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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Babe

  1. i totally relate to this. this whole process is a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts. the whole thing about missing food really go to me. i'm on my pre op right now and i feel like i'm grieving in a way. food has been such a source of comfort, almost a friend for many years... i feel like in a way i'm saying goodbye to an old friend.
  2. HALO, I was in the same boat as you, really tired, but I talked to the pharmacist at a natural health store, and he recommended taking Vitamin B (50 or 100 - its a mix of whole bunch of B vitamins). i've been taking them for few days now and i've really noticed an improvement in my energy levels. good luck!
  3. i posted this poll a while back in the naive hope that what i was hoping for would be true. it kind of sucks to have that hope dashed, but i guess i always knew the truth of it LOL:). oh well, guess i'll just have to save up for that breast lift (an likely tummy tuck too)
  4. Bumping... as a soon to be bandster, i eagerr to see how this one's ansered
  5. February 16th for me... can't wait!
  6. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Canadian Butterfly, when and where are you going for the surgery?
  7. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Down 2.6, Yay! Looks like this pre-op torture is working. Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" stroked="f" filled="f" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600">:eek:</v:shapetype>***********:cheers2:*************:tt2:***********:wub:********** :thumbdown:*** Babe...............308............305.4.......199.......106.4 Brandy.............198............195.........166.......27 Cappy..............240............239.........130.......109 Chocolate_Snaps....244............229.........175.......54 Clarebear08........192............189.........160.......29 Donna113...........183............180.5.......126.......54.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 FalloutGirl........282............282.........165.......116 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............410.........300.......113 GratefulHeart......226............223.........135.......88 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 Lindar172..........246............244.6.......150.......94.6 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............210.........169.......41 lotzasunshine......270............267.........180.......87 Loveislovely.......216............216.........175.......41 ltgordon...........284.8..........262.8.......185.......77.2 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............225.........140.......85 Mamanmidwife.......264............264.........200.......64 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 WOWOX7.............173............169.........125.......44
  8. whatever you do, make sure it's high in protein - it'll help with the hunger pangs. Good Luck!
  9. i'm 4 days into my preop diet and i think at this point i would kill someone a just a bite of pizza. i made the mistake of drinking Ensure as my protein drink - tastes ok but is low protein. i just bought Muscle Milk today, so i'm hoping it helps. i'm on the OCC pre op of a couple protein drinks a day, unlimited salad, and lean cuisine. seriously, after a lifetime of overloading on carbs and cheese, this is killing me!!!
  10. Hi New Girl, Congrats on your decision! I just booked my surgery in earlier this week - Feb 16 with Doc Ortiz at the OCC in Tijuana. It's nice to see a fellow vancouverite who'll be getting banded around the same time as me. A group of us in Vancouver meet up on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Lions Gate Hospital(6:30PM Seminar Room A - enter on 15th there's a hallway across from the gift shop). You should come and you'll meet a bunch of people who have already been banded (some for a couple years). It has helped me feel more at ease with my decision and get lots of info. PM me if you have any questions Babe
  11. Catho, i've just started an extended Pre-Op diet, and I was told to take Metamucil Capsules 2x a day. They'll help with BMs and help you feel fuller so you can deal with the diet.
  12. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Count Me In Too!!! Name___________StartWeight___CurrentWeight______Goal_________ToGo *****<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" filled="f" stroked="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe">:cool2:</v:shapetype>************************:tt2:********************* *** Babe...............308............308.........199.......109 Brandy.............198............196.........166.......28 Cappy..............240............239.........130.......109 Chocolate_Snaps....244............234.........175.......59 Clarebear08........192............189.........160.......29 Donna113...........183............181.5.......125.......55.5 Ebonie.............307............307.........200.......107 FalloutGirl........282............282.........165.......116 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............413.........300.......113 GratefulHeart......226............223.........135.......88 Lindar172..........246............246.........150.......96 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............212.........169.......43 lotzasunshine......270............269.........180.......89 Loveislovely.......216............216.........175.......41 ltgordon.........284.8..........262.8.........185.......77.2 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............231.........140.......91 Mamanmidwife.......264............264.........200.......64 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 WOWOX7.............173............170.........125.......45
  13. I'm going in on February 16th with Dr. Ortiz. I'm so excited, but I'm not looking forward to the pre-op diet. my BMI is a bit higher than they'd like, so I have to lose over 15 lbs. I'm so happy for all of us! FINALLY we're on the road to being healthy!!!
  14. My personal Top 10: 1. I want to be healthy! (no more Hi BP or Chol., no more borderling diabetes, less PCOS symptoms, better depression) 2. I want a baby and a relationship 3. I want to wear pretty clothes 4. I want to be proud of my body and feel self-confidence 5. I don't want to be known as 'The Fat One' ever again 6. I want to have a more active lifestyle (ride a bike, skiing, swimming, rollerblading) and have the energy/stamina do thing if i want 7. I want stop having to ask myself 'will fit in that seat or around that furniture' 8. I want to live my life instead of hiding from it (ie. dating, wearing a swimsuit, travelling more comfortably, be in pictures etc) 9. I don't want to be pitied, judged, or criticized for what i look like 10. I want to wear pretty clothes and shop shop shop (lol, yes i know i'm repeating myself)
  15. hey guys, while i haven't gotten a date yet, i thought i'd find out what the best tasting shakes available in canada are. if you have any suggestions, please post them (and where you get them if possible). thanks :tongue2:
  16. i spoke with Dr. Ortiz' office, and they told me that i will need to lose 5% of my body weight before the surgery. My question is, how on earth am i supposed to lose 15+ pounds when I've had such a hard time in the past? I'll follow the eating guidelines they give me, and I do exercise already, but it's very hard for me to lose weight - heck, that's why i want the surgery to begin with!
  17. I went for my consult today, and the doctor said he uses a band called MidBand instead of LapBand or Realize Band. He said he's had better results with the MB. Have any of you been banded with it or have heard of it before?
  18. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    patricia, it's supposed to snow on wednesday so if it's heavy, will you reschedule the meeting? or just postpone til next month?
  19. lori, i'm so glad i found your post. i was just going to post something similar. i'm not banded yet, but i've been thinking a lot about my post band life. i've never dated or anything and i'm nervous because i know that once i'm thinner and feel more confident there will be more opportunities. problem is, i have no idea what the heck i'm doing... flirting, small talk, how to tell if a guy is interested - all that stuff seems so foreign to me. i wish there was an instruction manual or class or something.
  20. For me it was several things: 1. turning 30 and being the heaviest person i know 2. getting increasingly unhealthy 3. feeling terribly lonely and finding it impossible to meet a man who could find me attractive - i really want a family of my own 4. being ashamed and embarassed all the time - so much so that i've almost become a hermit 5. vanity, plain and simple: i love shopping and fashion and let's face it plus size clothing is awful.
  21. hey bev, i did a quick google and found this thread from someone who got LB in doha, maybe you can PM her for her doc's info? http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f18/newbie-doha-qatar-49643/
  22. Hi guys! I'm not banded yet (i've got my consult next week), but i've been reading a lot of your post op stories and a common struggle I've noticed is that most of us (banded or not) struggle to some degree with head hunger. While I've done a lot of personal growth stuff, head hunger (emotional eating, compulsive eating, thinking i need food when i'm already full, etc) remains my biggest challenge. I thought it would be good to start a thread where we can exchange ideas and resources that have helped us deal with and overcome this major pain in the arse. all of us really want to utilize the band to its fullest potential, and don't want 'head hunger' and emotional or compulsive eating to sabbotage this wonderful gift. please use this thread to share tips, books, websites, affirmations, or anything else you've found useful. ________________ Here's a couple things that have helped me: Geneen Roth - Author who specialises in emotional/compulsive eating Overeaters Anonymous
  23. Babe


    From one insomniac to another, I feel ya Hon! It's understandable to feel nervous, just take some deep breaths and remind yourself of all the good that is yet to come. I have no doubt that your surgery will go off without a hitch. BIG HUGS
  24. Babe

    NSV- photo not ME!

    wow, that's great news! do you know the name of the clinic? also, did you know there's a doc at St. Paul's Hospital called Dr. Arsineau who's doing fills? i think he charges $150 a pop, but check out the vancouver boards to sure. i'm going for a consult with Doc Woodhead next week, and then i'll decide between Mexico and here.
  25. Babe

    NSV- photo not ME!

    donna, i'm so happy for you! i hope that's me in a year :tt1: by the way, i noticed you got banded in Mexico, where do you get your fill in vancity?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
