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Posts posted by amylynns

  1. After a 10 day stall my scale moved. I lost "1" lb. SOOOOOO EXCITED this morning. Jeez, 9 days was an eternity. Anyone had had long stalls like that? I don't understand why it happens. Has anyone heard a good answer from their doctor. My NUT just said not to worry about it. Well!!!

    I just had about a 10 day stall too!!! I was at 201, just dying to get into ONDERLAND!! This morning (I think due to have THREE BM's this weekend, whoohoo!) I was down 1 whole pound too! So right at 200.....SO.CLOSE.TO.ONDERLAND!!!!

    I don't know what it happens either, but I'm just happy right now that the scale isn't going UP! LOL! :P

  2. Luna and Amy, you sound like your Iron and or Vitamin D level maybe down. I had those exact symptoms when I was anemic a year ago. Are you making sure to take your multi Vitamins everyday? I take two horse size Centrum complete daily. One in the morning and one in the evening. I feel amazing. I have more energy then I have in years. I mention this because Bypass has that side effect for many of us. But at the 3 month visit you'll have a complete lab work done. That's when your doctor or RN will adjust any supplements.

    My surgeon is having me take a Multi-Vitamin called optisource. It's especially for post bariatric patients. But it's 4 huge (but chewable) a day. I'll admit, I'm not super good about taking all 4. It's so hard to take that many! (I'm supposed to take them with a meal also) I wonder if there's a different one I can take. Although now I have 3 bottles of these, I need to just take them. I'll go take one right now. :D

  3. I've had the same problem. Tail bone pain that is affecting my hips too. I went to the chiropractor and he said my tail bone was tilted. I had injured it when I broke my back back in 2001.

    He did some adjusting and it helped for about 1 day.

    My daughter is going to school to be a physical therapist and she said I need to do some glute strengthening. She did a couple things to me which really helped, and also suggests I go to an actual physical therapist. :-)

    I've been having this pain for 2 months now. I'm getting tired of it though~ it's constantly waking me up at night too.

  4. @Luna222--Yes!! That's what it feels like!! What the heck is that?? I haven't had my Vit D levels checked. Nor any others, except my labs to see if I was dehydrated a while back. Ugh, I wonder if I should just call into my Dr's office.

    I've had a history of low Vit D. levels. I was taking 4000u a day for 6 months at one point. My level was 10 that time.

    I got about 4 bites of the salad in, then started getting a little nauseous. I had added some sweet yellow, orange, red peppers--some black olives, mozzarella cheese, an oz. of turkey and an oz. of ham, and a sprinkle of a nut mixture I made. Those 4 bites were amazing.

  5. @Luna222--That's exactly how I've been feeling too. I look like crap, LOL. :( The one Vitamin I've done well keeping up on is my Vit D (I take 2000u a day) My head feels like I'm half drunk, or under Water or something. I don't know how to describe it. I was worried I was dehydrated again, but I really don't want to make a trip to my Dr. to find out for sure. I'm too busy, lol. Thursday I didn't even pee the whole day at work. Friday I made a good effort to drink more and peed once. To walk upstairs to the bathroom feels like my legs just did a major workout. Burning by the time I get up there and exhausted. But my nausea has been better the last few days. As long as I don't eat that one bite too much and eat really slow.

    I'm attempting a salad right now. I've been craving one SO bad. We'll see how it goes. Does anyone know the reasoning behind them saying beware of it?

    Major lazy day at home today! My brother and his family are coming for a 5 day visit from Indiana today! I'm so excited! They'll be going to my parents house, then their kids will come stay with me once my kids get home from their dad's tomorrow. So I guess I'll have to at least shower at some point today! :P

    Better go at least get some laundry done! :D

  6. Hair loss has started for me too. I am taking Biotin as well but I can see a little thinning on the front, where my natural part is. I bought something this week I have wanted to for years, a wig. It's a hoot and I love it. I have a pixie haircut and the wig I purchased is the same color as my hair but about shoulder length. I can put it on and look amazing in 5 seconds. My natural hair is curly and I usually blow dry it and straighten it. Of course, it's a chore. This wig is such a treat. I just did it for fun and you should have seen the look on my husband's face when I got home. I wish I had recorded it. It was worth buying the wig just for that. It took him two days to realize it was a wig. Men! SO my hair grew 10 inches between breakfast and dinner? Right! My youngest said, I guess I never realized you hair was that long, lol. The entire family was shocked but not one realized it was a wig. Silly boys.

    Funny reaction from your youngest!! I'd love to see a picture of you with it! :-)

  7. Morning friends!!

    Auri--You look great!!!! What a transformation!!

    My scale hasn't moved off 201 for close to a week now. Bummer! But I'm certain I know what the issue is! I haven't been logging on My Fitness Pal. I know I'm under in calories everyday, so I guess I wasn't "too worried" about logging. But I know I'm probably way under in Protein also! And that I NEED in order to loose!! Duh!!

    I finally had a BM last night (and this morning!) I thought for sure I'd lose 5 pounds, LOL! It'd been a week, OIY!!

    I'm at work. I HATE working Saturdays! Thankfully I only have to work 1 a month. :P

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  8. @joankrie--I've had a few people comment. But I "think" when we lose weight that quick, people are sometimes leery to say anything, for fear we're sick or something! I had someone tell me that once.

    Plus, I think I'm deficient in something because to me, I look pale and have dark circles under my eyes---so I probably do look "sicker" than I usually do.

    My close friends, who know I had surgery tell me how awesome I look. (LOVE them!)

  9. I was quite shocked to find out yesterday I was able to eat some lasagna. I only ate about 4 little bites and I was done though.

    I also had one bite of 7 layer salad, half a rice krisipie treat, AND about a 1/2" piece of fudge. This was all over about 6 hours. I had about 2 minutes of, "Oh crap, I'm getting nauseous" and then it was gone. Whew!

  10. Merry Christmas dear friends! Had all 7 of our kids plus a boyfriend of one and a fiance of another one all at our house this morning. My kids headed to their dads after lunch. The rest of us are headed to my honey ' s parents. We're having lasagna for dinner tonight so that could be a challenge. So far only a tiny nausea today after drinking some cinnamon tea. Odd.

    Hope everyone us having a blessed day!!

  11. That's awesome Shadow!! I only have one pair if jeans that come close to fitting right now. (And I'm still constantly pulling them up) they're a size 16, like a regular size 16! Not plus size! I started in a size 20, plus size.

    I bet your family will think you look great!!!

  12. @misstvb---Oh, I hate when I do that!! I try and eat slowly enough that I recognize when I need to take that very last bite, but sometimes I miss that cue and I'm instantly sick. Ughhh, I hate that!!

    I'm eating some taco salad with leftover stuff from everyone else's tacos last night. It's yummy, but sure can't eat much!

    I haven't really been on many other boards on here. I love this group!!!! There's a gal I know in town here who is having the sleeve done soon and I can't wait to introduce her to this site! I wish I could be on here more often than I am! :-) Work sure gets in the way!!

  13. @Luna222---How'd you do with the toast? (sorry your BF was acting like the food police!) I'm able to eat thin wheat sandwich rounds, toasted. Also bagel thins, toasted. I put an egg and cheese on it. I only eat half of it everyday for Breakfast. I always want one more bite, but it'll guarantee nausea. I even got a turkey/provolone sandwich from the local deli. (like subway, but MUCH better!) I get the 3" sandwich and eat 1/2 of it is all. I add cucumber, Tomato, pickle and a little bit of their homemade dill spread.

    My daughter made some homemade chicken noodle Soup last week. I really wanted to try it, but she had used large egg noodles, and I thought for sure those would cause problems. It was THE ONLY meal last week that I didn't have nausea after I'd eaten it!! So I guess I can do some Pasta. We're going to Brett's parent's house for Christmas and their making lasagna. That should be interesting. It's usually an all day grazing session over that will be a challenge for me. Well, maybe not because I'm never hungry now, but it'll just be different.

  14. Brett and I are off work today so we're going to finally finish up Christmas stuff!! And I'm going to go to the chiropractor, see if he can do something about my hips. The yoga is helping, but still getting woke up alot with hip pain. I have a feeling I'm a bit dehydrated agaun too. That seems to make my nausea worse and the last several days it's been after pretty much every meal. Ughhh...

  15. Beni-- sounds like we were in the same boat yesterday. My dinner was mashed potatoes and chicken I had cooked in the crock pot. I either ate the taters too fast (only ate 2 bites if chicken) or it was the butter in the taters. (I usually don't add butter to mine but brett had made them. I didn't even think of it... ) I ended up curling up in a ball on my bed bawling. The nausea just kills me. I'd rather be punched in the face!!

  16. I felt the exact same way. I'm 2 months post surgery and still have some regrets. My relationship with food is now totally different. I never expected this. I now eat to survive....for pure nutrition. For me, there is no pleasure in eating anymore. I am sick to my stomach 95% of the time after every meal. I eat only about 1/4 of a cup, chew 25-30 Times and make meals last 20-30 minutes the majority of the time. I make every effort to not eat anything processed and stay away from empty calorie foods. So if I'm doing something to cause the nausea I don't know what it is. I am down 46 pounds, which is great!! I just hope the nausea isn't my new normal. I am to the point I'm glad I had the surgery, I just have to get to really know this new me.

  17. @Beni--I try and eat about 4 meals a day too. I'm still right around 600 calories a day.

    I'd say 95% of the time I eat, I get nauseated afterwards. I've tried to pin point down possible reasons. Didn't chew enough...ate too fast, ate the wrong thing. But I try to be SO mindful of my chewing, etc. and have not eaten any junk or empty calorie foods, I think my pouch is just pissy!! LOL!

    I have come to the conclusion that I now eat to survive. Period. There is NO pleasure in eating anymore. I dread it in fact. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet.

    My 21 yr old daughter and 14 yr old son went shopping today. It was a fun day!! Until we decided to eat. They chose Culvers, so I had 1/2 chicken strip and had about 4 bites of Tomato Soup. Sick. :wacko: Luckily now it only last about 1/2hour rather than the 4-5 hours it used to. So I guess that's improvement, right?!

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