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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tinaoneday

  1. tinaoneday

    One week post bandster

    It is one week, since I was banded! It was hard eating only broth, popsickles, and jello for the entire week. But I survived. According to my scales..... 9/25/08 229lbs 10/2/08 210lbs Pretty crazy uh? I have always been able to lose weight pretty fast. It is keeping it off that is my battle. I go to Dr. W tomorrow. I can not wait to weigh on their scales. My incisions look great and I feel good. I walked about a mile on Tuesday. It was not real easy. Need to start walking everyday. Not my favorite thing to do.
  2. tinaoneday

    One week post bandster

    Ok I have a wierd one for yall, I am 10 days post op. Last night I was laying down and eating a popsickle. I suddlenly felt like I had something "like a piece of bread" stuck in my throat. It feels better today, but it stil feels like there is a sm pill stuck. I do not know if it was because I was laying on my side or what, but I do not recommend it. Besides that I feel great. How are yall, nurse linda and lsuval?
  3. tinaoneday

    One week post bandster

    Hello Nurse Linda- I am so happy, I found someone that was banded on the same day! Yeah Us! I too went to full liquids today! I get a pain right in the middle of my abdomen(below breast) where largest incision is but mine seems to hurt when I bend over to much (that is changing postitions maybe . Like today I really over did it picked up the house and did laundry. Pretty sore. My doctor today said that was normal. I am having a hard time getting enough protein. Are you drinking shakes? I went today to see if I could find protein powder but I could not find any. I must not know what I am looking for. I was going to go to Walgreens tomorrow and ask for help. The worst part so far is I am very moody, not enough food I think. Thanks for writing. glynna
  4. tinaoneday

    One week post bandster

    It is one week, since I was banded! It was hard eating only broth, popsickles, and jello for the entire week. But I survived. According to my scales..... 9/25/08 229lbs 10/2/08 210lbs Pretty crazy uh? I have always been able to lose weight pretty fast. It is keeping it off that is my battle. I go to Dr. W tomorrow. I can not wait to weigh on their scales. My incisions look great and I feel good. I walked about a mile on Tuesday. It was not real easy. Need to start walking everyday. Not my favorite thing to do.
  5. Hello all, I just was banded one week ago today! It is so nice to read all the comments and advise that is given on this website. I can not believe all the negative comments and unsupportive words that my friends have said about me being banded. It is nice to be among friends that understand.

  6. I was banded on September 25, 2008!

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