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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Rashi reacted to ShoppGirl in PreOp Anxiety   
    Great suggestion to call the surgeons office if you feel yourself wavering and ask if they can fit you in because you have a few more questions. I went to THREE additional appointments over the normal requirement until all my questions were answered. I was wavering between the bypass and SADI revision though and It was a really tough choice for me and because it’s so new there was little info online to answer the questions. Also as @Arabesque suggested they may be able to give you an anxiety med to relax you the morning of before you go to the hospital. I didn’t even think of that.
  2. Sad
    Rashi reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in The first day of the rest of my life hurts   
    I ended up with gastritis, esophagitis, and an incredible amount of polyps that developed as a result of the extremely high amounts of PPI I had to take to try and control the GERD that developed from the sleeve. I had to have 4 endoscopies to remove them all.
  3. Hugs
    Rashi reacted to ShoppGirl in PreOp Anxiety   
    Others have covered the majority of what I was going to say but I would like to add that I suffer from a pretty bad anxiety disorder. I literally stress over things that others would and sometimes do feel are so silly. Just one of my quirks but if you can only imagine the surgery was beyond stressful for me. The best thing i did was to tell everyone that was helping me that I was super anxious. I told them that I could get through this but i was going to need them to be extremely patient with me.

    They were so great. They answered every single question I had and believe me I had alot and they distracted me with idle chit chat when that was appropriate. I have my own anxiety meds that I take as needed on a normal day and i was allowed to just take that pill like 2 hours before I had to be at the hospital but they should be able to give you something in your IV to help relax you a bit once you get there if your super anxious still.

    If music relaxes you or guided meditation (there are some good ones on the Calm App’s free version) bring along your ear buds to use with your phone and use them if you need them. Honestly once you get there you will hopefully pretty quickly realize just how many people are assigned to take care of you and how many times they check and recheck everything just to be sure they get everything right and this will make you feel like you are in really good hands.

    The other thing that pulled me out of. A couple moments was to remind myself that as scared as I was about any risks associated with the surgery that there are so many more risks associated with NOT doing the surgery. Also, there is a thread called “weirdest non scale victories” you will find if you type that into the search box on this site that I highly recommend . They turned out to not really be weird at all but there are so many non scale changes that you have to look forward too and many of them are mentioned there.

    Keep posting here too. There are so many really great people to help you through this every single step of the way. You’ve got this!’
  4. Hugs
    Rashi reacted to Arabesque in PreOp Anxiety   
    Feeling anxious is very understandable especially when this is something completely new to you. I mean have you ever had bariatric surgery before? You may never have had a surgery before so have nothing to base your expectations upon.
    Give your surgeon or team a call and let them know how you’re feeling so they can answer any questions or concerns you may have about the experience. There may be something you can take before to calm your nerves a little too. (No harm in asking.)
    I had very little time between when I saw my GP to discuss the potential of the surgery and getting the referral, seeing the surgeon, seeing the dietician & my surgery day. In some ways I appreciated it. I was ready and it probably didn’t give me a lot of time to develop any real nerves. Though I remember feeling a bit apart from everything going on around me from when I entered the pre surgical area until I walked into the waiting area outside the theatre (yeh, my surgeon makes you walk to the theatre). Everyone was very friendly from the pre surgery team, to the nurse who walked me to the theatre, the anaesthesiologist and my surgeon. There were jokes and lots of reassurance. The recovery room nurses were great too. I’ve had two surgeries since then (about to have another) and my experiences have been much the same.
    I’m a researcher. I like to read up on what to expect & I’ll talk to anyone I know who’ve been through the same surgery if I know anyone. If you do what to do a little reading before (may be helpful if you decide to contact your team or surgeon) go to reputable medical sites like the mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, etc. no social media (except for this forum of course 😁). Check out the you tube sites of Dr Matthew Weiner and Dr John Pilcher - they have a huge library of videos & are extremely informative not just for pre surgery but post as well. Highly recommend them.
    All the best.
  5. Like
    Rashi got a reaction from ShoppGirl in PreOp Anxiety   
    Thank you soooo much everyone! Certainly appreciate the idea writing things down I'm excited to experience. To be continued
  6. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance
  7. Like
    Rashi reacted to JennyBeez in LET’S TALK! *serious topic*   
    Ugh, YES.

    Part of it is the hormonal changes (not just menstrual!), body chemistry changes, etc. I don't know if there's much we can do about this part beyond nutrition, hormone supplements if required, etc -- much like menopause and pre-menopause.
    Another part of it is also that for many of us, food was a coping mechanism for a long time and now we've removed that as an option. It means we have to either face the things we were trying to drown out with gravy, or find new and improved, healthy ways to cope. Instead of "What a shitty day, I deserve pie!" it's "What a shitty day, I should eat a Protein Bar and hit the gym to work out my frustration!" or "What a shitty day, I should actually talk to that person about their poor behaviour."

    On my side, I've suffered through cyclical depression throughout my life. I'd like to say it gave me a good launching point for when the post-op emotions started hitting, but it's one of those struggles that's just ... always a struggle, lol.

    I cope with a few CBT techniques that I've learned over the years to get through the most intense moments, and once I'm feeling less unbalanced it's easier to get into a better headspace. Be the one to reach out to someone else at least once a day. Do 20 minutes of mindful self-care -- ie give yourself a hair treatment for 20 minutes and try not to think about anything other than brushing your hair, count strokes, massaging your scalp etc. ((Side note: if you're currently in The Hair loss phase, maybe skip this for a hand treatment? My hair is suuuuper thin right now.))
    I try to re-direct myself into how to make positive changes regarding whatever it was that recently bothered me / triggered me. Not 'fix' things, but improve the situation or my reaction somehow. Sometimes it just requires a long circle of thinking until I realize I'm internalizing something that I don't need to be, or upset about something that normally wouldn't cause a reaction at all, etc.

    One of my biggest problems and solutions is exercise. If I'm a moody mess, I don't want to exercise. Have no motivation to get up and do it. Yet everytime I force myself to do it, I feel bloody amazing afterwards -- energetic, spirits buoyed, all that good stuff. It doesn't have to be anything major, just walking outside at a good pace can change my mood about 15 minutes in when those endorphins kick in.

  8. Like
    Rashi reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Hello all!
    After seeing all the responses on the post topic " What do you wish you should of done before surgery" it got me wondering what Do You Have Planned or What have you done since having had your surgery that you used to reward yourself, or thought you'd never be able to do prior to surgery that either you can now or have added to your will do list that you thought "if only"....?
    I'm curious about what we've put off doing beforehand or what you couldn't do before losing the weight and have added it to your " bucket list". Life is short and I want to read how you're going to enjoy it now! I'm looking for inspiration. I look forward to living vicariously through you!
    I'll start:
    * I used to train and show hunt seat and dressage, I just started back up!
    * I used to sail and scuba. Next year I will be adding it to my plans.
    * I purchased a professional bow and I'm having a friend who's been scouted for the Olympics teach me!
    * I've added ballroom dance to my list.
    * I'm back to my daily yoga.
    * I've got some vacations on the schedule to Hawaii and Spain to visit some old friends!
    Its just a start, so many amazing things to do now.
  9. Hugs
    Rashi reacted to NickelChip in PreOp Anxiety   
    Anxiety is so normal, but don't let it get in the way of what will almost certainly be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. My suggestion over the next few days is to look at the thread of before and after photos to help remind yourself of why you're doing this.
    I had my surgery 6 months ago and a lot of my experience was similar to GreenTealael's, except I was given a sedative before being wheeled to the OR, and all I remember was being pushed toward the hallway. Next thing I knew, I was in my hospital room. The pain was very minimal and the nurses were so attentive. It turned out I had been in the OR for a lot longer than planned because of some scarring in my abdomen that caused a few minor complications, but I had no memory of that and it hasn't been a problem. I was in good hands the whole time.
    The first few weeks will be an adjustment, but after that, you'll start getting the hang of your new lifestyle. If you've canceled before only to be back 3 years later to do it, you know this is something you need. A year ago, I weighed over 250 lbs and could barely squeeze into a size 22. Today, I'm the lowest weight I've been in 30 years and I was actually able to put on a pair of my 12-year-old daughter's size medium pants (stretchy ones, but still...). It's an amazing feeling.
  10. Like
    Rashi reacted to GreenTealael in PreOp Anxiety   
    I cleaned my house 2x the night before surgery. Then I decided to just stay up and watch a bunch of movies and listen to music. I never slept. Looking back, I was very anxious. Likely of the unknown. So here’s what happened the morning of my surgery:
    I drove to the hospital, parked and checked in. I was given a clipboard with tons of paperwork to fill out. There was a lot. I was give a scannable wristband to confirm my identity.
    I talked with the person who came with me trying to keep my mind off of what was happening. We talked about a lot of random things, but mostly what I was doing the next month. That helped me to believe that there was a future beyond the surgery.
    The nurse called me in. I gave her a the clipboard and was asked to verify my info. My wrist band was scanned. She measured my weight asked me to give a urine sample. I brought back to a room and given the preop gown to change into a bag for all the things I brought with me. My companion was also allowed in this room. The nurse asked me to confirm name and my date of birth and scanned the wrist band. She measured my blood pressure O2 levels and started an IV line with saline.
    Next in was the anesthesiologist. I once again confirmed my info and was asked questions previous responses to anesthesia. Since this was my first surgery with general anesthesia I asked what it felt like and he it explained everything very well.
    The surgeon came in and once again I gave my info but this time he asked me to verify what surgery I having. He asked if I had any questions or concerns I did not.
    Last person to come in was the nurse who is brought back to the OR. This is where it began to get real for me I was a little nervous. When I rolled into the OR everyone was clapping like it was a party and they were congratulating me in advance. It was pretty special.

    One by one they introduced themselves and their positions. I was moved from one bed to another. Then the dance to hook me up to cardiac monitors and other devices began. I was giving instructions on how to move which way to roll and everything that they were going to do before it happens. I was never left in the dark.

    When anesthesiologist came in I was hooked up to the IV he explain what would be administered. The oxygen mask went on and I was told to count backwards from 10 to 1. I didn’t get very far. I felt extremely tired, blinking a few times before drifting off to sleep. This was a dreamless sleep that felt like only a few minutes when I began to awake in the recovery room. I asked no one in particular if the surgery happened. I drifted in and out of sleep for a while.
    When I finally woke up I was in the hospital room, I would stay until I went home.

    I Hope that helps!
  11. Thanks
    Rashi reacted to Bypass2Freedom in PreOp Anxiety   
    I think it is so normal to have nerves. I know I was an absolute bundle of anxiety pre-op - it was the first surgery I had as an adult, and I didn't know what to expect.
    Just keep reminding yourself that you are in safe hands, you will have a professional team around you, and the surgery you are having is safe, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it!
    My advice is to just focus on how you will feel after - maybe write down what you are looking forward to post-op, and what things you are excited to experience as you start losing weight on this journey. That really helped me focus on the reasons why I did the surgery, rather than the fear of the surgery itself. Because in the grand scheme of things, the surgery is over so quickly and is such a small part of the journey, and it is all worth it!
    Best of luck
  12. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance
  13. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance
  14. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance
  15. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance
  16. Hugs
    Rashi got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in PreOp Anxiety   
    So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.
    Thanks in advance

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