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About littlebylittle

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/13/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 27 year old married female, a psychotherapist for a community hospital
  • Interests
    I am athletic, and love sports, home decorating, painting
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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday littlebylittle!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday littlebylittle!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary littlebylittle!

  4. littlebylittle

    My fill, my anabuse!

    Dixiedoo- cute name by the way... You make A LOT of sense!!! I think, to a point, my words may not have carried through the best via post... I have pressure and pain as I adjust to a fill, and these fills do add to my anxiety, BUT I knew that this discomfort/pressure would get better as the days passed from my fill... now 8 days ago, it has. I think that in one of my post replies their lapband was viewed as their "best friend". I see a lot of danger in that, as I would feel GREAT betrayal if something ever happened to my band, regardless of my efforts (slippage, too tight, unfill, fill, plateus,ect.) I would find myself so bitter and jaded and hopeless if I viewed it that way... besides my weight loss is up to me, and not dependant on "my best friend", but ME, and afterall this is a medical tool, NOTHING ELSE... I digress, I made a bad choice to eat an orange on day 3 after my fill, and threw up for the first time 3 times to get all the pulp out that was stuck.... that inflamed it, I am sure, even more-stupid! Now who's rambling... lol Soooo about what you said about giving permission to eat small amounts, and questioning whether it is healthy or not... wow... I was just having that discussion with myself yesterday... I will continue with that mindset... you were SOOO HELPFUL.... To clerify to all lapbanders that have read my post: "anabuse" - when used correctly AS A TOOL FOR SOBRIETY does not make you sick, but allows you to stay sober to attend 12 step programming efforts, and to learn a QUALITY OF LIFE beyond drinking alcohol... doesn't the same apply to our lapbands?? when used correctly AS A TOOL FOR HEALTHY EATING it does not make me sick, but allows me to eat healthy, lose the excess weight, attend to my needs for personal growth and determination, and to learn a QUALITY OF LIFE beyond comforting myself with the wrong foods.... Does that make sense my friends??
  5. littlebylittle

    My fill, my anabuse!

    Well... here are my thoughts... I have been recalling all of my failed attempts at losing weight:ohmy:. I weighed in today at 214.6... down 65 lbs...that is the lowest since, ohhh I would say October 2004!!! The last time I was close was at 217... that was about May 07... that didn't last long (stress of wedding got to me by that point). I recalled many failed attempts in early college too... This is all what I used to soften the blow of my restriction level that I have mixed feelings about right now. I am guessing that it WILL ease up a little, or at least I am hoping. I wonder what will be pressure, vs. pain as I move forward in this new restriction level. I have read lots of (and have empathized with) concerning posts on lapbandtalk stating that we thought it would be the solution in that it helped us get fuller faster, with small quantities, and that we could basically eat most of the foods that we did pre-surgery... I read these posts as we talked about all of the pain that was associated with eating from the restriction... and how disappointed and resentful and misled we felt as a result... to be honest, that has been part of my hesitance to get another fill... I guess I did not want that pain... I wanted to eat all the things I have been eating (I have just plain given up on breads aside from pretzels, crispy thin crusts, and crackers... really miss those steakhouse buttery doughy rolls though)... I wanted to deny the problems that I have had with dieting leading up to this point... I wanted to forget the feelings and emotions that came with joining Weight Watchers for the 10th time, the 20th time, the 30th time... I wanted to forget the reasons that THE INSURANCE COMPANY actually thought I medically needed this surgery.... I wanted to forget the harsh realities of, when telling others that I have had this surgery, people's comments NEVER included "Oh, you dont need to get surgery" "You arent THAT overweight"... nope, just agreeable and encouraging comments including: "You have a lot of courage" and "Good for you" and "You will get there". Now I am REALLY feeling that restriction, day 3... after that .75 cc fill, total of 6.25 in 12 cc band. I kind of view it as my "Anabuse" which if you dont know is a medication that alcoholics take to deter alcohol abuse because they will get severely sick if they drink on the medication.... even one beer.... the lapband is my anabuse. The last 2 months I really felt myself straying back into those bad habits of comforting myself with thin crust pizza, nachos, and other comfort foods that I was able to eat too much of.. thank GOD for the exercise I was able to do... It helped me to NOT gain, but lose 5 lbs (IN 2 MONTHS):confused:, and I am sure some inches instead!!! Things aren't even THAT stressful for me right now.... SOOOO I needed my "anabuse" dose adjusted, and that is just what I did! Even if it is painful to eat almost every meal from here on out... it will remind me of my past, and what I want my future to be.... This was never framed to me as "Easy", a "Solution", or an exact science... it is, after all in the words of my wise bariatric nurse Terry Marentette, "just a tool".... I need it, pain or not, like it or not... Sorry I am being so deep today, I was just doing a lot of reflecting, and I guess I just needed to type it all out??? I will move forward from here (backwards on the scale)... My wishes for you all is GREAT success, and lots of GREAT support too! God Bless you all for your courage!!!
  6. Hello all! I have come across some folks near Pinckney, MI where I am at, but havent really been in contact with them as much as I would like. Please contact me [again] if you are looking for someone to mentor, period, but a plus if you are nearby somewhere. I am 27 year old married female, beginning weight 280.2... surgery weight 264, left hospital October 1, 08, and am now weighing in at 217...... very happy with my progress (although, my surgeon was kind of dismissive of my progress ) I have plateued surely in the last 2 months, but am going in to get a small fill Monday.... Soooooo.... contact away! Love to hear from you MI bansters and anyone else who would love to mentor me... need all the support I can get right now, feeling discouraged!!! Joy
  7. littlebylittle

    Scary overfill experience

    Hey! So sorry to hear about your experience. I am also over in snowy michigan, and got banded a few weeks after you. I am in the process of contemplating whether I want another fill.... still unsure... have 6.5 cc's and feel restriction about one meal a day... varies... and I still feel I eat more than I really should? BUT, the weight loss is pretty steady... ugggg.... now you have me thinking... hey, since you are in MI, would love to keep talking with you, and walk this journey with someone who started at the same time, at the same starting weight... how tall are you? I was thinking to change my goal to 160 too... hmmm... I am 5/5"... email me if you wanna continue to chat.. and THANKS for the post
  8. Hey!!! if kimma081982 is your birthdate, we are almost exactly a year apart!!! 081381!!!~ Leo too! I am in cold and snowy michigan! I would love to live where you are... ahhhhhh... but I would miss my 4 seasons very much too, I guess... recently single? breakup? on top of everything else you are going through.... I am definately here to listen... I was banded 9/30/08... sorry if I already said that... progress for me has been good, I guess... really want to make this work... 55 lbs down, almost half way there! Tips??? I weigh myself ONLY once a week... I do it in the morning and at night to get the most accurate weight... more than that and I play an exceptional numbers game that makes me go MAD, exercise, exercise, exercise (which has never been consistant for me, but I am getting there), Protein first... low carb when I can... although don't ask me what I had for lunch today... naughty!!! Hmmmm... find a surgeon you like??? Mine is rush rush, but the RN that runs the joint is a lot more thorough... problems??? Port pain comes and goes... gas pains are a B$T$H!!! and my second fill was rough... wont get one for a while... next appt is for Feb 9th... I think that I am gonna decline a fill this time, for now.... MISS my BREADS and pastas.... OK I will shut up now.... how about you dear?
  9. Hey there! I am 27 yo married in Michigan... gay friendly... and hoping that you didn't have a horrible experience to go with that specification??? Anyways.... I was banded on 9/30/08... and would love to chat, unless you are looking for someone with "more time in" than you??? lol.... drop me a line if you would like! Joy
  10. littlebylittle

    Available Lap Band Buddy / Mentor Michigan

    Hey there biggy smalls!!! I'm in Pinckney!!! I was banded a month before you! Would love to walk this journey with someone close to home.... wanna?? Email me any time!!! Best email is jmulrath777@yahoo.com.... We can compare notes heeheee! Email me!!
  11. littlebylittle

    Available Lap Band Buddy / Mentor Michigan

    Hey there! You are exactly who I have been looking for! 27 yo, married in Pinckney, MI..... work in Chelsea! You are almost right around the corner! I have really been looking for someone who has been through the bulk of this, close to home, and aware of Michigan winters... heehee! AND here you are, offering support! Yea! I was banded 9/30/08... to date 55 lbs lost, about half way there (altho ideally, would love to lose even more)! Would love to chat! My best email is jmulrath777@yahoo.com... Love to chat with you!!! Joy
  12. Gosh, I feel horrible that this happened to you. I give you all the praise in the world for, after only a year, be so near goal. I have not heard about this before! My prayers are with you! I guess I wanted to make sure that you were heard! God's Blessings to you as you get this all figured out!!!
  13. So I know that everyone experiences different symptoms as a result of fills.... I received first fill at 4.5 cc, then an additional 1 cc last Monday. Pretty consistantly after eating, for several hours, I feel discomfort/pain/pressure?? in the right side of my chest. It is not enough pain to be concerned, but enough discomfort to be VERY annoying. Anyone experience this? Will it go away? Is it gas? Should I try having some acid pills or milk of mag? Meals eaten are not spicy or too:whatchutalkingabout riske'. Any thoughts???
  14. littlebylittle

    Liquid diet

    Muscle Milk- light! I love it. You can usually find it at any vitamin/suppliment store. I buy the already-mixed ready to go milk boxes, but you can purchase powder form and add skim milk. It tastes rich and creamy, and only has like 160 calories, 20 g of Protein, very few carbs, and only a few grams of fat. Excellent. In chocolate, vanilla or strawberry (only had the chocolate ones). I am 2 months post-op and still drink it daily for Breakfast. Joy
  15. Hi Littlebylittle, I am in the Lansing area and am getting banded nov 10th!! I was wondering how things were going for you and who did your surgery if you don't mind me asking just have tons of questions Thanks for your time Ang

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