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Everything posted by Vegaswildflower

  1. Vegaswildflower

    Overdue FUN THREAD!!!

    Panties, what panties, I Currently ( just home from work brown shirt and Black Lane bryant bra and well thats it. Thanks for playing.
  2. Vegaswildflower

    Full or not Full???

    Full, but I have found it is surely a cobo of both, that dont eat that or you will hate your self later ( this goes for me currently suffering from the oh just 2 more bites syndrome) and you do feel full, sooner and for much longer. hope this helps.
  3. Vegaswildflower

    Chat Room

    Im in The Chat room if any one wants to Gossip!
  4. Vegaswildflower

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Im going to go out and get one of the body fat monitors. any suggestions?
  5. Vegaswildflower

    Chat Room

    In chat, looking for good gossip :confused:
  6. Vegaswildflower

    One week post op and sooo tired

    Normal, I was so Tired that I would go near a soft object I would be sleeping. But you might want to try to get in a few more Cals. I was around 600 in the liquid stage.
  7. Vegaswildflower

    Real Age Test

    Im 34 So, two years, well they were good ones..=)
  8. Vegaswildflower

    When will I STOP looking pregnant?

    On the same subject, Can you feel your port? After My op I could feel it very easily, now Im feeling around in the same place and others for that matter and I cant locate it.
  9. Vegaswildflower

    Whats everyones average meal in take?

    I 4 weeks out, no fills yet, I think I could eat anything.. but I try very hard to LISTEN to my body and It usually tells me to put down the fook at about 3/4 to 1 cup.
  10. Vegaswildflower

    Chat Room

    In Chat Room come on over.
  11. Vegaswildflower

    Happy Easter, how did you do with food and candy???

    I did Great, well for the most part. I had a protien shake for breakfast followed by one Kryspy Kreme Donut, and 2 doughnut holes. for lunch my DH made us a picknic lunch with chese , chicken salad, hummas and toasted pita with one glass of wine. for dinner I had a protien smothie late snack, I had anothe KK Dougnut and I Gave the other 6 to the neighbors!!
  12. Vegaswildflower

    Chat Room

    Im in the chat room if anyone wants to gossip. :biggrin1:
  13. Vegaswildflower

    Spring Bootcamp 2006

    Well can you belive it !, 259 , I havent seen 259 since christmas 2004, you know what else, if I suck in just abit, I can actully see the numbers on the scale past my belly!! Ill have my mesurments this week , have to get a tape =)
  14. Vegaswildflower

    half way to goal!

    wow thats a reat before and during photo! You should be really proud, you look great and its only going to get better. Thanks for sharing!!
  15. Vegaswildflower

    Piggy-back question -- shoe stores?

    Nordstroms... I have a fabulous friend who is 6'3" and wheres a 12.5 narrow.
  16. Vegaswildflower

    Still deciding..need help!!

    Yea, Im so excited for you.. I know jow I felt for two weeks before, you will go though , ups downs and some doubts. But remember, you are doing this for YOU. Congrads and welcome to bandland. see you when you wake up. Paula
  17. Vegaswildflower

    Shakes - Alternate to Magic Bullet

    Well, Im a sucker for a gimic and I bought a Magic bullet, I found it had a fatel flaw, the little rubber feet that turn it wear down and then you cant use it!! I was looking for another option, THANKS!
  18. Vegaswildflower

    Protein Shakes

    I use a protien drink, Like ottwalla Van. almond then I add half a bannana, and a scoop of protien power, it packs 15 gms of Protien in 8 oz cup!!
  19. Vegaswildflower

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    H 284 C261 Total (-23) Lost 1.5 This week Look out skinny girls here I come!!
  20. Vegaswildflower

    Give me your best "how I did it" lines!

    Thanks , wow ..Ive been working really hard at it, with the help of my Dr. ,but what it basicly comes down to is learning to eat less, and excersize more..
  21. Vegaswildflower

    What size do you want to be?

    I look at all my clothes from when I was cool, and they are all a size 12/ 14 , I think I was a 14 when I was 14..lol any how thats where I would love to be again. 26 at start 24 now. ( thats a Layne Bryant 24) I would love to wear somthing that said Large with no XXX before it!! P
  22. Vegaswildflower

    The new me!

    Thats amazing. you have every right to be so, so proud. Congrads.
  23. Vegaswildflower

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    I like to say , god bless america, and FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESE AND RICE
  24. Vegaswildflower

    Taking Suggestions for NEW LBT Features!

    how about a search option, so If I have a question that has already been asked I could look it up?
  25. Vegaswildflower


    Donna, I just want to say I love you , you are always so creative and funny. Thanks, now get away from that corn!

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