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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hdsantoni

  1. Hang in there.......It is really strange how the insurances very soooo much, and they are all governed by the same ministry!!! I told my PCP that I wanted the band. She gave me a referal to the surgeon. 2 weeks later I met with him, 2 1/2 weeks after that I had a surgery date. No meeting with a diet specialist (except for in the hospital after surgery), nothing. Everyone has to have blood drawn, ekg and a chest x-ray....that is just part of pre-op. If you have to wait.......wait. It is well worth it. My body went into starvation mode, with the clear liquids for a week after and I passed out. Then was allowed to finally drink something thicker that gave me nutrients. At my 2 week check-up he cleared me to eat food food. Since all that, my body decided not to loose any more weight till now. Now it is starting to come off again. It is such and good feeling.....hang in there, it is sooooooo worth all the balagone! You will have your surgery soon!!!
  2. Happy Chanukach!! Sorry,....didn't even know that you wrote back. Anyway, I had absolutly nothing before. I went in and talked to my doctor about it. She referred me to my surgeon and when I went to see him, that was when I made the decision to have it. I was placed on his waiting list. My first visit with him was on October 6th,and I got a call from his scheduler the first week of November and was scheduled for the 24th. I had pre-op at the hospital the week before, checked into the hospital the night before the surgery, and was wheeled in to the OR at 10:30 in the morning. They discharged me the next day at 12 noon. I boarded a bus and headed home to Eilat.

    I was born and raised state side as well. I too have dual citizenship.

    Have you had your surgery? Or at least is it scheduled? I had my first fill yesterday.......was interesting. Good luck and hope to hear from you soon.

  3. I go for a fill on Sunday. Getting a little nervous about it because my port is loose. He said that it shouldn't matter as long as it does lay flat, which it does. He only does the fills under x-ray, so I am wondering how much he is going to put in. I am eating everything, it is just I get full fast and don't stay that way for long. I sure hope that filling it will help with that. I understand the frustrations of people.....since starting back on food food, I have only lost about a pound :huh2:
  4. I'm not listed yet.....but I was 250 before and at surgery, and now 222. Thanks.....great job by the way :huh2:
  5. My port is on the end of my chestbone between my breasts. It was very tender for the first 2 weeks. Now I have no tenderness even when wearing a bra. I do notice if I touch my port a lot then it becomes tender for a few days.
  6. hdsantoni

    Port Site

    My port is located on the end of my chestbone between my breasts. I have the low profile port and since there isn't a lot of fat in that area, I could feel it right after surgery. It is usually located close to the largest incision, and mine was my most tender incision.
  7. Mine is very far up. It is directly in the center of my breast at the end of my chestbone. When my bra is on, it is just above the band in that in between space. I couldn't wear a bra for the 1st week. After that I put on my bra with a gaze pad on top of the port, and now 3 weeks later I don't need a gaze pad or anything. No tenderness at all.
  8. hdsantoni

    inquiring minds want to know.......

    Mine is directly in the center of my chest at the end of the chestbone, just above where my bra band is. I have felt nothing before, during or after sex.
  9. I know how you feel. I felt like I was starving on liquids and when he cleared me to start solids, it was like I had never ate before. I can only eat so much though, I get full and stay that way for several hours. I haven't gained any weight since eating solids....just stayed the same. I get a fill with x-ray on the 21st. My surgeon said after that things will be diffrent.
  10. hdsantoni

    Where is port?

    It is close to your largest incision. Mine is located right between my breast so it doesn't show and can be found easy and couldn't lose it!! :angry_smile: If that bump isn't it, it may be scar tissue. I have hardning under one of my other incisions and it is scar tissue.
  11. hdsantoni

    Flipped Port?

    Has anyone had there low profile port flip on it's side? My port is located on my chest bone right between my breast. I am 12 days out of surgery. So I still expected some soreness. But this morning when I woke up, I look down and saw my port sticking up on it's side and I could actually feel the tubing. I am really surprised as the thing was stapled in!! Anybody else this close out from surgery had to have their port fixed or their port located there?
  12. hdsantoni

    When do you start exercising?

    All that information was given to me at discharge. It depends on your doctor. My surgeon said once I feel up to it. I am 2 weeks out and am now feeling like I could really get back to a major workout. Start with walking and work from there. That is one of the best exercises anyway. Good luck!
  13. hdsantoni

    Flipped Port?

    Just got back for the surgeon's office and all is fine. Having lost weight rather quickly has made things "loose". Nice term. Anyway.....thanks for looking!
  14. hdsantoni

    No pre-op die?

    My surgeon didn't require a pre-op diet. Most people are told it is to shrink the liver. My doctor kinda chuckled when I told him that and he said that IF it shrinks, at the most it would be 1 - 2 mm. His guess is that it is to help people get used to what is to come after surgery, kinda like a test. Clear liquids and full liquids. Do what your doc tells you, even if it is hard. If you can't handle the pre-op diet, it will be hard to stay on the post-op diet which is more important and the main reasons why people fail at the band. My surgery was 30 minutes from the time I was wheeled in to the time I was in recovery. Good luck and stick with it, it is SOOOO worth it!!!!
  15. Well I wasn't spread eagle on the table (other then my arms). But I did have my period and it was fine. I was able to put a tampon in and the rest is history. Some people are given a hospital pad and underwear. It is very common to have "Aunt Flo" or get it around the time of surgery. I was nervous like you can't believe before my banding. However after it and now looking at a port displacement 2 weeks later, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can that it has made a big diffrence in the way I feel already. Hang in there, the hardest part is waiting to have the surgery. I am headed to the hospital in the morning for my port to be reatached. Don't worry, it will be alright!
  16. My doctor told me that there is no food off limits except for one, and that the band will let you know what YOU can eat and not eat. It is unique to the person. The one exception being.....persimmons, that was the BIG no no. Something about the texture, to bad to because they are SOOOOO good here!
  17. hdsantoni

    Fill the port?

    I was banded the 24th, and I can feel my port and see it if I pull my shoulders way, way back. I think it totally depends on where your port is located and which kind you have. I have a low profile Realize band and port, and where he placed it is where the bottom of your bra would be between my breast. So no matter what you can't really see it but I can feel it.
  18. I was banded with the Realize system on the 24th of November. They put the port right between my breasts, right on the breast bone .....ouch!!! This is the only place that hurts and stings sometimes. No gas no nothing....just that pain. I am not sure if it is because of the way they secured the port, location of the port with the lack of fat in the area, or something that is normal feeling with all ports that are new. Anyone else with their port located in the same location? How long did it take for the sensations to go away? I can't even wear a bra!
  19. I will pass on what my doctor told me about post-op diets. I have a good reason to believe him as he is a professor and travels to Europe and America to teach doctors there. So everyone should REALLY follow their doctors orders. I am on Clear liquids, no Jello even, for a week. Then can go to full liquids for 3 weeks. So only liquids for a month!!!! The reason behind it is that they don't want your stomach to contract for at least 4 weeks post-op. There is FAR less chance of your band slipping. (They no longer recommend stiching the stomach around the band because it has a better chance of erosion.) After the 4 weeks of fluids we go onto pureed for 2 weeks. Then onto mushies for 2 weeks before going to solid foods. When we start solids we have to go up for an test on how it passes the band for restriction purposes. He also told us that after you stomach hasn't contracted for a while, since it is a muscle, that it will hurt like if you started exercising any other muscle you haven't used in awhile. Hope this helps you as it really help me understand why all the food restrictions.:grouphug:
  20. Mine is right between my breasts directly on the bone:w00t:. I have the low profile, so I can't see it at all. It is my sorest one and the only one that stings a little.
  21. Yup.....that is really where it is. I just am about to upload the picture. He says it is the best place for them. Less chance of them flipping and when your weight goes down.....things will shift down. He also said something about it will look better there then anywhere else on the body. Don't quote me on that I was high on morphine at the time of explaination!!! I am assuming that it is sore because of the location and I have the realize band and you know how those get attached. It isn't that bad, I haven't had pain meds since the night of the surgery. But then again I haven't had a bra on since!!!!
  22. I was banded a couple days ago....on the 24th. I no gas pains what so ever and am able to burp as well. He said that the emptied the gas for the most part, but there may be a little left over. Anyway, I have a question for you guys.....has anyone had their port placed up between their breasts? OMG!!!! That is what is causing me sooooo much pain. It is right on the bone and the only one that is bruised.....any one else with the same thing.....will it get better...forget about a bra!!!!
  23. Strange.....what kind of insurance do you have? I have Clalit and was approved right away. I saw my surgeon and a month later got my surgery date. I am having mine done by Professor Lantzberg. They say he is the best in Israel and he travels around the world as a teacher. I am really excited and nervous. I met a few other people that are scheduled the same day I am. One with the same doctor. Are you Israeli?

  24. hdsantoni

    Pay for the band! Poll!

    Nadda for me. My insurance paid 100% of everything, even the travel back and forth to the hospital. That even includes all follow-up care and fills with travel between my house and the doctors office. Gotta love insurance.

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