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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ale78

  1. Hey Everyone I just wanted to let you know I created a Feruary 2009 Group in the groups section. It will be a good place for us to all come together and support each other! Thank you for all the responses on my family. I think I have just decided not to say anything and hope for the best :ohmy:) Good job to all the losers! lol ~Amy
  2. I got my surgery date!! How are you doing? I go in on the 25th...Never thought I would say this about surgery but I can't wait!! lol
  3. Thank you all so much for your input! I would just not say anything at all but I have a 4 year old daughter...so she may spill the Beans on me even though I don't really plan on telling her much. Who knew this would be the hardest part of getting prepared...lol
  4. Ale78

    got surgery date

    J~ I have the same surgery day as you and I am mostly excited. I just read a post from someone who lost 100lbs in 10 mos! We can do it! ~A
  5. Brooklyn...Thank you so much for sharing. You give me tons of hope that I WILL be back on my snowboard for next winter! Derbin...we have the same band date!!
  6. Hey everybody! I will be banded on the 25th. I am excited and scared of course. I start the 10 day pre-op liquid diet on Sunday but I got a jump start doing slimfast and very little solid food over the last 2 weeks. So I am also here for extra support. So far my DH and boss know and that’s it. I am very close to my family and I don't think they would be supportive. My Mom actually realized my fears last week. I asked her to watch my daughter for an appointment and told her I was going to see a psychologist, which is sort of true. I am seeing one to work out the mental issues that got me here in the first place. Anyway here is what she said “I am so glad you are going this route instead of that ridicules stomach surgery, that’s such a cop-out!” This from a woman who has been trying for YEARS to lose a good 80 lbs and has not managed to lose one pound. It’s funny too because I never mentioned even thinking about having surgery to her at all. On top of that she can’t keep anything to herself so if I tell her I might as well tell my whole extended family and I am just not ready for that. I am thinking about telling her I need a hernia operation…lol. Is that bad? I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place I am not a person who lies anyway, let alone to my Mom! What have you all done? Anything? It wouldn’t be so hard but she lives less than 2 miles away and we talk almost everyday, not always by my choice.:thumbdown: Anyway, sorry this got so looong! I am just freaking out a little about it. I am glad to hear everyone is feeling good!:thumbup: ~A
  7. Ale78

    Still Cant Stop Eating!!!

    I heard this somewhere...."Just because you CAN eat it, doesn't mean you SHOULD eat it". I am worried very much about getting in the same spot you are...I haven't been banded yet. Something I read in my DR office is that if you can't keep your Protein down but can get the "bad" stuff down you might be too tight. Also and I know this isn't easy but the band is not a cure all. It doesn't change our mental issues of thinking we need or want the crap. That is going to be a tough one on me. I am meeting with a psychologist to help me work on that. No matter what else you are or are not eating if you continue to eat chips and candy you are sabotaging yourself...that is what a few people have told me through all the appointments I have been to. You have to choose to eat the right things and that is hard but this isn't going to work with out that key piece. Maybe for the time being try different Proteins like cottage cheese. Beans. Tofu. eggs. I know there are web sites that can help you better with ideas. I know it's tough and there is lots of support here for you! Also I am hoping if I write it out and post it it will keep ME more accountable!! lol Good Luck! ~Amy
  8. Ale78

    psych questions?

    Yeah I had to do the MMPI test too. I wonder if that is a Minnesota thing? It made me laugh because it asked a lot of questions you would expect about moods and what not but then it would ask things like "Do you want to be a Nurse" "Have you ever walked sideways down the street with a popsicle stick on your head" "did you ever want to be a bird?" "Are you afraid of Blood?" "Are you afraid of the dark?" Ok so I *may have exaggerated a little bit on one of those. Some of them, although weird, I was able to see a "Big Picture" for but some were just so off the wall zaney that the other girl who was testing and I were just laughing. Oh I just remembered another one...it was something like "Have you ever felt like exiting a plane even though it's mid flight?" They said it would take about 2hrs but it only took me 40mins so it wasn't too bad. Then I met with the psych Dr. The one I had was very nice. She just went over the test and talked about what I wanted from the surgery and she kind of went over what the surgery would not provide, like will power...lol I was a little nervous about it too but really everything I have done has been so totally painless. You'll do fine! ~Amy
  9. Ale78

    In Minnesota

    Hi Mandilou, I am going through Park Nicollet at Methodist in St. Louis Park. I don't know which Dr yeat because they have three. I bet I will make that appointment tomorrow. I didn't have any requirements to fill for insurance so my process has been going pretty fast I think. If you ever want to get together and chat...I would be willing. I feel like I need a friend who's doing this too! How about you? I live in Crystal. Where are you? ~Amy
  10. Ale78

    In Minnesota

    Hi...I saw that this thread was started in 2003...wow! Are any of you still on here and how is your journey going? I would love to hear from people who have had the band 5 or more years. I am very excited about the lap band option because the thought of having my insides rewired freaked me out but obviously I am not having success on my own either. Hopefully I will know soon when my surgery is! I have my final round of appointments on Thursday. ~Amy
  11. Yeah it's weird huh? You know what I found hilarious? My insurance wouldn't cover seeing a nutritionist but is covers the surgery and nutritionists that come with the program. Silly huh?:grouphug: I am glad it worked out for you! Good luck on your journey! ~Amy
  12. Ale78

    BC/BS @ Park Nicollet

    I am just switching to bc/bs from Massachuetts for this year and I am going threw park nicollet/@methodist. They have told me that this BC/BS of MA is very easy to work with but I know that they aren't all the same. I have really enjoyed every one so far. Practically everyone has had one form of weight lss surgery or another so they all understand what we go through. It makes you feel very comfortable! Good Luck! ~Amy
  13. I think I might be a Feb Bandster too. I am HOPEFULL! I have my last appointments on January 15th. So from what everyone has been telling me it will be 4 to 6 weeks from that date to Surgery day! So even if it takes 6 weeks I should still come in the tail end of Febuary. How are you doing? I am so excited I could jump out of my skin. I told my husband last night that I want food to be a chore instead of a hobby....:wink2:! Take Care! ~Amy
  14. Hello Everyone! So I have been lurking on this site for a few weeks now and I am finally posting. After "thinking about it" for about 5 years I am starting the process. Tuesday is the first meeting. My insurance seems pretty easy to work with (Health Partners, anybody have it?) so I am not too worried about it. My BMI has been over 40 for many years but I also have NO other complications due to weight. So I guess I am a little nervous about it. So I guess my biggest question is; from this point how long has it taken people to get the surgury? How much say do you have in when it's done? I have two full weeks off at Christmas and I was really nievely thinking that it would be awesome if I could plan it to work with that. The hospital that I would go to does it as an outpatient so I would go home the same day...is that nuts? How long was everybody in the hospital for? I am very excited to be finally doing something that feels more permanent than all the yoyoing. I have a young daughter that I REALLY don't want to follow in my foot steps as I am now but sometimes I just feel so powerless. Anyway sorry that got long. I love reading all your posts and stories. I am so greatful for the internet! Take Care! ~Amy

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