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    TBeauty19 reacted to Alex Brecher for a magazine article, Premier Protein – Not Premier for Bariatric Patients!   
    Legal Trouble for Premier Protein

    Premier Protein sells all kinds of protein shakes. The ones whose labels state that they have 30 grams of protein per serving are the ones in the settlement. Analysis has found that they have 26 to 29 grams. The flavors that are in the settlement are Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberries & Cream, Banana & Cream, Peaches & Cream, Cookies & Cream, Mixed Berry, Organic Chocolate, Organic Vanilla, and Caramel.

    While the company is not admitting wrongdoing or ceasing the sale of these products, there is a class action settlement. You may be eligible for a cash payout if you purchased any of the misleading shakes in the past 7 years, since 2011. Pre-op or post-op, you need to know how much protein is in your shakes.

    Not Best for Bariatric Patients

    Every gram of protein counts, but the deception in amount of protein per serving is not the only problem. Even if you are willing to overlook the shortfall in the amount of protein, Premier Protein has a problem with type of protein.

    Read the ingredients carefully, and you will see that less than 1% of the product is “whey protein concentrate.” Whey protein is the type of protein that you should be looking for because it absorbs more quickly than casein. Whey protein has been shown to increase weight loss and body fat loss in bariatric surgery patients.

    Another glance at the list of ingredients of Premier Protein shows that “milk protein concentrate” and “casein” are the major sources of protein. Casein is slow-acting. If you had a bariatric surgery type, such as gastric bypass, that interferes with absorption, you may not get all the benefits from casein.

    What’s Better?

    We know that you need a protein supplement, so what can you find that has the amount and type of protein you need and the great taste that will encourage you to take care of your needs? BariatricPal Protein One gets our vote.
    27 grams of whey protein. 28 vitamins and minerals. Great-tasting French Vanilla, Cinnamon Swirl, and Double Chocolate Fudge. It has a few more advantages over Premier Protein.
    Over twice as much dietary fiber for fullness and digestive health. Choose from convenient single-serving packets or multi-serving tubs. Comes in powder so you can add water or your favorite beverage. Has an “unflavored” option so you can add it to anything, from soup to smoothies. When it comes to bariatric products, quality counts. Any purchase you make should be from a trusted source because there are a lot of poor-quality or misleading products out there. The few grams of difference between Premier Protein’s claims and reality may not be a lot, but along with the poor choice of casein instead of whey as the main protein source, you might want to seek another source for your protein. Look for a trusted vendor and name brand as you make your choice. What you put in your body really does matter.
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    TBeauty19 reacted to Alex Brecher for a magazine article, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Really!   
    How you may wonder, can you make this the most wonderful time of the year if you cannot celebrate it with the same food, drink, and abandon that you may have before your WLS journey started? Keep your chin up! We’re not promising that these holidays will be the same as ever, but you can make them great. They may even be better! Here are our thoughts on loving the holidays while staying healthy.
    We’re Not in Kansas Anymore!
    As with the rest of your life, the success of the holidays can no longer best be measured by how much you ate. There is so much more to it than that! Now, pleasure from food contributes to “success,” but so do so many other things, including the activities you do, the quality of your time with loved ones, and the pride you have in yourself. Give up your former conceptions of what holiday happiness is, and you will have a lot to gain (but not weight).
    Just Say, “No!” – But How?
    There is no denying that a good deal of the holiday cheer – and the holiday struggle – revolves around food. Eat it with abandon, and you will set yourself back months. You are almost sure to be offered more than you should eat and foods that are not on your diet, so you will need to learn to say no. Be prepared with different ways to say, “No,” without hurting anyone’s feelings, and practice the before-hand so you are not caught off guard.
    “No, thanks.” “No, thanks. I’m not hungry.” (If you’re in the middle of lunch so you cannot claim that you are not hungry:) “No, thanks. It’s not in my diet.” “I would love to, but my doctor said I cannot have that!” “Thank you! How kind! I will save it for later.” Later, give it to someone who will love it. Be Confident.
    Be polite but firm when refusing food or insisting on getting in your afternoon walk. You may be surprised at how easily people accept your decisions. They may even make them easier once they see you are serious by, for example, offering to bring you a diet-friendly version of a treat or asking to come on your walk. If you waver initially, though, they may not take you seriously, and instead, keep prodding you to abandon your good intentions.
    Be Proud of Yourself.
    A barrier to success that is present year-round, but more intense during the holiday season, is the natural desire to help others – and this can come with a feeling of guilt if making your health a priority makes you worry that you are not giving your best to your family. Remember that you can give your best only when you are at your best, and to be at your best, you need to be healthy. You will have more energy, think more clearly, and even be happier when you are taking steps towards health, and all that will enable you to give more to others.
    You Are Not Alone
    The grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence, but is it really? It probably is not, even though you may feel that your holiday season is hard while others have it easy. The truth is that millions of others are facing the same challenges as you. Even people who appear not to have weight problems are sure to have major concerns in their lives. They may be fighting just as hard as you to avoid eating the whole pie, or they may have non-food challenges. You do not know, but what you can safely assume is that everyone has challenges. You will feel better about yourself if you always treat others with respect and not with jealousy.
    Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, you might as well embrace the holidays for what they are worth: an opportunity to overcome hurdles and strengthen yourself; a magical time of year when people come together; and a chance to experience new feelings and participate in new activities that may not have been possible before you got serious about your health.

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