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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ale78

  1. Hi Shelley! Yes same surgery day. I am doing really well. So far not at all hungry. I start full liquids today and I actually feel full. I am down 25lbs so far which is crazy! I hope it doesn't come back on as I am able to eat more. I felt so good yesterday that I went to Costco and Target and made a special dinner for my husband and now I am POOPED and sore....lol I went back to work part-time on Monday and that has been going really well.


    Good Luck...Keep in touch!


  2. Ale78

    Heather from MN

    Heather... I am sure we all have had doubts about why we are doing this. I actually started a mostly liquid diet before I was required to and stopped snacking. So I was thinking for about 5 seconds, I can totally do this on my own! But then I remembered, I HAVE done this. I lost 80lbs on my own but then it all came back plus some. My hopes for the lap band is that it will be a tool that I can use long term. I don't ever want to be this big again. I feel a bit like I let myself down but now I am working on it. You will go through every emotion you have at least twice :wink:) I was pretty mellow about the whole thing and didn't think I would freak out the day before like some other people had done but I did. Why am I doing this and all the what ifs. It was a stressful day to say the least and now 4 days out that day doesn't matter. I am on a journey to a new and improved me :thumbup:) My insurance company said it could take 4 to 6 weeks for approval and it took 4 days. So I would say that the four weeks is a max time it would take. Good luck Heather...Keep me posted! ~A
  3. I can't help but get on the scale...lol I am SOO impatient. But This AM 288!!! Wahoo! Of course I am starving but whatever...lol The last time I was under 295 was just before I got pregnant with my daughter in 2004! I am still having pains when I take a deep breath? Are you guys having that? Also I got the hiccups last night...I thought I was going to die! I had to take pain meds to get through it. I hadn't taken any since the night before. I also got out for a walk last night...that felt good! I felt like a real person...lol How are you ladies doing? ~A
  4. Ale78

    On maintenance- now this

    The only thing I can think of is when I don't get enough protien my sleep is messed up. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years so it's always something I have had to work on. I am sure you are up on your protien too but maybe see if you can get an extra 20 or so grams in. Like a protien shake in the afternoon. I know we aren't supposed to snack but give that a try and see if it helps. Good luck to you! ~A
  5. Ale78

    Heather from MN

    Well I went through the Park Nicollet/Methodist Hosp. I did all of the things they required. It took a little over two months to get all the appointments done. I am not sure what of all of that is required by most insurance companies but I had a feeling a lot of it is done for that reason. I have BCBS of MA. Once my packet of info was sent to them it took only a couple of days to get approved. then a few short weeks after that i had my surgery :wink:)
  6. Ale78

    Heather from MN

    Hi Heather, I am from MN as well...Just had the surgery. There are a lot of appointments that you go to but they try to make everything as painless as possible. What hospital are you going through? If you have any questions throughout the process please feel free to send me a message! Good Luck! ~A
  7. I thought I wasn't going to freak out but I kind of am. It doesn't really help that I have a lot of other stress going on too...boo! I am hungry and pissed(sorry but no other word fits). I just need you to tell me that this will all go away :smile: Any other 25ths freaking like I am? Thank you! ~A
  8. Hi Holly! As with most of us, I have been overweight most of my life as well. Your life will change in ways that are good. I lost a bunch of weight on my own before and the quaility of life is so much better I can't even begin to tell you. Esp. since you live in the sunny bikini-clad SoCal. It's hard not to look around and wish you could look like that. You didn't say how big you are but if you are already having problems I am guessing that you can't shop where ever you want? That is a big goal of mine. I want to be able to go into any store and not have to worry if they will have my size. I wish at 21 I could have used this tool to lose and keep it off. Now is good too though :thumbup:) Good Luck Holly...it is a big choice to make. You can send me a personal message anytime and ask any questions you may have. ~A
  9. Hey Derbin! How are you feeling? I am doing pretty well...little sore...tons of gas! It actually hurts when I take a deep breath but other than that not too bad. The morning of surgery I weighed 293. The day after I weighed 303. It has been steadily going down though. I don't think we need to be worrried...It will come ) Take it easy :thumbup:) ~A
  10. I haven't told anyone except my boss(who is also a friend) and my husband. All other members of my close family think I had a hernia operation. It makes me kind of sad that I didn't tell my Mom and My Sister but I have learned from expierience that they are not always my biggest cheer leaders. I do not regret it one bit that I haven't told anyone. You just need to do what you feel is right. Good Luck to us all! ~A
  11. I am a post-bander now! So does that mean I get to be snobby now? lol I generally think we are all here to help each other out....no matter where any of us are in the process. ~A
  12. Ale78

    Cold feet?

    Elle, I pretty much had a huge freak out the day before surgery. What am I doing, how will this affect the rest of my life, What if, what if, what IF? I had my surgery yesterday and I am fine and I look forward to the scale going down and staying down! You'll do great and obviously I think you are making the right choice. ~A
  13. Ale78

    new member

    Hey Clyde! I was just banded yesterday too! So far so good. A little sore...how about you? I have been on this site since my first seminar. There are so many helpful and kind people here for support. Good luck on your journey! ~A
  14. It will come back off AZ just don't get discouraged :thumbup:) Your body just needs to adjust to taking in a lot few calories. Keep track of your calories for a while and just make sure you aren't taking in too much or too little. To little it seems can hinder you almost as much as too much. I was banded yesterday...ouch! I can't wait for a week fom now! Good luck! ~A
  15. Ale78

    EEEK! Tomorrow is the day!

    Everything went well. I was able to get up pretty quickly after sugery. It felt so good to stand up and walk around. I have some tightness in my chest and I think the port area. And of course my shoulders...ouch I hope everyone else who got banded recently does well! Thank you all again for the encouraging words! ~A
  16. Ale78

    EEEK! Tomorrow is the day!

    Thank you! I do feel better today but I got my freaking TOM:cursing: I can do this! Wish me luck! ~A
  17. I was told to avoid it because it's hard on your stomach. I would certainly wait until you hear back from the Dr.'s Office though. If you don't hear soon, I would call again. I have back issues too so I can relate. I hope it gets better for him soon! ~A
  18. One of the protien powders out there has a chicken noodle soup flavor...seems wrong lol but might be good. I think it might be Unjury...anyone try it?I too have had a little trouble sticking to all liquid. I have a couple of bites of low-fat cottage cheese and a few carrots and some strawberries. I find it harder when I don't keep on top of my protien shakes.Broth has helped too. At dinner time when the house smells of savory food, I make a cup of broth to sip.Also extracts have been key for me. I freeze my slimfast and then melt it a little and stick it in the blender. So right now I am having strawberry with Rum extract...oh yummy. It's thick and rich and feels naughty! Chocolate and Rasberry are really good too.I am dreading tomorrow because I am on all clear liquids the day before surgery. I am going to be crabby for sure! I wonder if those protien bullets count as clear? Anyone know? Maybe I will call and ask because protien really helps for that not-hungry feeling.Good Luck!~A
  19. Ale78

    starting the diet

    Derbin...I am in MN. I am actually headed your way at the end of April though. We have a place just off the beach in San Clemente for a week....I can't wait. I used to visit my cousins out there every summer but it has been almost 10 years now since I have been out there....can't wait to go home!(2nd home lol) Do you think I can lose 50lbs by then? Ha!
  20. Ale78

    How long

    I could have had my surgery 11 days after meeting with the surgeon but couldn't because of work and husband's work related issues. But from the very first meeting with someone about it until my surgery date it will be 18 weeks exactly. So a little over 4 months. I would say dealing with insurance and all the appointments you have to do...this is about average for good insurance. If you are self pay it can go super fast. If you have insurance that doesn't want to cover it or has hoops they want you to jump through, it could be a year or more. If you haven't done so already I would call your insurance company and just see what there policy is on it. Just so you know and aren't shocked down the road. Good luck! ~A
  21. Ale78

    starting the diet

    Hey, I am on day 4. I do well unless I wait too long inbetween shakes. Then if I see or smell food I want it so much more badly than I would if I kept up better on my protien shakes. Also if you mix it up a little that helps. I just mixed some frozen blueberries in with vanilla protien...yum. I wonder if that is allowed? :mad2: Otherwise mix in extracts like mint,rum, and almond. I am sure there are tons more to try but those are the ones I have tried. Good luck! ~A
  22. YES! I am the first one to hate dan2001xj! Um..Who's Dan anyway?
  23. 100 gram...jeez! I was told a minimum of 55 grams. So any over that is good but at least 55 grams. It is funny how much every surgeon differs isn't it?
  24. So I am here for extra support. So far I have told my DH and boss about the surgery and that’s it. I am very close to my family and I don't think they would be supportive. My Mom actually realized my fears last week. I asked her to watch my daughter for an appointment and told her I was going to see a psychologist, which is sort of true. I am seeing one to work out the mental issues that got me here in the first place. Anyway here is what she said “I am so glad you are going this route instead of that ridicules stomach surgery, that’s such a cop-out!” This from a woman who has been trying for YEARS to lose a good 80 lbs and has not managed to lose one pound. It’s funny too because I never mentioned even thinking about having surgery to her at all. On top of that she can’t keep anything to herself so if I tell her I might as well tell my whole extended family and I am just not ready for that. I am thinking about telling her I need a hernia operation…lol. Is that bad? I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place I am not a person who lies anyway, let alone to my Mom! What have you all done? Anything? It wouldn’t be so hard but she lives less than 2 miles away and we talk almost everyday, not always by my choice.:thumbdown: She is also very persistant. If she so much hears a tweak in my voice she askes questions until I just blurt out something to shut her up. So I think not telling her I am having some sort of surgery isn't an option....she will know anyway...ha! I know this al sounds terrible and she probably isn't as bad as I make her sound but almost! I can't wait for your input...Please help me:scared2: Thanks! ~A

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