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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    This nausea is seriously going to kill me. (not literally) My gosh. I don't know what to do!? I took my Pepcid, omeprozol, and Zofran before I ate at about 8:30 (like I was told to) I ate 4 bites of yogurt, over about 25 minutes. Sick to my stomach. Tried using my peppermint oil. (works for nausea generally) Didn't work this time. Waited an hour, tried to drink some sips. Got some down, but totally sick to my stomach. Then took my antibiotic. (for the UTI and incision) Finally at 12:30 I decided maybe getting something more in my belly would help. Ate my 1/2 Cup of cottage cheese, over a 45 minute period. Pretty much ok, until after the last bite. I've just been trying to hold it in since then. I also had woken up at 2:00 with my sick 8 yr old and then proceeded to have diarrhea every half hour until 5:30. Slept until 7:30. Have had 3 more bouts of it since being at work. I am in tears, beyond frustrated. I just don't know what to do? I hate to call my Dr. again. They're at a loss. I've done everything they told me to.
  2. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I am so darn proud of you!!!! But now "I" need to quit using the excuse "it's too cold out!" If you can do it there's no reason I can't bundle up and go too! So thank you for sharing that!!! It's great motivation for me! I do prefer to workout in the evenings though. I'm not much of a morning girl. Lol. Now I just need to get hydrated and over the infection so I can physically do something! :-) Have you ever done yoga? I love yoga! It's relaxing yet a hard workout that's easy on the joints. It uses slot of the core muscles though so I need to wait just a Little while longer to do that until my belly muscles don't hurt. Off to bed I go!
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm glad too!! Thank you! I'm looking forward to feeling better! :-)
  4. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Yumm, that looks amazing! I think I'll try it too. Hopefully the 12g of sugar won't be too sweet on our bellies. But even a bite or 2 would be great. I'll still be on pureed. My plan is to puree turkey (with a little gravy). I usually make a corn pudding too. But my NUT says no corn. :-( I think I'll puree a little stuffing with gravy too. I'm having the same kind of cravings! A nice green salad with lots of fresh veggies. Oh, hummus, how I miss you!! And sushi!! Good things come to those who wait, right?
  5. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hi Joan! Congratulations on your surgery! I've lost 33 and I don't see it so much in the mirror, but my clothes are hanging off of me. Can you tell a difference in your clothing? I think for me, I've hated myself for so long that it's hard to see the good now. Try not to focus on your imperfections you're seeing. focus on what you're doing to make yourself a healthier you!! You deserve to love yourself! :-)
  6. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks Beni. It is SO hard to get in all that Water. Like you said, when you can't drink 1/2 hour before you eat and another hour after you eat. But yet, we're supposed to eat something every 4 or so hours...and I'm supposed to get 80-90 oz in between all of that?? It will be a little easier if I'm not constantly sick to my stomach though. I've gotten my 32oz in between noon and now. I guess I could stay up all night and drink water, LOL! Or not! I got a whopping 355 calories in today!
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks Luna! A couple years ago I had a bad UTI. I didn't have any pain then either. I went to the Dr. because my pee smelled REALLY WEIRD! The Dr. pretty much scolded me for letting it go that long because it could go from bad to worse really quickly and you could have permanent damage? Really? But I didn't have pain, so why would I have gone to the Dr. earlier? I did just notice the last couple days that even when I'd wipe, it was really dark yellow, even on the TP. (sorry, TMI) You should definitely check with your Dr. to see if you're dehydrated though, Luna. The leg cramps are for sure a sign of that.
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oh. And the system wouldn't let her order the carafate since it's listed as an allergy. Sorry for the long posts!
  9. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Dr called me at home and said my urine and labs show I am very dehydrated and I have a bad urinary tract infection. So she called in an antibiotic that covers that and the incision. Changed the anti nausea med to zofran cuz the other would react to another med I take. She said the urinary tract infection may be causing the nausea. Never heard of that. I didn't even realize I had one. I knew I wasn't peeing alot when I'd go but no burning. As far as the dehydration, she said I have to get 80-90 oz a day!? Seriously? I can barely get in 32!
  10. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Quick update on my scope procedure. He didn't have to dilate the opening. A lot of selling in there yet. Said my pouch is 2cm. Little!? And where the stomach and intestine meets the stitches are still there and alot if redness/ irritation. So 1: even 1/2 cup is too much. 2: with that area being red and irritated yet I need to be careful. He took some biopsies if irritated areas too. Added a over the counter med, Gaviscon? Never heard of it. Then I went and saw my Dr. About the insicion. But she went over the scope report with me first. Also added 2 meds. Omg! For the nausea, reglin? And. Also carafate. I've taken it before and had an allergic reaction but I was taking g a high dose along with some other meds. So we're going to try it. It worked well on the ulcers in my esophagus when I took it before. Until my reaction to it. Lol. So the incision ...she took a culture and then cut that hanging stitch out. Also covered it up lightly. Oh...and I about passed out on her. I was getting nervous when she said she was going to cut the stitch out and between that and just coming out of anesthesia, I was a bit of a mess. Ooops! Then she had me get some labs run too. She told me no eating Soups. :-( go through the pOuch too quick and then it doesn't keep you hungry and you may eat too much too fast cuz it goes down quickly. On pureed for 2 more weeks to make sure those stitches in my stomach are healed up well. Oh joy. And not I'm heading to bed! Soooo looopy!!!
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    That sounds painful! I had a friend who had back surgery and he had something similar to that. His got infected though. His wife had to pack in these medicated strips of stuff into the hole! No way!! (and to think, I always wanted to be a nurse, guess there's a reason I'm not!) Maybe that's what mine is doing, healing from the inside out or something.
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--That looks pretty good! My other ones healed up nice, but they're flush with my skin.
  13. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--Yes, I will. It's just been the last couple days that it has started hurting and the redness appeared. But the hole has been getting larger in the last week. I have to kind of spread the skin open to see it because of the indented incision. A friend of mine had a similar "indented" one--where her incision wouldn't heal because it was like enclosed in the skin. (you can't really see it in the picture because I'm like, holding it open..) But anyway--she ended up getting a tummy tuck totally covered by insurance because of this!? I honestly don't have much loose skin there. Lower I do--but that's more from having 4 babies I think, LOL. I don't see myself "wanting" a tummy tuck at this point. Silly reason--I KNOW that would entail drains!! But I would love a boob lift! My poor DDD boobs are losing some major muscle. (is that what it is? Muscle, tissue, I don't know, but they're fading away.) I'd love to be a nice D cup though.
  14. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @AuriP---Yes!!!! I can most definitely see a difference girl!!! By the way, your have a GORGEOUS smile!! I've called the Dr.'s office, just waiting for a call back. It is getting pretty sore.
  15. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    So so sorry for the grossness!!!!
  16. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @layknee--Keep an eye on it. Mine started like a tiny hole like that. It'll probably gross everyone out, so here's a warning. I'm going to go take a picture quick so you can see how bad it's gotten in just a week.
  17. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    You're doing great Layknee! You've lost a lot!! I have an incision that is infected! And there's a big hole in it now. :-( It started out just a tiny little hole where I could see one of the internal stitches. My RN told me to wash it 3 times a day with an antibacterial soap, which I've done. But it's opened up a lot more now and it red and gunky. This is the incision I've had so much trouble with with since the beginning. It's like indented, so I don't know how it's ever going to heal like that. I'm having that scope procedure done tomorrow so I need to call today and see if I can stop at the office and have them take a look at it. Oh joy! I'
  18. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--Thanks!! I'll have to get some of that lactaid. I don't mix milk with mine now. And it is actually a little over cooked. Maybe that's the problem. Oh--and I'm sure I had too much coconut oil in the pan. And I put a tiny sprinkle of shredded cheese. (probably about 1tsp) Now I'll be sick to my stomach for the next 3 hours. And all I took were 4 little bites. Probably the size of my thumb nail.
  19. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Whoohoo Auri!!!
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    My surgeon says to get 60g of protein. (although it's REALLY hard at this stage) But they said the more protein, the more you lose. And maybe a call to your Dr.'s office/ nutritionist might be the next step. Maybe they can give some suggestions. 3 weeks seems like a long time with no loss!
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Stick to those pureed friend!! You don't want to hurt your pouch. :-) I had that foaming thing all day yesterday! So weird and SO uncomfortable! And I barely ate anything all day! I'm trying to get down an scrambled egg right now. I'm taking itty bitty little bites and chewing chewing chewing, and yet my tummy is already getting upset after 3 bites. So frustrating! I do not have bad gas. I was warned by a couple people who'd had the surgery that I probably would have BAD smelling gas. But so far, I'm clear!
  22. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I just wish I knew what was causing it so I could stop whatever it is! I called the Dr. Office today and my favorite nurse ever said if 1/2 thing of yogurt made you sick, try 1/4 of it next time. Lunch was veggie soup, 4 bites down is all I got. Dinner was tomato bisque soup. Super yummy. Ate 1/4 of a cup. Nausea. Had a popsicle. That did well. Maybe I'll just live on popsicles! I will puree Turkey and stuffing if I need to! I can't wait for it!! Your cramping calves...is that a sign of not enough water? I know I'm having a heck of a time getting mine all in. When I had my lap band I was able to take liquid methotrexate. I had to use a syringe to get it out of the bottle then just squirt it in a little water and drink it.
  23. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks! I can't wait for a little more variety. I'm on pureed until at least my 6 week check up on Dec. 1st.
  24. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm sure they'll notice something!! I hope you have a great first day back!! Can you tell me in general what you're eating daily at this point? Do you have any issues eating?
  25. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Same here...I can eat eggs fine one day and they make me sick the next. Yesterday was a pretty decent day eating/stomach wise. Today not so much. Everything I ate me me sick to my stomach. (Well, I had half my yogurt for breakfast and that did ok)I want a cracker too or toast to calm my belly. Out of all the people I talked to before the surgery that had had the surgery before, no one told me what a challenge it would be just to eat each day!? I don't feel like 500 calories are enough a day to function. But I can barely eat that much some day. The most I've had is around 700.

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