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LAP-BAND Patients
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About floridaMary

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/06/1957

About Me

  • Biography
    Surgery Oct 3, 2008
  1. Happy 55th Birthday floridaMary!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary floridaMary!

  3. floridaMary

    Panhandle Bansters

    I am up for a meeting in Jan. I live in Miramar Beach.
  4. I could care less if the next president is black. I want SMART. I want someone who is curious about the larger world. I want someone who doesn't always want to settle disputes with a "might is right" mentality. I am sick of the past 8 years. I have seen nothing "trickle down" but I have seen a lot trickle out of this country. I have seen our standing in the world trickle to a new low. The country is as ready as it wants to be. Was the country ready for two wars? No one asked that question!
  5. floridaMary


    Hi I am very interested in more information on your experience. I was banded on Oct. 7th. With the 5 day preop diet until now I have lost 21 lbs. But the facts are not that simple. I lost most of it from the start of the preop until about 3 days post op. I feel no restriction whatsoever. I am still slightly sore at the port but otherwise the surgery was very easy. I did every thing I was told and now feel fine just slight soreness at the port site. But I am starving. I tried testing it last night to see and sure enough I can eat anything. No side affects at all. My first fill is Nov. 17th. What I do feel is thirsty all the time and I am drinking probably 100oz a day all non-caffeine teas or water. What drove me to try real food was horrible upset stomach from all the artificial sweeteners. I have 110 lbs more to lose. So your experience with the fills is very interesting to me. Right now I have serious buyers remorse and hunger. One problem that exasperates my situation and led to this massive weight gain over the past 8 years is a very serious foot condition that prohibits any distance walking. I have just bought a recumbent bike and this weekend I am going to see how I handle that with the little bit of residual surgical pain I have. Any additional information or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  6. floridaMary

    Tomorrow's the day

    Got home late yesterday afternoon. Pain is controlled with Loratab and ice pack on the incisions. Mainly the port incision. Feeling kind of weepy and sad. Not sure why perhaps so far to go still. two weeks of Clear liquids plus Protein drinks (2-3 a day) not easy to find 20 plus grams of Protein and under 120 calories in a can format. Any suggestions?
  7. Got home last night and pain control seems to be good with the Lortab. But very getting up and down. No nausea or bad gas pains. Kind of weepy. Still not sure what to expect over the next couple of weeks. Pre-diet dropped about 10 lbs but I figure that was mostly water not real weight lost. Clear liquids and protein drinks for 2 weeks.



  8. Well after 6 months of doctors' shrinks, and insurance company hell tomorrow is the big day. I don't know if I am scared, excited or just plain numb. I don't expect a miracle. I am just hoping for a path to better health and less worrying about what I can wear or what I can do.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
