first few days suck! liquid Protein you can buy in bottles at many health food stores, pharmacies. When you can drink milk, I stir in vanilla whey Protein powder. I like the vanilla taste. I buy it from PCC - a health food store in Washington. Also, Yogurt smoothies. And, patience. The first few days (weeks) are generally "WHAT have I done to myself?" But it gets better. I felt much better when I could eat soft foods.
  13. Stitchy

    PB's and sliming?

    Go the first post of this thread http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=16218 Good instructions for tickers.
  14. I was banded on a Tuesday, and went back to work the following Monday. However, I think it was too soon for me. I was very sore every day and extremely tired. The following week, I went in, but left a little early everyday. That was much better. Then the week after that, full time was just fine. That said, I am 60 years old. It might have been easier and faster if I were 30 years old
  15. I'm sorry that it hasn't worked out for you. Do you have any fill, now? Maybe you could try an unfull before the removal step?
  16. Stitchy

    Hi! I'm trying to take vicodin

    I bought a pill cutter at the pharmacy. I cut mine in half with it, but it cuts into quarters just fine. I think Vicodin tastes bitter so I pop one at a time in my mouth followed quickly by a little water and just hold it there a few seconds so it will soften. Then it slides right down.
  17. Stitchy

    Help From Probanders!!!!!

    If you have a Trader Joe's near you, check out the tomato soup w/roasted bell peppers. It comes in a box. Lots of flavor, no chunks. It helped me a lot. Just do your best to stick to the diet. Remember the liquid/mushie stage is to help your stomach heal, not to punish you. You want your poor injured stomach to remain calm. If you eat more substantial food it will start churning to digest and it could hurt your stitches. Be patient. It will pass. Kate - who just started eating real food this week.:hungry:
  18. Stitchy

    I made it...

    Regina First contgratulations! There will be ups and downs during the healing phase, but hang it there. In the scope of life, the liquids and mushies stage aren't all that long. And the pain after surgery will also subside. The third day is the hardest and then it gets better. I'm one month post-op and still gassy. Embarrasing, but so? Keep in posting and reading. You're pretty normal.
  19. Stitchy

    Real food is so good

    I agree, Dawg. French Fries aren't real food. I only ate 2 of them. But pre-band I would have eaten all of them and ordered seconds, too. I didn't get banded to count calories and Proteins, etc. I want to eat like normal people, like I used to, but I had to curb my appetite ... to eat less. And so far, that is true. I'm loosing 1-2 lbs a week. When that stops, I will go in for a fill. In the meantime, I love eating again ... and so far (well, except once) no golf balls or pb's.
  20. I finally got to start to eat real food this week. It so satisfying to chew real food. I'm going easy, not jumping into tough meat. I've been having white fish, crab cakes, etc. Tonight we went to Red Robin :hungry: and I had a glass of wine and their parmigiano (sp) chicken burger - sans bun and skipped the lettuce and tomato. I did indulge in a couple of fries. Wonderful! Could only eat half. The rest will be dinner tomorrow. DH continues to be amazed. Me too.
  21. Stitchy

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ June Chat

    Robin, I don't think it's that you won't be able to, it's that you shouldn't. The idea is to keep the food in your pouch for awhile so that you feel full for longer. The nerve sensors that indicate fullness are located at the top of the stomach where your new pouch is. If you drink with your meal, it will wash down into your lower stomach and you will feel hungry sooner. Remember, just because you can doesn't mean that you should.
  22. Stitchy

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    Amy - ROFL- you need to get a life! I mean, ironing sheets?:omg: What's a folding pallet? I love poly-cotton blend shirts. For some reason, the daughters give their dad all cotton shirts. I'm sure they feel great, but they are really wrinkly when he wears them. I Iron about once every 6 weeks.
  23. My stomach growls, too. I think it's pretty funny
  24. Stitchy

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ June Chat

    :bump: Bumping for me so this is a subscribed thread. I have been away for awhile and just discovered the new thread. Today, I can start solids - but gently. I brought home Mexican seafood enchilada. Going to last me for 3 wonerful tasty meals. This is so much better than chowing down the whole thing at once. It's nice to hear from everyone again. Since going on soft foods I haven't been losing much. I've been plateaued at 210 for well over a week. I only record my weight on Mondays. This Monday was 208 :clap2: . The next day, back to 210. I may have to change my ticker. :angry

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
