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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oh yeah! I just tried like maybe an 1/8 of a cup of chicken broth and it was yummy.And I'm stuffed. But I'll definitely try the ramen broth tomorrow. :-)
  2. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Your den sounds awesome Beni!! You'll do great!!!
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm craving ramen noodle broth. We probably can't have that, huh?
  4. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yep, that's exactly what mine looks like.
  5. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Layknee, Yeah, I have the pin on it, but only pinned it to my gown at the hospital. I could do that now too I suppose. I just want the damn thing out.
  6. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    You 2 look so much better than I feel!!! I've had more pain and discomfort since I've been home. I can't even handle broth at this point. Only watered down juice, room temp. Here's a pic of my belly on day 2 post op. The drain is by far the worst thing ever. It's all covered up with the bandage but I have to pretty much carry the bulb thing around or it pulls at the site. Cannot freaking wait until Monday to get it out!
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks for all of your thoughts. I called the Dr's office this morning. I was pleasantly surprised to hear I'm normal. Most of my pain is gas now. I hadn't taken my omneorozol either cuz I was so nauseated, but by not taking it, it was making me worse. They called another med in too for the stomach acid. I'm not taking pain meds cuz it makes me so sock and it's not going to help the gas pain anyway. I've had so many tearful moments my poor 8 yr old daughter is getting so worried. She just cries aling with me. But knowing some of you are doing so good a couple weeks out gives me hope! My honey just stopped home to change my drain bandages. Omg, not a good experience and it hurts so Flippin bad to cry. Can't wait to have that part done!! Auri- so excited for your size 18! !!! That's awesome! ! I feel like my belly is twice as big as normal so no weighing for me! And all I'm wearing is yoga pants and a loose tshirt. Can't handle any restriction on my belly area.
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oops. They showed me, not showered me.
  9. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Superbariatric- yep, they shower me how to do all of that. I got it changed...alot of oozing at the site. My daughter came home from college today and made me call the hospital. I am so nauseated. I keep crying Nd shaking. So freaking miserable. Can't read my kindle, can't watch tv. Just Like Im Motion sick. The nurse at the hospital said go back to only water. Even though everything I was trying to drink or eat was sugar free, whatever is in it I still might not be able to tolerate. So back to sips of water and then I need to call the Dr's office right away in the morning.
  10. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks! Hopefully I can muster up enough energy to get in the shower today! Geez! So weak and shakey. I just tried broth with protein mix. All of a sudden got super nauseated and my stomach tried throwing up. I forced it to stop by deep breathing and sniffing my peppermint oil. ( I use tons of different essential oils) Sipping on Powerade too. I don' know how the hell I'm gonna get 9 cups of liquid in!? And I'm super emotional. Still glad I did it because I know from talking to so many people it gets better....but I think we have some rough days ahead here. As far as sex...not on my mind at this point, LOL. But more sleep is on my mind, so off I go to sleep!
  11. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I had my "what have I done" moment last night. Cried like a baby, which really hurts by the way!! My pain is 90% on the right side where the drain is. I felt bad that Brett was not only having to do my work at work (we work together) but then he had to come home and deal with the dogs. Kids, and supper. And he had a Horrid headache cuz he didn't take time to eat that day. So yeah, I felt awful. Hopefully each day will get better..
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Morning fellow gladiators! OMG. I just dropped my kindle on my stomach. Ouch!!! My first night st home went pretty good! I set my alarm for every 4 hours to take my meds. I slept great in between. I have my bed raised about 30degrees and slept on my back. Are half. Popsicle this morning when I was up telling kids goodbye. I need to get in some protein today so I can take my vitamins. For those who went home with a drain, how often did you need to change dressing? Oh! I was so excited when I got up to pee, I had a BM too! LOL! Brett just laughed when I told him...but to NOT be constipated is great!! Ok...gonna go doze a while more.
  13. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm home. Yay!! Very sore. I hate the drain. Only small amount of gas pain though. I have a heating pad on my back and an ice pack on my belly. Not hungry at all So hard to drink anything. Oh and I started coughing this afternoon. Hurt SO bad. Then I was afraid I was getting sick. But the nurse said its just from walking. It's bringing up shit out of my lungs. I'm galling asleep so I'll be back later.
  14. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hey friends! I think I get to go home today!! Although I'm a little nervous. I'm afraid to get dehydrated at home. I still have fluids going in here to keep me nice and hydrated. I got to take a shower!! I was so excited!! I haven't really had the gas pain I expected. My main pain is coming from the stupid drain site. I'm sipping kn broth and water, but I'm not hungry at all so it's hard to make myself drink. Gonna go take a snooze. I'll check in later
  15. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Mariew- they've switch my pain meds to a liquid one now that I can drink. It's working better. Most of my pain is where the drain is. Don't be afraid to tell them you need something stronger though. :-)
  16. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hi friends! Doing alright here. A lot of pain and morphine wasn't taking care it It's all I could have until I did the swallow test. I passed the swallow test! Yay! So now I get 30 mil of water every hour. I did not have to have the feeding tube! And just one drainage tube. That area is super sore. I'll have to leave it for a week. Ewww. Ok. Drugs kicking in Need to sleep
  17. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Hey friends ! I can't believe it's 9:15! Pain level still good. It's from the shot in my back. The itching is literally driving me insane. Got 1 dose of benadryl. Waiting for another one. Got up and took a walk. Felt great!! Check out my sexy legs!!
  18. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Thanks friends! Lots of itching. Pain about a 5. Had an injection I. The spine to numb me up. Works well. Itching is driving me mad!!! Went better than expecteded. No feeding tube! Yay Check back I'm later. Sooooooo loopy!!!
  19. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm here! Have my lovely gown on. It's this big bulky gown they call The Bair Paw. It connects to a hose to blow either warm or cool air in, whichever you need!
  20. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Ummm, yeah, guess I'll have to sleep after surgery because I barely slept at all. I was still awake at 12:30, slept a bit, awake again at 1:45 and now up again to get ready. Talk to you all later today!
  21. amylynns

    October 19,2014

    From the album: Before 2014

  22. amylynns

    October 19,2014

    From the album: Before 2014

  23. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm posting some before pics tonight since I'll be up at 3am to get ready and be at the hospital by 4:45. These pics were today. ..and I'm officially down 15 pounds from my 2 week liquid diet. Ooops. I'm sideways in my pics. I'm gonna see if I can turn myself around, lol.
  24. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Evening friends! So my bowel prep was less eventful than I imagined it would be. When I did it back in 2008, seems like I went a lot more. The only thing I can think of is that since I was already using that Mag. 07 product, which kept me very regular and very soft (TMI) bm's. THis morning I had to go to the hospital and get labs done again. Then my honey and I went to Sam's Club to stock up on some stuff. Unfortunately we went right when they were giving away lots of food samples! OIY!! That was hard! Then I told my honey he should get something for lunch, so we went to Jimmy John's. I brought my thermos of broth in and he ate a big sub! Yep, that was hard too. But guess life will be full of tests, so a good challenge for me. I had to take 2 different antibiotics at 2:00, 3:00 and then one more dose tonight at 10PM. The one says "Take with food." Nice...oh my goodness, made me SO sick to my stomach. Finally tried some broth at 5:30, that helped a little bit. Also got things "moving" some more. TMI WARNING----for those that did the bowel prep, did the color change to crazy color? Mine before I ate broth today, was a dark green almost black color. So gross!!!

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