Hey guys, I've been reading this forum in hopes of being banded in the relatively near future! Right now I am going through the process of jumping through all the hoops that my insurance company requires. It's kind of a frustrating time because I'm so scared that my insurance will deny my claim.
Here's the run down, I'm about to be 24 years old. I've had a weight problem for most of my life and I've ALWAYS been very self-conscience. I've tried all kinda of crazy diets... with some success. But I always seemed to gain the weight back. Right now I am at my highest weight ever and it's really putting a strain on my life. My blood pressure is always high, I'm always tired, and I'm not sleeping well. Another health risk I know I'm on the verge of getting is diabetes (it runs in my family).
As far as the requirements for the insurance company... I know I have a BMI of 47 and have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and who knows what else. Really all I am worried about is having to send in proof of failed weight loss. I've done Akins and Weight Watchers (I never signed up because of my finianical situation - but I have friends that have and they helped me determin my points and such). But I have nothing that I can send in. Another area that worries me is sending in the medical records from the past 5 years. Like I said before I'm only 23 years old. Up until last November I've never had insurance, therefore I didn't go to the Dr. as often as I probably should have gone. But I am going to try and dig up whatever I can get and send in.
If you guys can't tell I'm a big ball of nerves. I just really want to be banded and I'm so afraid that I'm going to get a big, fat "NO!" from my insurance company!