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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    C.-'t TieSTSs Amy -$^ let's see if this worked...
  2. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    So you are posting from your phone I assume? When I try and post from my phone I don't get a little camera. Darn. I was trying to figure that out before I go to surgery so I can post pics, LOL. I'll do some more checking, maybe it's on there somewhere I'm just not seeing. Do you have an iphone?
  3. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm drooling a bit here.....LOL! Hey, how do you insert a picture like that??
  4. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    So you get to eat food? I'm so jealous!
  5. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I am in such a better frame of mind today!!! Thank goodness! Although, I was outside with our dogs this morning at 5:30AM and I could smell Breakfast being cooked at our neighbors. I just about went to their door to lick their plates for them. That's kind of like a liquid, right? Bacon grease?!!
  6. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    When is your surgery? What does your pre-op diet consist of?
  7. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I suppose they figure for just 2 days you didn't need the extra protein? Hmmm, still amazes me how different the pre-op diets are! No way could I go my 2 weeks without some protein. I'm weak and exhausted as it is...7 days to go! I think I can....I think I can....I think I can!
  8. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Good luck to our 2 rock stars today!!!
  9. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I haven't been too hungry either. I think I realized how much mindless eating I did before. So many times today I wanted to just go to the kitchen to snack...like I usually do on the weekends. And not because I was hungry, just bored, or used to eating for no reason. Now I'll be eating for a purpose, not just to eat. I was under on calories today too. 755. but 80g of protein. Really keeps me from being hungry!
  10. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh my...yes---the thought of chicken makes my mouth Water right now! Not sure I can hack baby food, but we'll see! :-)
  11. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Honestly....that sounds freaking amazing right now!!!
  12. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I don't feel very brave. I was having thoughts of all the foods I won't be able to eat too...that probably didn't help my state of mind. Apple Crisp, my most favorite dessert of all. And I meant to have some before I started my pre-op. I am sure that's going to be something I won't be able to ever eat again. It makes me sad. I just pray my new healthy self makes me forget about the things I'm giving up! Misstvb--cheating isn't an option for me at all. If I take just ONE bite of something I'm not supposed to, I'll be done for. I'll keep on cheating then. I can't. just can't. Sorry I'm a downer tonight, just a really down weekend for me I guess.
  13. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    So....my Saturday sucked big time. We decided to take the kids to an Aquarium/ Museum and 4D theater yesterday. It was about an hour and a half away. So I drank my OJ/ Protein shake on the way there. Also made another one for later in the day. I brought along Jello to snack on as well. (had my little cooler tote) Oh, and some apple juice and a jug of Water. Well, the delicious smell of fresh baked bread, watching people eat salads and burgers & fries was absolute torture. THEN..when we left there, we went to meet my honey's family for dinner. I told him I should have just home and played sick. Here we sat, with 20 family members at a restaurant and me, the only one not eating. Just sipping on my tea. UGH, horrible. THEN...to make matter worse, he decides to make a Dairy Queen stop on the way home. Really? Not that I expect people to not eat normally around me, it was just a hard day. He even came around the van to open my door for me, and I look at him and say, "Uh, I think I'll wait in the van. Thanks." I'm actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. It's easier there. My man made supper tonight for him and the kids (which was nice I didn't have to). Except it was one of my faves. chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes. *sigh*
  14. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I mix the unflavored protein with my broth. I'm allowed to have 16oz of v-8 juice a day also. So I add that to the broth too, it's like a tomato Soup. I have that for lunch and dinner everyday. Darn on the PowerAde! Ooops!! Glad you caught it though!
  15. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh goodness, I missed ALOT yesterday!!! I just got all the messages read I missed. I'll be back to catch up, but I MUST go get some cleaning done! I have company coming later today and if I don't get up and do it now, I won't get it done, LOL. Yesterday was a super rough day for me, I'll be back to explain.
  16. Auri--I'm of course not post-op yet---but I'm using it now on my pre-op diet. I mix it with broth and V-8 juice (makes like a tomato soup) and I don't taste it AT ALL. And it's 30g of protein!!
  17. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Whoohoo!! Monday! I wish mine was Monday!
  18. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    @BypassMan---So glad you've joined us!! My surgery is the 20th, so just a week before you. I'm like you, I can't believe it's happening until I'm in the recovery room! So sorry about your parent, that has to be hard. We're here for any venting or support you need!!! My Dad doesn't know I'm having it done yet. All I'm going to get is judgement from him, so I'm waiting until the very last minute to tell him. I could just wait until after I suppose...but I need my mom to stay with my kids, so he'll know something is going on! Haha!
  19. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I've been getting in anywhere from 70-110g of protein. Yesterday was 69, and only 841 calories. I just wasn't hungry. So maybe I just didn't have enough protein for the day. I'll up it today a bit and see if that helps. According to my Dr.'s nutrition handouts, I only have to get in 40g of protein a day right now, but I believe that's a minimum. It's ok if I go over. I'm losing weight, so it must be ok!
  20. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    UGH, getting a headache again tonight. Went out walking with the kids and dogs. Thought the fresh air would help. Not so much. I wonder if I have any Tylenol here. I think I'm gonna go check and head to bed early. Night friends...
  21. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Luckily they have amazing salads and soups too!!
  22. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh--and I'm known to eat at this AMAZING deli on average 4 times a week.... Won't be doing that for a LONG time!!!
  23. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Let's see if I figured this out.... Look what I had to pick up today for my son!! (I took him to get his driving permit and took him out to lunch afterwards)
  24. I'm on day 4. Doing well. Not really over-hungry. I'm trying to make sure I have something in my belly every few hours. This is what I've been "eating." Breakfast: 1 Cup OJ, blended with 1 sweetner and vanilla Protein powder. 1 cup de-caf coffee Snack: 100% fruit popsicles (2) Lunch: broth 1 1/2 Cups, 1 cup V-8 veggie juice. I mix the 2 together and then add one scoop of the taste free protein mix. Snack: 2 sugar free jellos. And then if I'm still hungry (late afternoons are usually when I am the hungriest) I also have handy a chocolate Protein shake. Dinner: Broth 1 1/2 Cups, 1 cup V-8, mixed with the tasteless protein mix Snack: 2 regular Jellos And lots and lots of water!! This puts me about right about 1000 calories, which is what my Dr. recommends. I too am shocked at the differences in Dr.'s pre-op plans!!??
  25. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hey, how do I post a picture here in this box?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
