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About dmmurray

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 12/25/1969

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    bodybuilding, arabian horses
  • Occupation
    Executive coach
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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday dmmurray!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday dmmurray!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary dmmurray!

  4. dmmurray

    bodybugg or gowear fit

    I have also used myfitnesspal.com which is similar to sparkpeople but I was not getting an accurate read on calorie burn when exercising which pushed me to purchase my gowearfit armband.
  5. dmmurray

    Elliptical - Actual calorie burn?

    The machine used to tell me I was burning between 500 to 600 calories for 30 minutes. Boy was I surprised when I purchased my gowearfit armband and realized that I was only burning 200 calories and yes I was totally soaked in sweat. When I completed the body fat test (got tanked) the printout I received gave some example of how many calories I burn while completing different exercises and it said the same for the elliptical trainer as the armband did.
  6. dmmurray

    bodybugg or gowear fit

    I purchased a gowearfit in Feb. I had been on a plateau for several months with my lapband. I wear it all the time, except for the shower. It has helped me to get off my plateau and to correctly calculate how many calories I am burning when exercising and how well I am NOT sleeping. One of the down sides to any of Body Media's devices, I ride horses and it calculates the horse steps as my own. I had to set the step total significantly higher than normal to account for it. The food database is not as complete as I would like. Many of the organic healthy items are not there and I must add the nutritional information; i.e. Costco's whey Protein isolate, Barlean's Fish Oil Supplement, etc. On the upside, anytime I have had a question, Body Media is quick to respond. When I had the velcro on an armband come apart, they quickly sent me another one. The customer service is second to none. I also completed a dunk tank test to determine my lean muscle mass and RMR (Body Fat Test - Home). I am within 20/25 lbs of goal and am currently using my gowearfit to correctly determine calorie intake based upon calorie burn to get those last few off. I am at 7 CCs in my band. Forgot to add: I am a Project/Program Manager consultant and wear my armband to the client's office. Some people ask and I just explain what it is, some never seem to notice. I often forget I have it on.
  7. Dr. Kouli performed my lapband surgery in Sept. of 2008. It is unfortunate that he had to return to Jersey. Hope everything is going well for him and his family there.
  8. dmmurray

    Samurai Running Weigh Loss

    Down 20 lbs. I have had some family set backs which affected diet and exercise. Husband had a cardiac arrest in November, then to finish the year (everything in 3s), my father-in-law passed away on the 30th of Dec. :crying: Thank goodness for a new year!:thumbup: Dr. says I am on track for the weight loss with being a low BMIer. Back to exercising in the gym 5 days a week, riding my English Pleasure horse on both Sat & Sun, and cleaning the barn 6 days a week (need a day off once a week). Need to start riding the other show horse this week. :cool2: :scared2: back to work for me. Dotti
  9. dmmurray

    Samurai Running Weigh Loss

    I am down 18 lbs. Hit a hiccup in the road last month. Husband had ventricular fibrillation and was in the hospital for a week, which 2 1/2 days of that he was sedated and the doctors kept telling me that once they turned off the sedation they did not know how long it would take for him to wake up. Was not a case of overeating, was hardly eating and minimal sleep. Your body stops burning anything at that point. I thank his co-workers for their quick work and thinking that gave him the excellant recover he has had. My WLS doctor has been great and gave me a 1cc fill at my 2nd fill appt instead of the normal .5cc to help kick start it along again. As I always say, keep smiling, you never know what tomorrow will throw you.
  10. dmmurray

    Holiday Hard Times

    There was gingerbread men in the office kitchen yesterday. They smelled so good I ate 2, then spent more time on the ellipitical. :huh2:
  11. dmmurray

    looking for a cheaper lap band surgery

    Dr. Kouli at Southcenter Cosmetic just outside of Seattle did my outpatient surgery for a very reasonable price and included 1 year of fills & 8 nutritionist's appointments. Southcenter Cosmetic Surgery - Seattle Plastic Surgery, Breast Implants, LAP-BAND & BOTOX
  12. I had one 4 years ago. Best thing I ever did. Never realized how much my back hurt until it did not hurt any more. Removed 5 lbs from each side. They look the same whether I wear a bra or not (wonderful lift!). It is so nice to buy shirts that fit instead of having to buy them larger too fit around my chest. Did not loose any sensitivity and you can barely see the scars. My scars were white at 6 months. I choose a plastic surgeon that came highly recommended from women that have had reconstructive surgery from breast cancer. I could not be happier with the end result.
  13. dmmurray

    whats everybody reading?

    Terry Goodkind is a very descriptive. He pulls you right in and paints the complete picture of everything around you. Terry is an incredible writer. I have read the complete series and now am watching Legend of the Seeker on tv every week. It is Wizards First Rule written out into 26 stand alone one hour segments (On Sunday nights before Desperate Housewives!). Filmed in New Zealand same as Zena. I am currently reading Gilbert Morris' "The Mermaid in the Basement" (London 1857). I like reading about the Victorian era and mysteries as well as Sci Fi (even though Terry Goodkind does not think of his series as Sci Fi). Helps pass the time on the elliptical trainer. :laugh: I just finished Sherrilyn Kennon's "Acheron" part of her Dark Hunter books. Greek and Atlantian gods with demons and Appolites/Daimons.
  14. dmmurray

    Anyone banded from king county?

    I am in Maple Valley but closer to Issaquah. :tongue_smilie: I had surgery on a Friday and went back to work the following Monday; I have a desk job. Weight loss has been slow for myself so I made another appointment with the nutritionist. Determined I was not getting enough calories for the amount of exercise I am doing. :tt1: I am on soft food for another 2 weeks.
  15. I am taking Wellbutrin, Crestor, & Benicar, one at a time with no problems. Both my PCF & WLS Physician ok'd this.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
