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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I have a FitBit and LOVE it! (although I haven't worn it in several weeks, I really need to get it charged up!) Mine was the model that was about $99. It really did motivate me to move!! Also, I had mine set to vibrate (like a little reward) when I had burned a certain number of calories for the day. It really does help motivate you to reach those goals you set. I was using MyFitnessPal website with it. They'd sync to each other. I liked logging my food on MFP better than the Fitbit site. I like that the fitbit also tracks your sleep.
  2. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Good luck to everyone having surgery today!!! Thinking of you!! I got in 144oz of fluids yesterday!! 56oz of that was actual Water. I had dry mouth all day, so it wasn't hard to keep drinking. I had only "drank" 805 calories as of 8:30PM last night. I'm supposed to be at about 1000. I wasn't really hungry, but had some regular Jello to up the calories a bit before I headed to bed. I was VERY tired!!! I woke up at some point during the night with a horrendous headache, fell back asleep. Woke back up at 3:30 and it was SO bad. I HATE taking meds, avoid it as much as possible, but ended up taking some Aleve. It took the edge off a bit so I could sleep a bit more. Got up at 6:30 and at 7 took some more meds. Excedrin, with caffine. I feel a lot better now, but my head feels funny from the caffeine. LOL.. Having my de-caf morning coffee now, will have my "food" (OJ Shake) pretty soon here. I love it! Oh---I went to a support group meeting last night that the Bariatric Dept. puts on once a month. They had a guy who had lost 225 pounds with the Sleeve there telling his story. It was great! There were about 15 people there at all stages. A couple ladies were over 10 yrs out, with having the RNY. Several others on their 2 week pre-op diet and others heading to surgery in the next few days. It was nice chatting with everyone, giving each other tips. Better go get some work done!
  3. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yay!!!!!! So excited for you!!! You're doing awesome! Keep up on those walks!!! It'll help with the gas staying away too! You're a rockstar!!
  4. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Really well! I'm barely hungry. A bit on the sleeping side, but that's normal for me at this time of the day. I've consumed over 90oz of Fluid already! (not all water) That's with de-caf coffee, juice, Protein shake, broth, V-8 and Water. Peeing like crazy!! I have a Dr. appt. this afternoon (did something to my stupid elbow...it's been bugging me for weeks, but getting worse. Such a pain!) Then there's a support group meeting at my surgeon's office tonight at 6 that I want to go to. My only problem is that I won't be able to have my "dinner" until after 7:30. I made an extra Protein shake to take along though, so hopefully will do ok until then.
  5. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    So sorry Sherri!!!
  6. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Started my liquids this morning. Yummy Recipe if you're looking for one! "Orange Julius!" It's 1 cup of OJ, 1 scoop of vanillia Protein mix and a packet of sweenter. (whatever kind...I used Stevia) a few ice cubes, and blend. SO yummy!!! I was a bit up on the scale this morning, but I'm sure some of it is TOM. 249
  7. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I LOVE your picture!!! You go girl!! Praying all goes well!!!
  8. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    LOL--I don't usually have too hard of time drinking a lot of water, and some of that 96oz can be 100% juice, coffee (de-caf) or tea. 16oz of it should be something with a lot of potassium. So tomato juice or OJ. I'm going to try an "Orange Julius" drink they recommended for breakfast. Oh--and protein shakes too. I can have broth too. I can mix tomato juice with it to make a "soup."
  9. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hey Jyoyonomore! I don't get any "food" on my 2 week liquid diet. I guess I could count Jello as "food," But that's it. I have to get at least 30g of protein, 96 oz of Fluid a day. 1000 calories. 100 grams of carbs. I can have unlimited amount of sugar free drinks/jello---but my body doesn't like sugar free, so I have to keep that to a limited amount. We'll see how it goes! :-)
  10. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    LOL---Yeah, it gets pretty crazy around here, but I wouldn't have it any other way! :-)
  11. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yes, my Dr. had mentioned that I would probably be going home with a drain. But my Aunt told me they removed hers before she left the hospital. I had a catheter also after I had lap band surgery (back in 2008). I don't know what determines if they just do a catheter during surgery and remove it before you're awake....or if they just leave it in until later. Ugh, I hate catheters.
  12. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hey Tacycake! Nice to meet you! My surgery is the 20th. I have 4 kids, 21 (girl) 17 (boy) 14 (boy) and 8 (girl) Then I also have 3 "step" kids (we're not married....yet. ) They're 20 (girl) 17 (boy) and 14 (boy)
  13. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Superbariatribabe----Good luck tomorrow!! We'll be anxiously awaiting to hear how everything goes!!
  14. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Karen- Hope you ended up getting discharge yesterday! Auri--Sorry you are having so much pain! Is it more under control now? I had SO much pain when I had my band removed. I can't imagine having both procedures done at the same time. You poor thing! We went to my cousin's wedding in Wisconsin this weekend and I talked with my Aunt, Uncle and a different cousin who have all had the bypass done. They are all so happy for me and anxious to see how I do with it all. :-) I start my 2 weeks of liquids tomorrow. Anxious to get it started! Hoping the 2 weeks goes by quickly!! I took measurements a couple weeks ago, so will report mine also. Will weigh one more time in the morning. I weighed 2 weeks ago 245. I have a feeling I've gained a couple more though. I've felt a bit out of control. Plus it's my time of the month, so that always puts on a few excess pounds. Ugh...
  15. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    @Auri--So glad you checked in. I was wondering how you were doing! UGH, hate being nauseated after surgery! :-( I forgot about the darn catheter!! Oh, I was going to ask you and Karen...how many days do you have to stay in?? And, not to be too personal--but do you have drains? From what I understand, I'll be going home with 2 drainage bags or whatever they are. I am not looking forward to that! I'll know more on the 14th, I think that's the day of my pre-op appointment. I thought it was next week, getting ahead of myself I guess. :-)
  16. amylynns

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    @@daron, heehee! Well, have fun!!
  17. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Beni!! NO WAY!!!! I would be BEYOND Ticked off!!! I can't believe that NUT won't help you out by re-doing her notes?! Seriously!? Can you maybe see the other NUT again and submit those notes instead? UGH....how incredibly frustrated you must be. And the blood work, and your car.... SO sorry Beni!! When will you know for sure what's going to happen?? You already have a surgery date set, right???
  18. amylynns

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    Awesome Karen!!!! I bet that grape popsicle tastes amazing!! Keep up that walking!
  19. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh bummer Beni! No mani or pedi?? I guess I better double check when I have my pre-op appointment on the 14th to be sure I can get a pedi. Not a big thing in big picture! Whenever you get a chance to send that is fine, take your time!
  20. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Thinking of you Auri!!! I love your pics, you are SO pretty Auri!!!
  21. amylynns

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    Your wedding isn't in Wisconsin, is it @@DaronB?! LOL!
  22. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yay Karen!! Been thinking about you all day!! So glad everything went well!! Whoohooo!!!!
  23. I've heard it's common too...but it's still one of my biggest fears!! I think some vitamin deficiency can be the problem too. My friend had the sleeve done and was losing her hair. She called the surgeon's office and they told her to start taking an additional Vit. I can't remember for sure, but I think it was Vit. B12? I've been growing out my hair and using some essential oils on it ahead of time, hoping that helps once I start losing it, if I do lose it...
  24. amylynns

    October Buddies wanted

    Stephanie--So sorry all of that happened!! I agree that everything happens for a reason, so hang in there!!
  25. BRONXMERCI--If you give me your email address, I'll scan that sheet I have to you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
