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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ilovemypuppieslots

  1. ilovemypuppieslots

    trying to have band removed

    I am wanting my band removed and I am having a hard time finding a doctor that will do a band removal. I live near kansas city. also any ideas on the cost?? please help. I have had the band since Nov 2004 and it was great in the beginning but about a year in, it just causes me to get sick if I eat something wrong, but does not help with the weight any longer... I want it out...
  2. ilovemypuppieslots

    trying to have band removed

    now a doctor here says he can do the remaoval surgery. but his fee alone is $5300 not including the clinic fee.. wow what do I do, I could buy a car for that...
  3. ilovemypuppieslots

    trying to have band removed

    thank you, that helps knowing what it could cost.... i just hope it is simalar here in kansas city
  4. ilovemypuppieslots

    trying to have band removed

    I had mine done in Mexico and I would rather stay here and have it done, but I will go back if I have to...
  5. ilovemypuppieslots

    I Must Have My Band Removed!

    Maybe acid reflux,,,is causing the breathing problems?? just a shot in the dark... sorry i did not read all the responses and maybe you are healed and doing great.. but just a thought:confused:

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