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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pangel19AK

  1. Hello to everyone in Ak. I hope to be back home in June or July, the army life has me and my family are in GA at this time. I am doing all the classes and stuff now for the lap band and hope to be haven my surgery in Oct. if it all works out.
  2. Thank you for the info on the seminar, I will look into it. Good luck with Tricare I hope it goes well for you.

    Military wife/Lap band Buddie

  3. pangel19AK

    Tricare Prime-GA

    Hi everyone, I am new here. looking for military spouses that are in GA that have had or are trying to get the lap band done. If so how good was tri care about covering? Or how did your app. with your PCM go? Any info would be great. I go in at the end of the month to talk with my PCM about the lap band. Thanks for any info:confused:
  4. pangel19AK

    Tricare Prime-GA

    Hi everyone, I am new here. looking for military spouses that are in GA that have had or are trying to get the lap band done. If so how good was tri care about covering? Or how did your app. with your PCM go? Any info would be great. I go in at the end of the month to talk with my PCM about the lap band. Thanks for any info:confused:

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