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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by stacey37

  1. stacey37

    Band removals done laproscopically??

    HI, my name is Stacey. I'm new at this site. I have an eroided band into my stomach. They want to remove it the 17th of October. I am so scarred!! Maybe someone can tell me what to expect during and after surgery??? They said something about a hole in my stomach that may have to be fixed, that really scarred me!! Please gie me as much info on this procedure you know???? Thanks, Stacey
  2. I am asking for info about having an eroided lap band removed. What about the hole in your stomach? How long does it take to recouperate? How dangerous is this procedure? Thanks Stacey
  3. :frown:Hi! My name is Stacey, I'm 37 years old. I had the lap band put in about 6 years ago in Mexico. I just found out that it has eroded into my stomach. They want to go in and remove it in two weeks. It has also made a hole in my stomach they have to fix. I am soooooo scared!! I could use some information about this procedure. Thanks, Stacey:frown:

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