Starting the journey, did testing yesterday~~
<HR style="COLOR: #c9ced4; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #c9ced4" SIZE=1>Hi Everyone,
I'm starting the journey and had testing done today.
I can't believe how thorough it is....ekg, chest x-ray, 8 vials of blood and the pulmonary function least I know I have the lungs of an athlete!!
Next thing is meeting the the nutrionist in January, the dietician in Jan & Feb, the pysch eval (need to schedule) and attend 2 group meetings....
It's so exciting and scary at the same time. My husband isn't on board with this yet and I didn't even tell him I was having the tests done today, but I figure I'll start the process and I'm sure he'll finally see it's not a "quick fix" as so many people think it is..."Just workout and you'll see that you can lose the weight"...well, I have tried that along with all sorts of diets and after a couple of months I'm right back where I started...I'm addicted to food and I know that the Lap Band will be a great tool in fighting this addiction.
So here I am....