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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Ketosis headache, never heard of it, but sounds exactly like what I had. The bam--feeling better definitely happened. Good luck with your surgery! Mine is tomorrow morning!
  2. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    That's what I took, but so far, not horrible. Maybe the worst will hit during the night.
  3. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I need to find some of that!!! I DO NOT want to lose my hair!!
  4. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh, and Beni, I take Vit B12 too. I didn't know there was a Biotin. Is that to prevent hair loss? I have been using a shampoo with biotin though.
  5. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Girl!? You drank 4 freaking bottles of that crap??? I drank the 1 today and about vomited it all up. Ugh...it burned my throat going in, and we all know what it's burning coming back out! TMI ALERT........I haven't gone nearly as much as I thought I would be?! Will it keep going on for hours? It's been 4 1/2 hours since I took it and I've gone like 4-5 times. I thought it would be worse than this. Hmmmm.
  6. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    @Bronxmerci---Oh my gosh girl!!! You poor thing!!! I have had issues "going" since, like forever! I finally was recommended a natural "vitamin" called Mag 07 (check it out on Amazon) It works WONDERS. BUT, they're big capsules and I doubt I'll be able to take them after surgery. It's basically a big dose of magnesium, but it's not like a laxatve, it's not "violent", LOL. I'm wondering if I can open the capsules and dump them in applesauce or something. I might bring them to the hospital and ask. Seriously, I've been regular for the last 8 months, which is like a miracle for me. As far as the meds...for me, my Dr. to take as many chewable or dissolvable as possible. All of mine, except Vit B1 are. And that one is tiny. Oh, and my calcium, but I have the petite ones, so should be ok.
  7. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    That's for sure!!
  8. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I picked up my prescriptions yesterday. 2 (?) Different antibiotics that I have to take tomorrow at 2pm, 3pm, and 10pm. And then I have my after surgery liquid Lotab too. Started my crazy fun bowel prep at 5pm. Getting a leg workout up and down the stairs to the bathroom ! ????
  9. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Wow, I didn't realize that was a Libra thing, but it is SO true. Mostly from my Dad. My mom is overweight also, and I think if my dad wouldn't object to it, she'd look into WLS also. Heehee, you got your point across just fine! I do that too!
  10. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh wow...yeah, my dad is usually like, "Well, just quit eating junk and exercising." Ummm, yeah--I've done that ALOT!! And it hasn't worked!?
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Awesome!! Have fun!!
  12. amylynns

    Psych appointment help

    Mine was basically a chat with they guy. I did fill out a form that was about 6 questions, to which he then asked me a few more questions, then I broke down like a baby and he diagnosed me with clinical depression. WOW. He put me on meds and that was in August. I feel 100% better. I don't think I realized how down I really was until I was filling out the form. Questions like, " Do you avoid going out with friends/family because you're feeling down..." "Are you having problems sleeping", " Do you have days you have to make yourself get out of bed, when you'd rather stay in bed and avoid people." But basically he told me they just want to know if he feels I'm up for a lifetime change. He cleared me that day, since I agreed to go on meds for the depression.
  13. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I had a friend who that also happened to, then it started dropping again after that. It could still be fluid retention. If you're weighing every day, you're going to see that. Don't worry about it!! It'll be gone in another day or 2 I'm sure!!
  14. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Thanks. It's like an on-going thing with my dad and his judging me....but I'm working on it.
  15. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Did you have your surgery already? Or are you 10 days out on your liquid diet?
  16. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh, I hear ya!! When I got the first one, it was day 2, well, the middle of the night between day 1 and 2. And I woke up thinking it was an aneurysm or something. It was horrible, so much pressure!! I actually took an Aleve, or 2 maybe, LOL. And I put a cool cloth on my forehead too. When I woke up in the morning, it was better, but not gone. Hopefully you won't have anymore of them!
  17. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Good morning fellow gladiators!! Ugh, I'm at work. I hate working Saturdays! I only have to work about 1 a month though, so not too bad. (and just til 3pm) We're having a big event today at work, hoping to bring in a bunch of traffic. So far, pretty quiet, LOL. That's fine with me, because I have a bunch of paperwork to get done before my 2 week "vacation." When I get home from work today I get to start my bowel prep. Oh joy! I'm excited!! I finally told my Dad about my surgery yesterday. Well, I emailed him, LOL. I'm such a chicken. I pretty much just said, " I'm having weight loss surgery on Monday, and I know you don't understand why, and you don't agree with this, but it's something I feel is right for me. I understand your concerns, but I've done a TON of research and talked to over 15 people that have had it, and I've prayed about it--and I feel a total peace about it. So while I don't expect you to be supportive of me, I also don't want to hear any judgemental comments from you. " I had sent it to my mom and dad, but my mom had already known about it, she just didn't want dad to know she knew, LOL... So I called her and asked her how he was. She said all he said was, " I'm not going to worry about it, it's her decision." WOW!? Really?? I'm very surprised. He hasn't said anything to me about it, I don't think he will. But I feel better now that I've told him.
  18. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Beni---What an amazing fundraiser!! No getting sick my friend!!! How are you feeling this morning??
  19. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I had a few of those headaches too! Exact feeling, like someone was wrapping a tight band around it and squeezing. For me, drinking more Water helped a bit to keep them at bay. My plan only requires 30g of protein and 1000 calories. But I couldn't manage with only 30grams, so I get a lot more than that. usually around 85 and I'm rarely hungry. I actually have had a hard time getting in all 1000 calories. Imagine that! Little different than "before liquid diet!"
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Glad your appointment went well! My surgery is at 7AM too! (on Monday) I'm using a Brand called Bio Trust protein. But I don't like the chocolate, unless I just chug it, LOL. The vanilla I mix with 1 cup of OJ and it's yummy!!
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oh my. The food pictures are making my belly rumble!! Guess I'll go grab some sugar free jello....
  22. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Wow...you go give them a piece of your mind girl!!
  23. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I ordered my unjur.y yesterday, since I'm just finishing up my vanilla Cream Protein mix at home. It was really good...but like $35 a jug, unless I buy 3 jugs. I had bought 2 chocolate and 1 vanilla cream. The chocolate is gross. Maybe once I can mix a banana in with it, it might be alright. But anyway--I hear the unjur.y is amazing! So you got the unflavored one, right? I ordered the vanilla. I still have some of my unflavored GENEPRO protein, so I can keep using that in my broth for now. Glad you had a pretty good day out! And great job planning ahead, knowing your mom was going to be eating a chicken sandwich! (mouth watering again....LOL) I LOVE LOVE your Wonder Woman thermos!!!
  24. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Let us know how it goes Daron!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
