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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Babe

  1. Babe

    2010 Challenge

    Name***********Starting******Current********Goal******ToGo Astrasmom..............254...............254.................170............84 Babe......................265...............265.................199............66 BetsyB...................226.6............226.6...............109............117.6 Brigette..................198...............198.................150.............48 lotzasunshine..........247...............246.4..............175.............71.4 RandaPanda............194................194.................150............44 TIGGER71G.............224...............224.................130.............94 TARASGIRL.............305...............305.................225.............80 ok, here is how the challenge goes. Your starting weight is the weight you were YESTERDAY the 1st day of the new year. This challenge is only going to track this years weight loss. So I changed your stats to match. Now when you need to change your current weight just quote the last person to post, and change your stats, erase the quote markers and post. Should work. I also added a to go column, because I forgot it yesterday. Thanks all and good luck!
  2. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    hey patricia, i for one would welcome a meeting this month as I haven't been able to make it for the past couple of months. it's always so inspiring and motivating to attend - especially since i am the slowest loser known to man :w00t:
  3. a couple weeks to go now... yay! I noticed from other threads that there are a few of us getting banded 02/16, let's stay in touch here if we can. I'm going to Dr. Ortiz in TJ, Mexico. How about you? i've been pretty excited for the past few weeks since i booked it, but now i'm getting nervous. i have a million thoughts running through my head: what if my liver's too big? what if i'm one of few who get complications? what if i can't adjust to the lifestyle changes?. i guess these are all normal thoughts before going under the knife.... anyways, despite all that, i'm still totally excited for the band to be in. i can't believe that in less than a month i'm getting banded!!! omg, to finally have hope of being thin and healthy...
  4. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    So happy... finally broke through a 3 1/2 month plateau and lost 5lbs!!!!!!!! Name********Starting Weight*****Current*******Goal******To go 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 ALuv82.............280.5..........259.........200......59 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............267.........199.......68 Bellaperdente......196............173.........150.......23 Bklyn1984..........317............217.........165.......52 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............216.........175.......41 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............166.........160.......6 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............195.........140.......55 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............364.........300.......64 GratefulHeart......226............187.........135.......52 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............175.........160.......15 jtejada............249............201.........170.......31 kaninag............210............200.........170.......30 kimaly.............194............179.........160.......19 Lindar172..........246............218.6.......150.......68.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............178.........169........9 lotzasunshine......270............240.........199.......41 Loveislovely.......216............170.........165.......5 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Sistergrl25........359............232.........170.......62 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............217............178.........130.......48 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22 Zoom-Zoom.............229..................201..............135............ 66
  5. Congrats Nic!!! Sometimes inches speak louder than pounds :sneaky: I just broke a 3 1/2 month plateau today so I completely relate. I was banded in february and until five minutes ago I had only lost 24 pounds post op. It really messes with your mind! I don't know why i've suddenly lost when i've changed absolutely nothing, but i'll take it! xoxo Babe
  6. Congrats to all of your for all your tremendous weight loss! I really hope to be in the same boat soon. I'm going to my GP tomorrow to see if i can get a referral to an endocrinologist. My weight loss has been stalled for 3 months despite doing everything my surgeon told me to do and more. so at at his suggestion, i'm going to see if there's something else at work here. i started losing lots of hair about 3 or 4 months ago. I found out my I was Iron deficient and started taking a liquid iron supplement and after reading the boards on LBT i increased my protein intake. the combo has really done the trick. my hair loss has stopped.
  7. So it's been 6 months since we were all banded, and i was wondering how all of you are doing? I haven't lost anything for more than 2 months, and i'll be honest it's been very hard not to get discouraged. I've had 3 fills and one slight unfill and have been following the bandster rules. i can't wait to find the right fill level!!! I hope you've all had far better luck than me
  8. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    hi ladies, just wanted to thank you for the support yesterday at the meeting. it's really made a difference. hopefully i'll get that fill soon and i'll start losing again
  9. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    doreen, i'm glad to hear everything's ok with your band. the ladies at NW fills are great!
  10. Babe

    Michael Jackson Dies

    I am truly devastated. His music highlights all my childhood memories. No matter what his quirks were, and all the controversies surrounding him, he was a truly gifted and talented individual who brought joy to millions of people's lives. RIP Michael.
  11. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Thanks for your feedback Patricia & Doreen! I managed to get down a 1/2 cup of soup for dinner last night, but ended up PBing soon after. The only solid i've managed successfully in the past 2 days is 1 cheese string over 20 minute period chewed to smithereens. i emailed the girls at NWfills, and was told that I should stay on liquids for a couple days and if i'm still not able to keep it down, i should come in for a slight unfill. i haven't decided yet, but if i can rework my schedule, i'll probably drive down tomorrow. This whole experience has reminded me why local aftercare is so important. I definitely need to switch over to Dr. Arseneau! I was thinking about it last week at our LGH meeting, but now i'm certain. babe
  12. Babe

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    i just went for my 3rd fill on saturday and i've finally got restriction, but i think it's too tight. yesterday, my first day back on solids, i had no problems. i just had to chew more and go a bit slower and was able to eat half as much as last week. great, right?! this morning, i was super tight and it took me well over an hour to drink a protein drink. at lunch, i had a cup of coffee thinking the warmth would help loosen it up. no problem, i was able to drink it at my regular pace. i tried to eat something, but ended up PBing after 2 bites. and now 3 hours later, i just slimed on water. should i just wait this out for a couple days, or should i go ahead and book an unfill? i'd really rather avoid the unfill because i do not want to drive back down to the states right now. too much work. i'm excited to finally have restriction, but i would like to be able to eat something!!!
  13. hi ladies, just thought i'd check in and see how everyone's doing? I hope you're having better luck than me. I'm headed for my 3rd fill on saturday, and i can't wait!!! after my last fill 6 weeks ago, i had restriction for like 2 minutes, but since then the hunger devil has been in charge. i've lost maybe 3 or 4 pounds (depending on the time of day) in all that time. very frustrating! i guess this is what they meant by bandster hell.
  14. Babe

    Hair Loss

    I'm about 4 months post op, and for several weeks now i've noticed some major hair loss going on. I've always been borderline anemic, but after the op, my doc my Iron levels plumetted. i've been taking some iron supplements, and while that's helped with the fatigue and pasty skin, the hair loss is still going on. what the heck do i do now? i've always enjoyed having thick healthy hair (actually it's been the only physical trait i've always loved about myself). i'd really hate to end up with limp listless hair because of this band. anybody have any successful remedies?
  15. sven, i'm in the same boat as you. i was banded about 4 months ago, and i've lost about 20lbs since (the first dozen during liquids post op). it's extremely frustrating. it's nice to read that there are others going through this painfully slow road to the sweet spot. i'm following all the bandster rules, so i keep telling myself that once the fill is right, the weight will drop. until then all i can do is keep on truckin' along, up my exercise (been a bit lax truth be told) and schedule another fill. our time will come!
  16. Babe


    sallyjean, i don't think a fill will affect your iron at all. but to be sure, i would definitely talk to your doc to be sure. I take a liquid iron supplement and had a fill no prolem and it did not stop my iron levels from increasing.
  17. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go ******************:smile:**************:w00t:**********:wink:******* 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 ALuv82.............280.5..........280.5.......200......80.5 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............272.........199.......73 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............238.........165.......73 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............219.........175.......44 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............170.........160.......10 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............203.........140.......63 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............369.........300.......69 GratefulHeart......226............187.........135.......52 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............189.........160.......29 kaninag............210............210.........170.......40 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............218.6.......150.......68.4 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............180.........169.......11 lotzasunshine......270............245.........180.......65 Loveislovely.......216............180.........175.......5 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  18. hi! I was banded 2/16 and i've had 2 fills since. i've lost about 20lbs since banding. it's been going terribly slow, but i was kind of expecting that since I have PCOS. still, i can't help but be disappointed and frustrated. on the up side, i think my last fill has finally kicked in because i now have a bit more restriction and i've started losing again after several weeks of nothingness.
  19. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Finally started losing again!!! Name********Starting weight*****Current*******Goal******To go ******************:smile2:**************:laugh:**********:w00t:*******:thumbup: 1RockinMom.........254............220.........145.......75 Alleycia...........255............220.........152.......68 AmethystJade.......231.8..........212.........150.......62.0 Babe...............308............275.6.......199.......76.6 Bellaperdente......196............177.........150.......27 Bklyn1984..........317............238.........165.......73 Bostongurl.........190............186.........133.......53 Brandy.............198............181.........166.......15 Cappy..............240............223.5.......130.......93.5 Chocolate_Snaps....244............224.........175.......49 CubsGirl17.........147............135.........130.......5 Clarebear08........192............170.........160.......10 Donna113...........183............172.5.......126.......46.5 dublingirl.........224............209.........145.......64 Ebonie.............307............298.8.......200.......98.8 EmmaWang...........241............210.........140.......70 FalloutGirl........282............278.........165.......112 FeliciaLevy75......200............194.........140.......54 FlordiaPete........413............372.........300.......72 GratefulHeart......226............191.........135.......56 GuyMontag..........325............276.........200.......76 health4life........279............239.........150.......89 inri09.............287............254.........185.......69 janesays...........225............189.........160.......29 kaninag............210............210.........170.......40 kimaly.............194............183.........160.......23 Lindar172..........246............219.6.......150.......69.6 Linksmom...........234............234.........145.......89 LocomotiveEngineer.311............311.........220.......91 Long2BThin.........216............182.........169.......13 lotzasunshine......270............246.........180.......66 Loveislovely.......216............180.........175.......5 ltgordon...........284.8..........229.4.......185.......44.4 lucyavery..........205............205.........140.......65 Mair...............231............222.........140.......83 Mamanmidwife.......264............260.........200.......60 mdgarcia31665......220............220.........165.......55 MissNilsa..........180............180.........132.......48 nicolerose.........365............288.........258.......30 Pink...............230............152.........145........7 Rhea2d.............283............233.........185.......58 Sandra267..........220............220.........165.......55 Snow...............227............167.........141.......26 stacy73............285............214.........160.......54 Tabithan...........240............240.........200.......40 Tuger..............192............187.5.......130.......57.5 Under200...........242............199.........155.......44 vzghj3.............202............202.........150.......52 Wendy_Wo...........242............218.........142.......76 WOWOX7.............173............147.........125.......22
  20. Babe

    2 questions for you smart ladies.

    I use benefiber and metamucil powder (not the capsules because they can get stuck and when they expand they risk stretching the pouch). I cook with Canola Oil when i want a flavourless oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil for everything else. I use Pam Professional spray to saute veggies and skimp on fat.
  21. just checking in... hope everyone's ok. i went for my second fill this weekend and just started solids tonight at dinner. i don't think i've got restriction yet, but it's definitely a bit tighter. hopefully it settles in tighter. so for the past month i've been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds. i've been totally bummed. anyways, this morning i decided to measure myself after a month and wow, i lost 2 inches off my hips and 1 off my waist. just goes to show you that losses don't always come in pound format :thumbup:
  22. Babe

    2nd fill

    Tina, sorry to hear about your dad. i know how horrible it is to have a parent going through such a dire illness (my dad is now 2 years in remission from a rare melanoma). i completely relate to your fill situation. i got my first fill (.8cc in a 4cc band) a month ago and have been losing and gaining the same 3 pounds ever since. i've had pretty much no restriction a couple weeks after starting solids post band. i'm going in for my second fill tomorrow and i'm so hoping to start losing again. knock on wood we'll both be on the losing train soon :thumbup:
  23. going for my second fill on saturday. the first on was completely ineffective. i really hope this next one does the trick.
  24. i keep some good quality dark chocolate (like lindt) in the freezer. i break it up into smaller pieces ahead of time and then when i'm really craving some chocolate, i'll take out a piece or two and let it warm up on the kitchen counter. it really hits the spot cravings wise. also having to wait for it to un freeze prevents me from binging and gives me time to decide if i really want it.
  25. Babe

    2009 Weight loss Challenge

    Marie, i'm glad you keep posting... i only wish i had reason to post. i've gaining and losing the same couple pounds for over a month. hopefully, a second fill will change that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
