Sorry for any mistakes I make in my entry, but english is not my first language :)
I am in need for some advice since I'm getting frustrated.
So it's only 2,5 weeks since I had my sleeve-surgery, and the doctors have told me to be patient, but I just want to check in to see if anyone else have experienced this (I'm sure there is!).
I am now on regular food, which means I can eat anything, but as adviced I always try to up my protein.
After I eat a meal I feel alot of discomfort in my chest, I feel so much air have to come out, I often get the hiccups and I burp alot, I also gulp in my mouth.
I make sure I don't drink water 10 minutes before a meal and 20-30 minutes after.
But I have been vomitting my food , especially my dinner, alot. That happend yessterday evening, I ate dinner, waited 30 minutes, drank a sip of water. Then felt so neouses I had to make myself throw it all up, and it was hardly any food since my pain in my chest (gas) keeps me from eating. I have not yet felt full from eating, but I always stop because of the pain in my chest.
My quesstion is why am I throwing up and when will the pain in my chest go away.
Thank you in advance :)