So I went in for fill on Monday... they added .75cc - that night I was on liquids and all the next day too... Well, Tuesday night I maybe got 2-3 hours of sleep, because I kept waking up choking on fluids that were coming up my throat and into my mouth. Wednesday I continued on liquids, hoping that my stomach would "calm down" - so much for that! Same thing Wednesday night... very little sleep - kept waking up choking on fluids that were coming up my throat and into my mouth... even took an Acid Reducer, it didn't help at all. I called the Dr this morning and they told me to come in immediately for an un-fill. The Dr removed the .75cc that he put in on Monday. He said that he is glad that I notified them because I was too tight. Please if you are suffering from this "liquid in your throat issue at night" call your Doctor. You can do real damage by letting it go on for too long.