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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SweetestOfMe

  1. SweetestOfMe

    Angel O.

    Hi Everyone, I was banded on Sept. 30th and i have never before been depressed i just keep telling myself....This is what you wanted.....RIGHT??? I feel like im going crazy i cry for reasons im not even sure of and i never thought i would need a support group but my Husband just doesnt understand but then Mr. Soccer player of the year has never had an issue with his weight im mad at him and i dont even know why.....maybe i was that Big Mac he ate the other day or maybe i really am going crazy??? I need help!!!!
  2. SweetestOfMe

    Angel O.

    Thanks to everyone for you support it is much appriciated!!! I will try that peanut butter shake idea that sounds really good. I had my first Doc. appointment today and i set it low all i needed was a 5 pound loss i would have been so happy with that BUT i got a GREAT SURPRISE 22 POUNDS WOW!!!!!!!!!!! ITS A GREAT DAY!:wink2:
  3. SweetestOfMe

    Angel O.

    No i dont have the right things i CAN NOT find a protine i cant tolerate i have had natural child birth and NEVER felt pain like i did when i got sick from a protine shake IN MY LIFE......WOW never want to do that again!!!!!
  4. SweetestOfMe

    Angel O.

    Thank you all!!! It has been so hard as you all know I have a hard time keeping down the protine supplements and i cant find one that i can tolerate any suggestions? I know this is a huge thing i feel tired all the time and i know its just that im not getting any protine!!!

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