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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by debbut

  1. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey! I did my sleep study with Dr. Dey and he's wonderful. I had sleep apnea before I ever started the process of my lapband but when it was time to do the paperwork for me, I just had to get him the compliance data and they had the paperwork back over at Dr. Miles' office before I knew it.
  2. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Way to go Lolly. I have 6 ccs now and I'm having to learn how to eat without food getting stuck. I've been on a trip for a few days and have discovered that it is difficult at the airport to find anything to eat. Bread gives me fits so I've pretty much given it up. Thank goodness for peanut butter and crackers. I've been in Philadelphia for a conference and walked my feet off. My docs should be happy with all the exercise I got. I'm thinking if I lived in a big city, I wouldn't have to worry about exercise...I'd get plenty but then again I like the quietness of the country.
  3. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi Everyone, I went to Dr. Miles this week for my first fill since having the surgery to remove the scar tissue. I was so relieved to see that he was able to pull fluid out and then put it all back in. This is the first time since my surgery that I feel restriction. I can't eat nearly as much and it feels good to finally be on track. I hope everyone is doing well. Deb
  4. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    That's great Lolly! I too have come off one of my bp meds and have been digging in the back of the closet for smaller clothes. It's fun isn't it? And I've been shopping a good bit lately but am going to the thrift stores to buy my clothes. I feel like it's more motivating to wear clothes that fit...people tend to notice that you've lost weight and compliment you on your progress. Plus it just feels good to wear clothes that fit. Keep up the good work Lolly! Deb
  5. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Time to post everything that has gone one for the last couple of weeks. I posted a little about it a couple of weeks ago but pulled it cause i didn't want to scare anyone. I've had 4 fills before today and with the first three there was no restriction. I was thinking it was possible that I had a leak and Lisa was worried about it too. Last Thursday, they filled the band up and was unable to pull any of the fluid back out. They haven't been able to pull any of the fluid back out during any of my fills. In fact, they had a hard time getting the first one in. I had tight restriction when they filled the band up so then i knew it wasn't leaking. Last Thursday I was able to get liquids down but that was all and had a trip planned for the weekend so Dr. Miles put me on a liquid diet until today. I went into surgery this morning and he started at the port sight to see if there was a leak. He got in there and found near the port that I had scar tissue collapsing the tubing. He cut it out and took the fluid out of my band(10cc) and put 8 back in. Everything is working as it should now I'm taking the rest of the week off and I'm only having to take Tylenol for the pain right now. I'll probably be pretty sore tomorrow but that's ok...i have peace of mind now. I want to thank all you guys on this board. I don't know what I would do without you. And a special thanks to Shawna for letting me bend her ear and the support she's given me through this whole ordeal. I'm glad I went through Dr. Miles and his staff to get this done. They have been good to me through this whole process. Veronica is the best!
  6. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Great pics Shawna! Looks like it was a lot of fun! Deb
  7. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Yes..I pulled my post because I think I was scaring a couple of folks and I don't want to do that. Shawna will you email me? dbutler72@gmail.com I'll tell you what's going on..I could use some encouragement. Deb
  8. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Lolly, You shouldn't worry. Lisa has never seen this before so i would say it is very, very rare. I'm just a lil discouraged cause I don't know what to expect. But you take heart, sounds like you're doing very well. Thanks for the empathetic ear and sweet comments.
  9. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone! I haven't been on here for awhile and wanted to say hi. Love reading everyone's posts. Congrats to all who have lost weight. It's a slow go for me but so worth it. I have lost 31 lbs. Had to dig in my closet for something to wear to church that fit. It was a good feeling. I go back to work tomorrow and will be happy for the routine...can't be tempted to eat when I have to look after 18 2nd graders. :cool: Jason..your pic is great..congrats on your weight loss. Shawna..hope you're doing well. When I had my gall bladder out a couple of years ago, I felt so much better afterwards. Take care all. Deb
  10. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everybody! I've missed checking in on everyone but so glad I did today. I had forgotten about the meet and greet! I would have been so upset to have missed it. Sure has been crazy around here. We had three house guests from Germany stay with us for a week and finals for me. So for the first time since surgery, I didn't eat so well. Sure doesn't take much to get off track, does it? But now I'm focused and ready to get back to work! Great reading up on everyone's posts and welcome to the group Jennifer!
  11. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had that big fill Thursday and have been doing ok with it but it's just weird. I fixed fish Friday night and I couldn't eat it. Wasn't because it wouldn't go down...wasn't because I couldn't eat...was because it tasted terrible. I baked it the way I always do but yuck! So we did the bbq thing yesterday, hamburgers, ribs, chicken....tried a hamburger but it didn't taste good either. The chicken was great. Weird isn't it how some things taste good and some don't?
  12. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had a couple of firsts today. I had my first fill and I had my first upper GI. When Lisa tried to do my fill this morning, she couldn't get the saline to go in so she went and got Dr. Miles. Dr. Miles finally got 3ccs in but they couldn't pull the fluid back out. They sent me for an upper GI. Everything was fine and when I went back to the doctor's office, Lisa gave me 2ccs more. Go figure. Anyway, met with Ashley and had all my food questions answered and am good to go.
  13. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    That's good. I don't know how I would have made it if I had had to wait until June or July. My schedule has been crazy. Glad to hear you're doing so well. Got some good news Monday. They might offer my fall class at Gadsden now. Means I won't have to make the drive to T-Town every week this fall. I sure hope it makes!
  14. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Thanks Jason! It's nice to know what to expect beforehand.
  15. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Yea Amy! Glad to hear you're doing so well. Take it easy and do exactly what you've told to do and you'll be fine. Are you still taking classes too? Deb
  16. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had a crazy morning with Dr. Miles' office. They called to change my appointment to next week and then they called to change it back. I'm supposed to get my first fill Thursday. I was wondering about what I should expect. Should I eat before I go? I have class that evening and was wondering if I might need to think in terms of liquid diet again? I need to know what to pack in my lunchbox to get through the day. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks, Deb
  17. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    :cursing::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Way to go Jason!!!!
  18. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow, this conversation is so interesting because I feel the same way about food and I've only had my band about 6 weeks. I've been in training with my colleagues for two weeks and we ate out a lot. They asked me where I wanted to go eat lunch but it didn't matter to me. I didn't crave anything. I found things I could eat but wasn't my main focus. Mine was to enjoy their company. I take a lunchbox with me everywhere now with Snacks and Water. Used to, after class, I'd have to stop at a fast food joint and at least get a glass of sweet tea but now, I rarely stop for anything...I have my lunchbox. Thank goodness for Veronica and her suggestions. I know this may sound crazy but I don't know how to cook for my family any more. I just don't know what to cook. I'm good with fish and chicken all the time but I know they want more variety. Side note...went out to eat last night. Ordered grilled talapia and it came with 3 or 4 shrimp. I ate one....it was soooo bad. My husband ended up eating them. I used to love shrimp but I don't think I like them anymore. I haven't tried steak yet. I haven't had the desire. I think the change in my eating habits is difficult for my husband. Before the surgery, our lives centered around food. We went out to eat, talked about food, planned activities around food....but now we don't. I know they said there would be emotional changes and maybe some problems but I never considered this. I think there's going to be some growing pains.
  19. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I know what you mean. I'm on the road a lot right now with classes and there is nothing I can eat. Tried pintos and cheese from Taco Bell but there is no way I'm doing that again. I've begun taking a little cooler everywhere, packed with lowfat cheese, ff pudding, cottage cheese, my lunch etc. It's a new habit for me but I'm getting used to it. After being on the liquid diet, I feel better since I got all that fast food out of my system so I'm not missing it that bad. On a different note, I've noticed I'm getting hungrier and hungrier but have been able to be careful about what I eat. I go for a fill in two weeks. Maybe it'll help. I did get in trouble at a restaurant the other day. It was a small mom and pop joint. I wasn't thinking and ordered a chopped chicken plate with two sides. I ate about half the chicken and was full. When they cleared away the plate, the waitress was upset because she thought I didn't like the food. I ended up explaining to her that i had a lapband and I ordered too much food. She laughed and told me to order the sandwich next time and to keep working on getting used to my stomach. Deb
  20. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Yea Shawna!!! Can't wait for that day myself! Ballparks can wreck your eating habits can't it? My kids played ball and I think that's what contributed to my weight gain. Cheesy fries were my downfall. That and a lot of other things. :wink: Deb
  21. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had Dr. D. Sunal and Dr. C. Sunal in the Spring, since I am majoring in Curriculum/Instruction and Science. I am a full time teacher also-I teach chemistry at Spain Park in Hoover. When I started the insurance waiting period, I had hoped to have surgery this summer with time to spare before school starts. Hopefully it will still work out in time. How have you been doing since your surgery? It was pretty recent wasn't it? Glad to see you survived the Sunals...Dr. D. Sunal did not like me and it was a tough semester. I had my surgery at the end of May. It's going well...It's hard sitting in classes for long periods of time but it's getting better each week. I don't eat nearly as much and I'm slowly adjusting bad behaviors. I pack a lunchbox everywhere i go now so I'm not tempted to stop at fast food places. I hope you can have your surgery this summer. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself :tongue_smilie: I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Oh yeah, being on the liquid diet for so long helped rid my body of all the toxins and i feel better now than I have in a long time. Don't want that to change. Deb
  22. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I just started in January, so we probably haven't had any classes together yet. I started my residency this semester, so I will be taking classes in Tuscaloosa for the next 3 semesters. Hopefully I will finish my coursework next Fall and begin my dissertation after that. My goal is to be down to my goal weight by graduation (if I ever get approved)! Amy...Hmmmm...what did you take in January? I had Dr. Wilson and Dr. Kuntz. I finished my residency last fall and have this summer and one more class this fall...then dissertation. I may not be at my goal weight before I graduate but at least I'll be healthier and a little thinner. Do you teach school too? Deb
  23. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey Deb- I am working on my Doctoral Degree in Education (EdD). I have class Friday and Saturday next weekend. UGH! One is statistics and the other is a curriculum and instruction class. What are you working on? Amy Amy...I'm working on my EdD in education as well. I'm taking Qual. II, BER 600 and CRD 510...Qual. II at Tuscaloosa and the other two at Gadsden. Small world...wonder if we've had any classes together. How long have you been working on it? Deb
  24. debbut

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    The meeting is June 20.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
