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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lilith

  1. lilith

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!

    Anybody else having surgery tomorrow??? Anyone having surgery with Dr. Averbach?
  2. lilith

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!

    Thanks, Angie!
  3. lilith

    Surgery Tomorrow!!!

    Okay, I'm gonna talk to myself if nobody else is around, lol. So Self, if I have to be at the hospital at 5:45am and surgery is scheduled for 7:45am what time do you think I'll actually go into surgery???
  4. lilith

    the new me, almost there!!

    Gorgeous! I can't wait till I'm there......... hoping, hoping, hoping, lol.
  5. lilith

    results not typical

    Hey Mljalways, it looks like you are doing great to me! You are almost half way to your goal... I can't wait to be where you are ~ hang in there!
  6. lilith

    results not typical

    At my pre-op class yesterday they said hairloss is almost always a sign that you are not getting enough Protein...
  7. lilith

    baltimore area?

    Anybody else being banded this week???? I had the final pre-op class yesterday...
  8. lilith

    Bowel Patterns

    Well I might explode then! I only go once every one to two weeks now, and I don't get banded until Thursday!!!
  9. lilith

    Starting to feel sick...

  10. lilith

    Starting to feel sick...

    My nerves are getting the best of me, I'm not sure which is worse, the surgery being so close (this Thursday) or the work I have to get done before hand (I own a business and work from home). I just feel overwhelmed, not to mention hungry as I'm doing two shakes a day and one salad with chicken breast - I think if I could go hide in a corner until Thursday I would feel much better!
  11. lilith

    Starting to feel sick...

    My nerves are getting the best of me, I'm not sure which is worse, the surgery being so close (this Thursday) or the work I have to get done before hand (I own a business and work from home). I just feel overwhelmed, not to mention hungry as I'm doing two shakes a day and one salad with chicken breast - I think if I could go hide in a corner until Thursday I would feel much better!
  12. lilith

    Did I overreact?

    Okay, I know this is an old post, but I'm just catching up!!! I have to say two things - one, I've NEVER had that offer when getting a massage at my salon, I may have to speak to the manager, LOL - and two, if it was me getting the happy ending, then no, it's not cheating, if it's dh - then YES it is!!! He doesn't even like his back scratched, if I find out he's having massages I'll know it's just for the HAPPY ENDING!!!
  13. lilith

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Most days I just think all people suck, lol. But really I get your points (I also recognize the humor you are interjecting) - points taken and I'll try not to grow up to be an old person... :tt1:
  14. lilith

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Thanks Cat Lady! I won't be there this Monday as I have my pre-band class Monday morning and I have to get my work caught up before Thursday (surgery day!). The family issue isn't really that big of a deal as I only talk to them about 2-4 times a year, it was just something that hit a nerve that day and I wanted to vent... I'm over it! Now, another question, I know that Dr. Singh is no longer with Dr. Averbach, do they still have their support groups together??? Where is the Alagia Auditorium? I've only heard of the meetings held in the office...
  15. lilith

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Thank you, Missy! And I agree, all the older people I know that are mean started out that way... and the ones that are precious to me always have been!
  16. lilith

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Thanks for the replies, everybody! For some reason I didn't get the email that tells me I had a new reply, just happened to come in to look up a name... I appreciate all of you support, it's so GREAT to know people understand!
  17. lilith

    More thoughts...

    I know... but you know what they say, (or at least what I say, lol) it might not get better, it might not get worse, but it will definitely be different, just give it time!
  18. lilith

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Ouchie, that must be sore - but you look great! I hope you heal fast and get back in that bikini!
  19. lilith

    More thoughts...

    I'm sorry you are having such a bad day, Chrissi! I don't have any advice, but I'm thinking about you!
  20. lilith

    Hey y'all! New here...

    Good luck to both of you!
  21. I'm dying over the BB's in the bra! That's gotta be a first!
  22. I saw my husband eating a piece of bread yesterday and almost took him to the ground! I turned to ask him and something and was like, "What's that? What do you have?!!!" He almost choked, lol. Would have served him right.
  23. lilith

    Steph april 09 005

    Good luck tomorrow!!!
  24. lilith

    in misery...

    I'm on the pre-band diet and using the Atkins Advantage Protein drinks - they aren't bad at all, I'm still hungry but at least they taste okay.
  25. lilith

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Thank you, Cleo's Mom! I totally agree with you - my head knows that you have to let negative people go and move on, but for some reason I can't let go of the guilt I feel when I don't contact them. Maybe it's something that just has to come with time...

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