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Posts posted by amylynns

  1. My 8yr old told me I looked nice today and my honey said I looked HOT (haha! I don't know about that!!) But I thought I'd have her snap a picture of me quick. I took a normal picture and she says, "Mom! Give me a sassy pose!" So then I got as sassy as I'm able to be...heehee.Then I made her strike a sassy pose too. :-) So here's our sassy pics!

    December 18, 2014

    My youngest daughter in her "sassy" pose

  2. @Beni---I was shocked at how well I liked the push up bra! The gal at the store asked if I wanted to just try one on...I was never able to wear them before because I had way too much boob to be having them all up in my face, LOL! :P

    I love that you have to return your PJ's! That's awesome!! I was ordering some new yoga pants on line yesterday and by the reviews/comments on one style--I would for sure need to go down to regular sizes. Everyone said the smallest plus size ones ran big. I decided to just wait and go shopping in the store and see if I could fit into regular ones instead of ordering on line and then having to return them. I really need to do a little shopping! I went to yoga last night (yay! Finally!!) and when I bent over, my shirt was too big and slid right up. Ooops! Guess I need a more form fitting one for yoga!

    One other "non-scale" victory I had was my honey and I were out shopping and he suggested we stop by the jewelry store to see what size ring I'm at now. (We've been dating for 4 1/2 years/ living together for 2 1/2---and I WANT TO BE MARRIED!) ;) So we stopped in the store and I went from a 8-9 to a 6 3/4! Which is the stock size, so I could actually try on rings and see what they're really look like on---not just to my knuckle like before.

    Whoohoo! Now if he would just buy me one!! :angry:

  3. @dc0520---I can't imagine being an E and a size 8. WOW, you poor thing! I HATE mine. I want to be a nice C or D, but have them where they're supposed to be.

    My honey is already planning a lift for me! But that wouldn't be for a while. I want to be at goal and be working out and fit as possible. My Aunt got a Tummy Tuck around 18 months post op.

  4. I went from a 40DDD to a 36D. But the ones they have you try on in the store (Victoria's Secret) are kind of stretched out. When I got my new one (Super pretty cheeta print!!) home and put it on, I was overflowing in it, LOL. So I think I should have gotten a DD cup. And I did get more of a push up one, which is so fun to have the girls "up higher" LOL!! But I'm not going to wear this one until I lose a bit more. My left girl especially is overflowing out of it, and it's noticeable in clothing. Darn it! I tossed the tags already--and wore it all day Sunday thinking I'd break it in--otherwise I'd just bring it back.

    My daughter stopped in to my office yesterday and said, "Mom--those pants look so silly on you! They're WAY too big and baggy!!" They're my "small" ones!? They're a size 16. I know they're kind of baggy in the crotch/butt area, but they're not too loose in the waist yet, so I was going to keep wearing them for a while. Maybe not!

  5. Well, I still didn't get caught up today but at least read posts. ...

    I have hip bones too, isn't it fun! My honey grabbed my tush yesterday and in a shocked voice said "my gosh! You're disappearing before my eyes!"

    Yeah....so are my boobs! We went bra shopping this weekend. My poor, poor boobies!

  6. Oh my goodness, I've missed so much this weekend! I will try and catch up tomorrow!

    Had a super busy day yesterday and today was total lazy day! Slept in very late, felt amazing!! Must have needed the sleep. But it put me behind on eating and drinking. It was a struggle all day going up and down stairs to the bathroom and to do laundry. My legs just burned and ached like I'd worked out like crazy, but I didn't....

    Off to bed I go. See. You all tomorrow!

  7. @Beni---I've been losing pretty steady. Only had one stall, for about 4 days when I first started on mushy food. I'm shocked each time I get on the scale--which is about every 2-3 days---that I see a loss most every time!

    I had lost 3 pounds in 1 day once, but that's when I had diarrhea for 3 days straight.

    I don't want to get to the point where I "Expect" a loss every 2 days though. I know at some point it'll slow down. :P

    My massage therapist last night asked me if I was anemic the moment I walked in. I have really dark circles under my eyes and I have a couple horrendous looking bruises. 3 on my legs and that one still on my arm from the IV going on 3 weeks ago. I don't know if I should worry about calling the Dr. to have it checked or not. But I do hate the dark circles under my eyes. Makes me look much sicker than I feel, LOL!

  8. @Bronxmerci---Thank God you're alright!!! My heart just goes out to you for all you've been through!! I'm sure your son has had quite a scare as well, even if he's too young to realize he's scared. Pulling away is the only way he knows to react. My now 8yr old did that when I was just away 5 days when she was 2yrs old. My mom watched her while I was gone and she didn't want anything to do with me when I got home. She snapped out of it in just a couple of days. I'm sure your sweet boy will come around too.

    Congrats on the new job!!! What awesome news for you!!!! With all you've been through you deserved some good news!!

    PLEASE, be careful though. With signing yourself out, keep a close tab on yourself so you know if you need to go back!! ;)

    But I'm praying NO MORE HOSPITAL Stays for you!!!

    Are you eating then??

  9. @Luna222---Thanks for noticing the change in my pics. ;) I can for sure feel it in my clothes. I was wearing a size 20 pant and I have on a pair of 16's today that are even getting baggy in the crotch, but the waist still fits so I'm holding out on them for now. I don't want to buy new clothes yet!

  10. Pretty sure it's not your pics (certain). You suffer just like we all do, our brains can't notice the change that others say they see. I had my 6 week appt today and my Mom said well finally you found someone you believe about your appearance (speaking about surgeon's reaction). I told my Mom that I believe her, I just don't see what she sees, I mean I see the clothes but not a change in my body per se. I think we have filters we need to remove...now how to do that?

    I know what you mean!! There's one picture of me from back in 2010 when I was at my lowest (from when I had the lapband) at 178. I went to Vegas with my BFF and I felt AMAZING!!! I wore things I wouldn't have back at home and felt great! Until I saw pictures...there's one I like, but it's just a head shot. All the pics with body shots I still think I look huge.

    I'm not sure how we fix those filters, but I'd love to know how!! :-)

  11. So my honey said that shirt doesn't do me justice...I know it's really baggy so here's another pic with a small shirt. I don't like the front view with this one cuz my yoga pants are so big I have them pulled way up and you can see them in the pic, heehee.


  12. @dc0520-You look great!!!! I need to post some updated pics too! I can tell in my clothes and I measure myself, so I know I've lost inches. But in my head I'm still the size I was. Hopefully some pics will help me see the change.

    I haven't had anyone say anything to me about my loss yet. Well, a couple friends that knew I was having the surgery. I think sometimes with a fast weight loss people are afraid to say something for fear you're ill or something! :-)

  13. @Beni--I will definitely try the tilapia in my non-stick pan w/ olive oil! That's a lot quicker!!

    Can't wait to hear how lunch goes! Small, small bites---chew, chew! :D I couldn't eat the whole piece when I first started solids either. But I don't like leftover fish. (gets too fishy for me) Luckily my 14yr old son LOVES fish and always offers to eat what I can't. :P

    I waste 1/2 my Breakfast every morning. I made 1 small egg with the thin sandwich rounds and can never eat it all. I'll hand some off to Zach before I even start eating it if he hasn't left for school yet, LOL.

    Remember that commercial when we (some of us)were young, "Mikey will eat it!" That's Zach. Haha. Except he's bone thin, with washboard abs, so he can "afford" to eat it!

    I have a bunch of little tupperware containers of leftovers too! But I do end up dumping a lot of it. (in the garbage) I always think it sounds good for later, but then it doesn't sound all that good later, hehee.

    Congrats on your new business venture Layknee!! I'll take a peek! But pretty sure I've been cut off from anymore jewelry buying, LOL!! :unsure:

  14. Omg it drives me nuts when I get "you poor thing" too lol. Unless it's from my bf, cuz I like when he gets all sweet n comforting lol.

    That's crazy, I had the exact same thing for dinner! Except I had some green olives, no carrots...I was craving salami and cheese all day, and my tummy was fine with it :)

    LOL-My BF isn't all that comforting. There was one time he was, I was shocked. I had kind of holed myself up in my room for a couple days bawling, and he finally got worried enough he broke down and comforted me. He's more of the "let's get done what needs to be done, and not cry about it" kind of guy. *sigh*

    Ooo, green olives sound good. I'm sure my son has eaten all of the ones I just bought though! He snags those as quick as he can, goofball.

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