Hello, Kathy! I'm new as well. I'm also 34 and just starting my 6 month program. Maybe we should be buddies! I'm hoping to have my surgery in April or May, though. (I don't know how fast they approve you after the 6 months are up, so I"m mentally saying May so I won't be disappointed after I'm finished! Ha!) My close friends are supportive, but I haven't told my family yet. They all live in other places and we get together at Thanksgiving, so I thought I would tell everyone when we were all together. (Like a shot...get it over with all at once!) I've been keeping a folder of all my info that I collect along the way and plan on taking it with me, in case they have any questions. They only person I'm concerned with reaction wise is my Grandmother. She will worry. My sister has a weight issue, so she'll be inquisitive...I'm not sure how my Mom will react. We'll see!
Anyway...Give me a shout and we can do this together!