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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mbacherfhd

  1. mbacherfhd

    Current Weight 196.

    From the album: Before and After

  2. mbacherfhd

    Before and After

    Starting Weight 352 01/19/2009
  3. mbacherfhd


    From the album: Before and After

  4. mbacherfhd

    Dr. Keith Mcewen - Sleeve??

    As far as I know Dr. Mckwen only specializes in the Lapband.
  5. mbacherfhd

    Am I Full or Stuck!?

    I also recently had my first fill on 03/23. I have experienced the same thing over the past couple of weeks. My suggestion to you is when you feel that feeling STOP eating right away. On Tuesday night at dinner I got that feeling and ignored it and had just one more small bite. Bad decision!!! From that point I was so uncomfortable for about 45 minutes, before I gave in and experienced my first PB. My experience is that I feel this feeling at about 5 - 6 oz's of food consumption. So now my new game plan is to only make my portion size 6 oz's and the moment I feel that feeling the rest of the meal goes in the fridge or in the trash. It is definately not worth it to take one bite more.
  6. mbacherfhd

    What do men eat on a normal day

    I was banded on 01/19/09. I just had my first fill on 03/23. The fill has made a big difference and I can only eat 4-6 oz's per meal. Today my meals consisted of: Breakfast - 1c. Fiber one Cereal with 1c of skim milk/260 cal. lunch - Healthy Choice meal. Grilled chicken Marinara/270 cal. dinner - 2 oz sliced turkey and 4 oz cottage cheese/130 cal. I will probably have a snack later that will probably be 4 oz of suger free yogurt/60 cal. From what I understand it is very important to do breakfast on a daily basis. Breakfast will jump start your matabilism for the day and help your body stay out of starvation mode.
  7. mbacherfhd

    Post-fill experience

    I also received my first fill last week. I did liquids for 48 hours and then after that I felt alot of restriction. Currently, I eat about 3 - 4 oz's of food before I feel full. My doc's office says I will loosen up alittle over the next couple of weeks and to be patient, there goal is to get me to the point where I can eat 4 - 6 oz's and feel completely satisfied. I do agree with the other posts as well that each person is different and may take a different number of fills before you feel restriction. Hang in there it will come for you.
  8. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    I have also only seen my surgeon one time since surgery. It was middle of Feb. My surgeon requires me to see him once a month. In Feb he did not fill me and said I currently had good weight loss. I see him again in two weeks and hopefully will get my first fill.
  9. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    Hello everyone, Its been almost 4 weeks since the day we were all banded. Just curious how everyone is doing since surgury. I have lost 37 lbs since preop diet on January 5th and and 19lbs since day of surgury. All is well and dont even feel like I had anything done. I eat about 8 oz's of food 3 times a day and am currently at about 900 calories a day.
  10. I was just banded on Monday and feel really good. Something you may need if you are taking the pain meds that frequently is some stool softner, because the pain meds tend to make you consipated. I took milk of magnesia yesterday and I feel that just about all of the gas is gone. Just something that seemed to help me out.
  11. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    I think I had my first stuck episode. I called my DR office today because I was concerned about only getting 100 calories yesterday. They told me if I am tolerating liquids that I should try a protein shake for the nutrition. Trying to play it safe I made an 8 oz shake and poured half of it into another glass to save for later. I drank the first 4 oz's with no problem so I thought I would go for it all. I did have alittle discomfort in my left shoulder blade on my back. I didnt think this was the warning sign because I was told it would be on your shoulder. So I didnt really give the mild discomfort in my shoulder blade any concern. It was also time for me to take my medicine. When I swalled the medicine I could feel it stop about 1/2 way down my esphagus. I few times I swear I could feel it moving back up. You all may of already known this but just want to let you know any pain/discomfort in shoulder blade or shoulder is a sign that you are full.
  12. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    This morning I can tell alot of the gas is no longer there. I woke up last night and could hear and feel the gas moving around inside. I also took off my bandages this morning because I want to take a shower so bad. All of the incisions look good except for the largest incision which is on the right side. That must be the incision that they put the band through. I doesnt look bad it just has some dried blood on it. I never thought Id say a glass of skim milk tasted so good but I am having an 8 oz glass of skim milk for breakfast and it is so goood.:tongue:
  13. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    Hello everyone. I hope everything went good for you yesterday. I am home now. I feel pretty good with the exception of the soreness in my tummy. I am not sure if it is the gas or just the incisions aching. Whatever it is it is bearalbe. HALO, Were you in room 15 at the hosiptal? I was in 14. I know we passed each other in the hallway. However, it seemed like we were preocuppied by either nurses or family members. Just want to say hello and learn how you are feeling today. Let me know. Talk to you later.:wink2:
  14. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    Good Luck to all. I am sure it will be over before we know it. I wouldn't say I am scared today just alittle anxiety. Hope to talk to you all later in the week so we can share our stories of the hospital. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride.
  15. I am on day 13 of the preop diet and have lost 18lbs.
  16. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    Yea, teaspoon of water is about all we will be able to get. I really havent givin the support group much thought yet. I do plan on going to them but did not realize there was one on the 5th. I'm not sure but I think I have my first postop appt with Laura on the 5th, I will have to check.
  17. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    The shakes are going ok. I have lost 11 lbs on my preop and I am so glad. I was really nervous last week but seem a little calmer this week. But I am sure the nervousness will come back later this week. Are you just taking the 6 shakes aday? I am having a least 10 oz's of brooth aday and some sugar free Jello. They seem to help. We bought some sugar free fudgecicles yesterday and they take your mind off of it as well. I do limit myself to just 1 fudgecicle per day. Just think next Monday at this time we will both be banded.
  18. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    Halo, I am also being banded by Dr. McKwen on the 19th. What time is your surgery? I am told I need to report at 9AM. What a small world.
  19. mbacherfhd

    January 19th

    The 19th is our day. Can't wait to have this done. Day 7 of the preop diet and have lost 10lbs. I feel so good about that.
  20. mbacherfhd

    Anyone getting banded in January

    January 19th will be the day for me. Ordered my pre op shakes today and ready to start the 2 week liquid diet on January 5th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
