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La Crisha

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About La Crisha

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  • Birthday 04/20/1981

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    Medical Assistant
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  1. La Crisha

    Ulcers 3 Months Post Surgery

    I am happy to hear that you are okay and made it through. I was told about this during my consultation with the surgeon. My team told me that after the day of surgery I will go home with antiacid medications and the other medication that you said that you get six months after post op. I have to take that medicine for a whole year. They also told me that is why it is important not to go to the gym right away, wait 6 months and do not overdo my exercises. I even have to come home with a breathing machine and do breathing exercises, so this won't happen. Everyone I know that went to the clinic I went to have not had any problems because we get the medication to prevent ulcers before we are discharged to go home and have to continue them for one whole year. Some doctors don't tell the patients that unless you do your research and ask questions. This is good information to let everyone know about this. People have been telling me to make sure that I get the medication to prevent ulcers before I get discharged and wait to do abdominal exercising 6 to 12 mos afterwards to make sure that you have healed properly.
  2. La Crisha

    Starting Point

    Thanks! I am having surgery on Tuesday, and I am so excited!!!
  3. LOL, you asked if you can guzz down water ever again. I was told by my provider that you should not ever do that because you will be filling your new stomach with air and make it expand. I think practicing this now will help you for post-surgery and thereafter. That is what I did, I practiced sipping my water and I bought a smart bottled water from Amazon and set a reminder for every thirty minutes and it also keeps track of how much I drink for the day. So far I have been able to maintain 64oz just by sipping every day. Now after Tuesday I have to set my water goal to 48 oz a day. I have even tried sipping my water after I had done a strenuous workout and I surprised myself, I did not guzz it down like I used to. I took my sips and was fine. I think the key to being successful on this journey is practice. Practice all what your dietitian and providers tell you that you need to do, and you will be great.
  4. La Crisha

    Weight Loss Stalled on LRD

    Sometimes you have to do things differently than other people or use some of other people ideas to help with the pre-surgery weight loss task goal. When I started, I drunk two meal replacement shakes that was high in protein (30mg) and for dinner I would eat a small portion for dinner. The amount I would eat for dinner was the amount you are supposed to eat after surgery. I even started drinking my water 30 mins before my meal and 30 mins after my meal. I actually have been keeping this going for the past four months and within the last two weeks I did the full on liquid diet that helped me reach my goal weight before surgery. I know some people talked with their provider and got on medication to help them lose their goal weight before surgery. It will be okay; you will get there.
  5. I am so excited; I am having surgery in two days. Everyone is asking me am I ready? My answer is yes, I am too prepared and ready to go! I was supposed to have my surgery last Tuesday but had to get it rescheduled because the surgeon was out ill and therefore had to reschedule for this coming Tuesday. I have been looking at all my before pics and looking at myself now, I am so filled with joy how far I have come. This has and is an amazing journey and I can't wait to get back to my old self again. I am so happy that I made the decision to do the surgery. I have no regrets about my decision. I know am I doing the right thing by investing in myself and becoming more healthier and looking at food differently now. I now know what it means by "Mindful Eating."
  6. Hi there! I am getting ready to have surgery on Tuesday. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I did a lot of preparing for this surgery. Three weeks ago, I did the liquid diet that you are supposed to do post op. I just wanted to get a feel of how it would be so I can prepare for what's to come. I started implementing the things that my dietitian and providers told me that I need to do to be successful post op. I stopped drinking all pop and carbonated beverages. I was buying all the things that was zero sugar added and sugar free. I have been drinking my protein shakes and clear protein drinks. I have been keeping up with my water intake and getting in as much exercise as I can. When I decided to go ahead a do the surgery I was weighing at 291 lbs. My task goal weight loss for surgery was set a 5lbs. I actually lost way more than that, I surpassed what they wanted me to lose. I am now 254lbs. I will probably have lost a little more by Tuesday. Starting tomorrow I have to be on clear liquids to prep for Tuesday. Just want to let you know you got this and you will do great. Just stay focus and motivated. I was the same way on edge and excited. Make sure you have a good support team too! This will help and make things feel so much better. It is good that you are nervous and excited! Way to go!!!!
  7. La Crisha

    Starting Point

    this is the starting point of my serious weight loss journey
  8. Birthday Pic. Four months after being on Zepbound injections
  9. La Crisha

    Pre-Op Pic

    On my Birthday 4 months after Zepbound Injections

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
