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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lilith

  1. I don't think my Spanx are crotchless... oh geez, now I have to go look! lol
  2. How the heck do you pee with them on???? I usually wear underwear with them.......
  3. I use Spanx all the time, they are great! And they don't rip like panty hose so you actually get to use them more than once! I have some that I've had for a few years (... of course they are too small now!). I would go to Lane Bryant, they can help you pick the right size, they sell them on a rack by the socks and what not. If you don't have a Lane Bryant I would just go by the chart on the back, if you are worried about it you could buy a size up, they are REALLY elastic so I wouldn't worry about them being too big. I haven't used the ones with toes, I only use the traditional ones with the feet cut out.
  4. I broke away from my Granmother (aka GrandEvil) and my uncle this past summer. They have never treated me like family, I basically took over my mother's place as caregiver when she died in '93, I never realized what a toll their treatment took on me until I did break away, we have to live for ourselves, no one else is going to value us if we don't value ourselves! So to hell with 'em, :tongue_smilie:
  5. lilith

    I am going to do it!!!!

    I'm so jealous! I'm still on month one of my supervised diet!!! 5 and a half more months to go!
  6. That makes me sooooo angry! I hope you know that just because you share the same DNA with someone you don't own them anything - you certainly don't owe them your happiness! Your life is yours to live, and yours to ENJOY! Don't let ANYONE hold you back! She may have brought you into this world but that was her choice, you didn't ask her for any favors - don't let any sense of debt own you.
  7. That is horrible - if anyone should support you NO MATTER WHAT it's your mother! I could never imagine treating any of my babies that way, it hurts me just to tell them when something is too tight and that they shouldn't wear it, but I try to tell them as gently as possible, I just don't want them to go out and have some jerk point it out... And as far as your husband leaving you - I had a girlfriend who had bypass surgery, lost all of her weight, looked beautiful and caught her husband cheating on her with a chick that was bigger than she ever was! So if they are jerks they are jerks, period.
  8. They just called me and told me I have "mild" sleep apnea and I had to schedule an appointment with a sleep specialist to go over the results - I couldn't get an appointment until November 14th though... I hate waiting for everything! My husband and I have shared a bed for 15+ years - and he can't tell me anything other than I snore... he's a lot of help! lol
  9. lilith

    Pre-Op Diet Concerns - Help!

    So they just called and said I have "mild sleep apnea" - they said I have to go over my results with a sleep specialist as it's not bad enough to warrant a second sleep study, at least not yet... whatever that means! All of my blood work came back great (I should be happy about that right?! lol).
  10. Be careful though - my insurance wants the diet supervised by my PCP - not a dietition or a nutritionist. I would check first!
  11. I have three favorites - 1. I was pregnant with my first child and went into a Denny's with my husband, two teenage girls (I was only 20) were sitting at a table, as we passed them one said to the other, "Haha - THAT's what you're going to look like when you get pregnant" - I sat down at the table and started to cry, then we left without even eating. My husband didn't even know what had happened. Aside from being fat I was dealing with gestational diabetes, just having been told I had cervical cancer (have to thank that high school boyfriend for that) and was still dealing with my mother's death - I really wanted to go up to her and say "You could only wish to be so lucky to have a healthy baby" - but anyway - 13 years later I guess it still bugs me! 2. I was in the store a couple weeks after having that same baby and was buying baby supplies - go to check out and the cashier looks me up and down, looks at my husband and daughter and says, "You're having another one already?!" Umm, hello dumbass - ever heard of post-baby fat?! And really - if I had a 2 week old baby, could I possibly be pregnant, much less pregnant enough to be showing???! The kicker is she was fat too! 3. My stupid Uncle was in the car with my daughter and I ( I think this was about two years ago...) and my daughter asked me to get her a snack when we stopped for gas, he turned to her and said "You don't need a snack! Do you want to be fat like your mother?!" I was so hurt that he would say that to her, she just put her head down... I don't talk to him anymore (not because of that, but thinking back to that makes me glad he's out of my life!).
  12. lilith


    Good luck!!!
  13. lilith

    Two interesting phone calls today...

    I'll start with the second call first, the nurse from my PCP's office called and told me all my blood work was GREAT! I can't believe I don't have high anything......lol - I mean really, I should be happy but so help me if I wasn't trying to have this surgery it wouldn't have all come back horrible. I had gestational diabetes three different times, I figured at least my blood sugars would be off, I'm 130 lbs overweight! Still waiting on the sleep study results... Okay, other phone call, my friend "the nurse" called me with more info about the lapband (like I haven't read it all already, lol), but bless her for caring! She doesn't really get that the band is safer, she thinks I should go with the bypass - actually she thinks I should go with nothing, but if I have to do it, than the bypass. Of course she's never weighed over 120 (probably not even when she was nine months pregnant!) so her interest in WLS is min to none! But she was telling me all about the band growing into your stomach, and the band slipping, and the port, etc.... she said you have to always have it adjusted and how much it hurts.... why did I tell anyone? :eek:
  14. lilith

    Two interesting phone calls today...

    I'll start with the second call first, the nurse from my PCP's office called and told me all my blood work was GREAT! I can't believe I don't have high anything......lol - I mean really, I should be happy but so help me if I wasn't trying to have this surgery it wouldn't have all come back horrible. I had gestational diabetes three different times, I figured at least my blood sugars would be off, I'm 130 lbs overweight! Still waiting on the sleep study results... Okay, other phone call, my friend "the nurse" called me with more info about the lapband (like I haven't read it all already, lol), but bless her for caring! She doesn't really get that the band is safer, she thinks I should go with the bypass - actually she thinks I should go with nothing, but if I have to do it, than the bypass. Of course she's never weighed over 120 (probably not even when she was nine months pregnant!) so her interest in WLS is min to none! But she was telling me all about the band growing into your stomach, and the band slipping, and the port, etc.... she said you have to always have it adjusted and how much it hurts.... why did I tell anyone?
  15. lilith

    Surgery cancelled!!!

    That just stinks! I'm so sorry!!!!
  16. lilith

    Surgery cancelled!!!

    That's crazy! How did they leave it, are they supposed to contact with more options? Do they know what you've been through? I would be sooooooooooooooo ticked!
  17. lilith

    Loving My Wii Fit

    Does anyone know if there is a way to print the graphs from the Wii Fit? I'm thinking I can take a picture of the TV screen and print that out but it would be cool if they had a service that let you upload your info and print via their site or something....
  18. lilith

    Trying to find ways to stay positive and motivated!

    Okay, the hardest part of this for me is the six months. I already know my insurance will pay, I think I've dealt with most of my fears (or at buried and convinced myself I've dealt with them!) but SIX more months! I know in the long run it isn't much but I have to find ways to make the time productive. Does anyone have any suggestions???
  19. Okay, the hardest part of this for me is the six months. I already know my insurance will pay, I think I've dealt with most of my fears (or at buried and convinced myself I've dealt with them!) but SIX more months! I know in the long run it isn't much but I have to find ways to make the time productive. Does anyone have any suggestions??? :eek:
  20. lilith

    Today is the day!!

    Guess you are on your way now! I'll be sending good thoughts!
  21. lilith

    Having a low time.

    That doesn't sound good... hope things are better soon!
  22. lilith

    baltimore area?

    Thanks for the reply, Linda. Right now I am between Hopkins and St. Agnes. I don't know anyone (personally) who had surgery at either one. I had an unrelated surgery at Sinai a couple years ago and was NOT crazy about the staff. The nurses in recovery were basically rude not to mention uncaring, of course you never know who you are going to get anywhere.... I am going to go to the information sessions at both, I may go to the session at Harford Memorial too just to see what they say.
  23. lilith

    baltimore area?

    Hi, I was set on going to Bayview and then my friend (who is a nurse at Harford Memorial) said that Bayview is a teaching hospital and she doesn't reccomend them... Does anyone have any views on this? Of course she also said that it's pretty much BS that the band causes less skin hanging issues than bypass, and I'm about 99.9% sure she doesn't know what she's talking about.......Thanks for any advice!

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