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About LisaFromCali

  • Rank
    Latina Love
  • Birthday 08/29/1976

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  • Biography
    32 years old - Latina
  • Interests
    Dancing, traveling, loving life
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  1. Hey Lisa


    About your question regarding PCOS, I haven't researched any tests that said there was interference with alcohol.


    Mostly with PCOS, it's an imbalance of hormones and androgen levels. I don't drink alcohol, but I do know that some alcohol has a lot of calories.


    PCOS is related to insulin resistance which results when a person consumes too many carbs that break down into sugars. Maybe alcohol has a lot of carbs in it. In that case, consuming a lot of alcohol (along with anything else that is high in carbs) will result in complications with insulin resistance. Insulin resistance will cause the out-of-whack hormone levels which can interfere with trying to get pregnant.


    Most endocronologists recommend a low carb, low fat, high protein diet, along with medications such as Metformin and birth control. Metformin has proven to help women with PCOS get pregnant.


    If your friend has any more questions, I would be happy to answer them as best as I can.


    Hope that helps



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