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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I pulled out a different pair of black dress pants for work today because my "big" ones (size 20) I've been still wearing were like bagging down to the knees. But I didn't expect my other ones to fit, they're a 16. Well, they sure did fit! Yay!! The button area is rubbing a bit on my incision, but not too bad. Guess I just cannot drink coffee anymore. I've tried a few different times now. But nope, I get a few sips in and I'm sick to my stomach for the next 4 hours. UGH.
  2. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Totally normal! :-) Did your co-workers know what you were having done?
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Yay! So glad things are MOVING and "talking" in there now!! Whew!! I thought you were going to need to go to the hospital too!
  4. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oh! Thank goodness! I was really worried! I bet you feel so much better!
  5. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am. I was able to keep my dinner in last night. Tuna and cottage cheese. I wondered if it could be from the night before, but I figured it would have hit sooner than that. But maybe not. We had gone out. I ordered tilapia and baked potato. I ate about 3 oz of the tilapia and 1/3 of the small baked potato. BUT....they included a little bowl of melted butter for the tilapia (gross). I didn't use any of it, but it had spilled on the plate and at least half of the fish was sitting in a pool of butter. I tried to eat the part that wasn't saturated in it. But maybe I got more of it than I figured? That's all I had. I'm surprised it made me pretty much sick from 5AM until 6PM. Today has been good. Scrambled egg for Breakfast, Soup for lunch, (pureed a beef stew type soup). I'm having a mashed banana now and will be making some salmon later on. All my meals are late today because my lazy butt slept until 10AM!! Oh my gosh it felt so good!!!!
  6. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Beni--what if there's a blockage??? You should have EMPTIED after taking all of that!!! I think they need to x-ray and then go in and remove it for you. My gosh friend, I cannot imagine how painful that has go to be!
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I love the rubber band idea! ! I'm still wearing some of my clothes even though they're way too big. My incisions are still sore so I don't want to wear anything snug on my belly. Leggings would be comfy but I've never worn them. Pretty sure I'm too old for leggings, lol!
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    You look amazing!!! I too have had alot of those "what have I done?" Moments. For people that say we've taken the easy way out, they are dead wrong. It is a different struggle than I had before though. My struggle now is to get enough food in to get enough nutrients to be able to function. 350 calories a day long term isn't good! Or to get enough Water in so you don't become dehydrated. And working out? I can't begin to workout when I can barely eat enough to just get through the day. Or trying to figure out why I can eat one thing dine one day and the next day it gives me nausea for the next 6 hours. Or diarrhea for the whole day...So yeah...those are my frustrations. But I know it'll get better! :-)
  9. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Any tips friends! I've had diarrhea since 5 AM this morning. Tried a smoothie for breakfast. That went through me. Tried potato soup for lunch. That went through. Tried some broth. ...that went through. I think I've gone 10-12 times. Got maybe 8oz of water down and sipping on gatorade.
  10. Congratulations on getting the surgery! I had mine done on Oct. 20th. What does your surgeon require for a pre-op diet? I had to do a 2 week liquid diet before. My biggest thing was, no cheating. Period. Is it hard? Yes! But it not only makes the surgery go smoother, but I felt it prepared me for my new life. It helped me feel more in control of my eating. Do you have a family? My boyfriend (close to engaged, LOL) and I have 7 kids between the 2 of us. 5 of them at home, 2 at college. I made the kids well aware of what I was having done, so they wouldn't worry when I came home to recover. My 14yr son wanted to help me out by doing the liquid diet with me, lol. I didn't let him. Let's see.... what else. Oh, I stocked up on the liquids I'd need after surgery too. Just so I knew I'd have them on hand. Being prepared with what you need on hand really helps. Same with meds/vitamins you'll need. Get those all ahead of time. Another tip is to have some kind of gas medicine on hand. I had Gas X strips, but then ended up making me sick to my stomach. I got the baby mylecan drops and that worked really well. Gas pain from when they "blow up your abdomen" afterwards is at times unbearable! The best way to get it to work itself out of you is to get up and walk, often--as soon after surgery as you can. I'm sure your nurses will tell you this also. Heating pad also helps. I'll try and thing of some more stuff. :-)
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I see your ticker. :-) It's keeping track of your BMI. If you want to update it, go up to the top right hand side of the screen and click on where it says, "Hello Sherrib4health" and then it will say,"update clicker." Then you have to click through some screens to get to where you update it. Hopefully that helps?
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Well worth waiting for! with me losing 30 and him trimming down his belly (without trying! Grr! He only weights 160) we fit together alot better! Haha!
  13. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Do you take any acid reducing meds? I take omeprizol and then when I was so nauseated they added prescription pepcid. It helped ALOT! I have gotten nauseated if I eat something too quickly.
  14. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    On a good note.....finally ummmm, ya know! Amazing!!!! But I only got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep so my honey let me sleep in this morning and be late for work. So I just got up at 9:30!! Better get my butt in the shower now and go help him at work! (We work together)
  15. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    The nurse called me back this morning. I have to go in next Thursday and have a scope out down my throat. She said they may have to dilate the opening a bit. I should not be having reflux. :-(
  16. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Whoohoo!!!! It is a strange feeling, isn't it?!
  17. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Girl! You had an "open" surgery! Your recovery is going to be slower. Those little 10 minute walks will definitely help, and it always pooped me out, but yet, I was in less pain. (not so stiff, etc.) 12 pounds is ALOT!! You're 2 weeks out, right? My 30 pounds is from when I started the 2 week liquid diet until now. So that's a full month. (and 5 days) You're doing great!!
  18. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Yay! keep doing those little 5-10 minute walks! I'm up to about 45 mins now. But I started the same way. My 8yr old would "walk" me to the end of the block and back. :-) You're going to LOVE that scrambled egg!! That's what I had too--but be aware, you may only get a few bites in and you'll be full. :-)
  19. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I just called. I always call my favorite nurse in the office, then she'll call me back after she talks to the Dr. (probably in the morning) I asked her about that one big incision too. I can see there's like 2 tiny little holes, and I can see the internal stich in there. She said that's pretty normal, sometimes they make their way to the surface. But I should wash it at least twice a day with antibacterial soap to prevent any infection getting in there. Oh my gosh--I am so exhausted today. If I close my eyes just for a second sitting here at my desk I know I'd fall asleep! I'll be going to bed early tonight for sure!
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I was hoping no one said that... :-)
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I don't think I'm eating stuff that would irritate it. Breakfast has been either scrambled eggs or smoothie. lunch has been either tuna, pureed chicken, or veggie Soup and then I have a pureed veggie along with it. dinner is....pretty much the same, LOL. But I did have fish the other night Yums. And again, a veggie along with it. (green Beans, carrots and cauliflower are what I've had so far) If I have some potatoes cooked up, I usually have about 2TBS of potato. Then I usually have 1 or 2 "snacks" during the day/evening. And that's been yogurt or cottage cheese. I would say I measure it in a measuring cup about 90% of the time. But honestly, it's rare that I've even been able to finish a meal. I always eat my Protein first, then veggie and then potato. I wondered if I'm eating too late into the evening, but I started getting that "acidy" feeling yesterday afternoon even.
  22. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Question! I had BAD reflux and hiatal hernia before surgery. But about 3-4 weeks before surgery it had actually calmed down ALOT. Well, it's BAD again! I had been told with the RNY it pretty much assures you that you won't have reflux?! I'm not over-eating. I'm on 40mg of omeprazol a day, plus prescription Pepcid. I'm not sure if it's just still swelling in there or what. My surgeon did say I'd have to be on omeprazole for the rest of my life because I have Barrett's Esophagus. (caused by food getting constantly stuck when I had the lapband and I had to throw it up almost daily) But I'm really hating waking up all through the night with that nasty feeling in my throat. *note, I'm sleeping with the head of the bed raised, on my back, with 3 pillows still. Any suggestions?
  23. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hehee, isn't it crazy how full we get! I love it, yet when something doesn't set well, I hate that it seems like I'm doomed the rest of the day. It's like I'm afraid to eat again for fear it'll make me sick again.
  24. I was getting tired of eggs for Breakfast, so I did the smoothie the last couple mornings. I know we're not supposed to "drink" our meals as a rule, but I figured during pureed stage it's alright. I used one container of Danon Light Yogurt, then about 4-6 oz of OJ, a couple frozen strawberries and 1 scoop of my GENEPRO unflavored Protein mix. Total calories 268, total protein 44g. That'll keep me full for a while! I sipped on it for over an hour.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
