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Everything posted by riley4183

  1. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina no WAY will I get 2cc! Don't scare me! I think I'm on .5's now
  2. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Oh you know he likes it! The first time i met him i told him he was practically a celebrity online, he totally did not believe me. I just hope we don't pump him up so much he gets 'the big head' & stops doing his own fills! But I think fills are pretty much over by a year or so, so this flush of fill patients will lose their weight & leave, then the next "generation" will come and fill & lose & leave . . . ah shucks, its beautiful man . . . .
  3. riley4183

    Richmond Kaiser anyone?

    Heather's got it exactly right! Our forum for Kaiser Richmond has been going since 2008 and you will find all kinds of pre-and post-op info specific to the Richmond program! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/kaiser-richmond-pre-op-82492/ Join us!
  4. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    SO how do you do the actual ratings for the doctors in the new doctor forum? We need to bug him to get his stats in there, too . . . he's always saying "tell your friends!" and this is a great way for us to do just that! Is the new forum maybe just not all the way functional yet?
  5. I'm in the Dr. Baggs fan club too! I find him to be very kind, capable and positive. Very professional but very funny too! It's always fun to go in to the office. Fills are great too! 5 stars! Riley
  6. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    YES! Another up-and- coming exercise lover!! YAY US!! Remember ladies, Tahoe Marathon (10 K for Team Thrive) is coming in September, train train train! Let me know if you want to go, we are going to pick up more Thrive shirts this week. They are bright lime green and just say "Thrive" K going to go rate my wonderful surgeon now.
  7. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    This is funny, you keep posting what I'm typing . . .same boat for sures!!
  8. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Me too Tina, me too! We may not NEED fills on the 25th . . although if we keep bringing dinner back up we will lose a crapload of weight and then we WILL need fills. I think I'm starting to get it now!!! I guess I need to have discipline, but I'm not sure where I left mine . . .have you seen it?? lol. SO glad I did not get 2cc's like you!! Jeez. It's soy milk for dinner, I am a bit sore from earlier. I'm going to go walk first and see if that helps any. Constipation has been HORRID since the fill too, can't eat salad or fiber one or nuthin . . . . .
  9. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina said: I only eat a very little and if I take another bite I am hurting....................I am trying to figure out what amount works for me now.... OMG Tina, I was just coming on to say how hard it is to get used to this restriction thing, and you had written what I was going to write!! I just PB'd 2 more times, my head still thinks I can eat a handful of almonds but my band says OH NO you don't missy!!! I can't figure out how much to eat, either, because it totally depends on what it is! I don't LIKE the feeling of food being delayed behind (above) my band, 1 bite too many and it is uncomfortable as h. e. double hockey sticks. But is is NOT a full feeling, it is just an "oh s^&t" feeling, and it doesn't satisfy me, at least not right now. I guess I have to retrain my body to recognize this new feeling as "full." The problem is that I am eating so little at a time that I want to eat more just an hour later - and today I have, all day. But if I don't wait until the pouch is cleared out into the lower stomach, 1 or 2 bites and BAM uncomfortable again!! Argghh . . . . I think I need to get a better grip on head hunger, because I don't have any physical hunger, I just feel unsatisfied/deprived because I don't have the old "full" feeling. Phoey, I can't decide if I like this thing today or not! Oh about not losing after surgery?? Uh, yeah. I did not listen to Liz, I got on the scale day 3, and I was up 7 lbs. I cried. So I waited a week and got on the scale again, and I was still up 4 lbs!!! Then I SOBBED! It took me 10 whole days to lose the surgery weight. Then I lost a pound a day for 2 weeks, so that made up for it. So NO WORRIES!! It's gonna come off!
  10. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    That's too funny, my scale is weight watchers too!! Just what they had available at Raley's I guess, LOL - I bought the scale WAY after I quit weight watchers. So Tina, how's that fill doing today? Mine is - uhm - enthusiastic!! So you guys know how I have been wondering why I have so little in my band, compared to 'yall who have only had 1 fill but have more Fluid than I do? And I even said gee I guess maybe I have to trust that my surgeon knows what he is doing?? I get it now!! It has been 1 week since my second fill, I guess it is beginning to settle in. Last night I had like 2 oz. smoked fat-free turkey breast for dinner, not only did it get stuck but I PB'd 3 times. Yeah, not very pretty. Today I was scared to eat in the AM - kind of a tigh chest feeling - so I had my soy lattes (2!) for Breakfast, then for lunch I tried some nice, fully-cooked lentils - those went down fine (they are like mush). Then I took 2 TEENY little bites of my burger patty, chewed it up, and - STUCK. Right away! Took about 10 minutes to get past that, I was in a fancy restaurant and I'm up walking around, chatting with all the (work people) sitting there, trying to act normal as I'm like drooling and pounding myself in the chest trying to get the damned bite to go DOWN . . . in and out of the bathroom, never sure if I needed to be there or not! Fortunately my goddaughter is waitressing, and she notes my dilemna & gets me a little mug of hot Water to sip - that does the trick after a few sips, but I am DONE DONE DONE with trying to eat! So now I have to try to discretely pack up my entire salad - which of course I have not touched, Protein first you know - and almost all of my burger patty in a to-go box, luckily no one said anything to that. It's sitting beside me right now back at the office, my head wants that YUMMY burger patty - I THINK I'm still hungry, how could I not be? - but I'm too scared to try & eat anything! I'm sure the fear will subside by dinnertime, LOL. So as of today, with only 4 cc in my band, I would not want to be any tighter than I am. Tomorrow may be different - and 2 weeks from now will almost definately be different - but right now, I am SO GLAD that Dr. Baggs never gave me as much of a fill as I thought I wanted!! :wink: Reggie, how are you doing girl? My friend & coworker (Melinda) that met you at Mimi's just came by and asked after you, how you were doing after your surgery I told her you were great, beautiful as always, and how much you had lost already! She was amazed! And said hi to all you girls that were there :thumbup: Speaking of work - I hafta do some. Type to you all soon! Riley
  11. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Candra, good morning! Glad you got a pedometer :wink: it helps keep me motivated every day. Yes, I leave it on all day, and the extra steps DO county - every little bit counts! - but my Omron also measures aerobic steps, i.e., sustained periods of walking separately - so I can see how much time I spent and how mant steps & miles I logged just in "purposeful" walking. I still have my caloriecount.about.com food meter set to 900 calories, it was what worked for me pre-surgery and what I shoot for now. I had gone well below last week (500-600 a day and not losing), then had this horrid PIG OUT (over 2,000 calories!) day 2 days ago, but somehow that made me regain my energy and started the scale moving again (I repented yesterday, LOL). I guess I needed it! After so many years of not trusting my body, it is hard to believe that it can do this . . . but it is! Happy Friday all!!!
  12. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina you are too funny! Insider information, LOL. I'm glad your fill went well, sorry that your darned port still hurts! I complained bitterly about mine at my first fill too, and it wasn't near as bad as yours! And isn't it COOL when you feel the fluid going into your band??? I think that was the first time that I really knew where my band was - certainly the first time I ever felt it in there. OK it has been 1 week since my second fill, I was going for the 4.3 lbs that Christine lost but only managed to eek out 2.4 this last week. But you know what? I BROKE 80 this morning!!! That means I have met every single mini-goal that I have set for myself to date - I wanted to be 80 lbs down by tomorrow. Next goal is to be in onederland by my daughter's wedding on June 21st! :smile: Riley
  13. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    OH! I went through exactly that, at the exact same time as you are, and I could eat so much! I lost nothing the last 2 1/2 weeks before my first fill, I actually gained 2 lbs back! You just don't have any restriction yet. And it happened almost overnight, I went from being satisfied with 1/4 cup to still feeling like I needed more after 1 cup. It was right after I started on the soft foods stage. I hated it!! I ate a lot of cheese bacjse it would at least stick with me, cottage cheese didn't neither did scrambled eggs, so cheese and extra-firm tofu were the only things that worked.
  14. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Holy crapola Reggie, 52 lbs!!!!! Talk about BURNIN it!! You GO! :smile:
  15. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Dudette! I walk with a friend at work 2x a day, and I go to the gym & swimming with friends, and I walk with one or both of my sons in the evenings, but my morning 4 miles?? That is MINE. ALONE. And I am SO not giving it up! No way would I change it- it is my way to start my day, rev up my metabolism for the day, and it's my thinking time! Not to mention my only alone time. I even get annoyed when folks walking their dogs want to stop and chat. It is MY time MINE MINE MINE and I am addicted to it. try it, you will learn to love having your own time, too!
  16. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    I think it is generally across the bottom of the foot, and in the heel. You know for sure that you have it when it hurts so bad to get out of bed that you crawl to the bathroom! You may have pain on the top of your foot from ill-fitting shoes if you have tall arches - I don't. Mine are flatties! My arches too, lol. It is SO worth it to get fit by a professional when you have foot pain! I go to REI and have them measure & test me, then put $40 insoles in my shoes (not the Danskos or the Keens), it sounds expensive but when you consider I was going through a $90 pair (they would lose all arch support) every 4 months, and these last for 1 year, it actually saves me some money - not to mention pain! I get the Omron through Wal-Mart, order it online and have them deliver it to the local wal-mart store so I don't have to pay for shipping. It keeps steps, aerobic steps, miles and CALORIES! and keeps your totals of all of that for the last 7 days. The BEST part about it is that it does nothave to be placed just right to be accurate - it counts accurately even from your pocket or backpack or whatever. Love it!
  17. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Candra, I started at 6,000 steps a day and it 'bout killed me!! I had plantar fascitis, huge sores where my thighs chafed together, etc. - it was awful! It took me about 5 weeks to get up to 10,000 a day, and now I do 27,000 - 30,000 and run part of it. A mile is a little over 2,000 steps (assuming a 25" stride, which I did NOT have), so 7000 steps is almost 3.5 miles!!! That's GREAT!!! I wear an Omron pedometer all day every day, you can google it or I can send you more info, it is under $20 and the only one I will use now - been through quite a few of them! I also HAD to get good, good shoes. Right now I walk AND jog in Merrill hiking boots (imagine the looks I get!) because I need the ankle support (injured myself jogging 4 weeks ago, lol) I only wear "good" shoes the rest of the time (Danskos at work, Keens for casual, Aesics for active) and wear bands around my arches at night to combat the plantar fascitis, which is INCREDIBLY painful. As far as the energy goes, most days when I get up at 5:10 a.m. to head out on my walk/run, I do NOT have ANY energy! I walk for a full mile before I'm not aching anymore, and I never run before then. If I am going to get energy, I get it by then!!!
  18. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Yay Pam, you're BACK!! What is going on?? Yes, most of us Dr. Baggs girls we have a "group" nutrition appt. + fill in the morning at the Pinole office on the 25th. So either Robin has to go back to Richmond - it's not that far - or Dr. Im is coming there for the afternoon?? Dr. Baggs told me to ignore whatever the appointment card said and go to the Pinole MOB at 9:30 . . .so you may want to email Dr. Im & see where your fill will be! If you are going to be in Pinole we should all meet for a clear liquid lunch, LOL!!!
  19. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Hi Jes! Click on one of our counters and it will take you to the website where you can make your own, it's FREE! I lost 43 lbs. pre-op on the 1200 cal diet, except I replaced ALL starches with Protein and reduced calories to 900 for the last 2 months I was on it. I also walked 4-6 miles a day, every day. How long it took me to do it is in my siggy . . . The funny thing is, even though I walk/jog 4 miles a day + walk an additional 6 miles every day now, and eat an average of 900 calories a day, I was losing fatser on the pre-op diet! Of course I am down nearly 80 lbs, so it is harder and harder to lose a pound. Grr! Tina, what happened @ your fill appt.???
  20. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina dear, you really ARE a walking hormone! No really . . .estrogen is stored in fat, and when you lose fat raoidly it's all released into your system . . one of the reasons it's REALLY impoertant to drink a lot of water. SO about the hair thing . . .I always joke with peopole wgen I tell them about my surgery that it cures everything, - high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholosterol, allergies, etc. - everything but chin hair I always say (you'll understand when you're over 40, LOL)! Anyways I said that to Robin last week, and she said oh well actually, it will help with that too: harier at first, but one the weight is off there will be less body hair! How COOL is THAT?? So see girls, we are not imagining all this!!
  21. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Ugh! I just logged all the calories I ate today - almost 2000!!!! I got stuck twice (tofu once, Fiber one once), yet I still kept eating! Jeepers, what has gotten INTO me?? And I only did half of my miles today, with zero jogging - all walking. And in my jammies by 8 pm . . . . zero energy. I am about mid-cycle so that should not it . . . .anybody else get this? It's only been like 5 days since my last fill so I should bea eating little and losing lots . . but no, I am eating lots and losing nothing! Thoughts??
  22. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Way cool, Heather! And I like the super-original name; I think it says it all . . . and searchers can find us! Now if we can just get these 114 pages of discussion moved over there, we will be all set!! Any of you computer whiz-types know how to do that??
  23. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    YAY Sheena, you have done it! Thanks Christine for posting :crying: I don't know about crystal light, i have up to 4 a day somedays, like during meetings especially . . . i make myself drink at least 1 Water for every 1 whatever else I drink a habit i picked up when I drank beer . . .I thought the rule was any decaf non-carb liquid with less than 10 cals per 12 oz, seems like water with lemon or crystal light would be jes fine! I must need my nails trimmed cant type worth s*&t :thumbup:
  24. riley4183

    Kaiser Richmond Pre-op

    Tina the fill won't hurt, I had to have my port re-examined (lots of prodding & pushing) by Dr. Baggs 4 days post op when I got the infection - talk about SORE! - but he was pretty gentle about it, it wasn't bad at all. I felt like I had more than 1 hard bump, too! But he knows exactly where the port is, he goes right to it with that big fat needle each time lol . . . look at it this way, the farter it sticks out the easier it is for him to get to!
  25. I have a desk job without lifting, I went back in 1 week but only did 5-6 hours a day until the second week when I went back to my usual 9 hours/day. I could not have stayed at home longer than 1 week! Riley

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