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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Rashi

  1. 5 hours ago, summerseeker said:

    Detested eggs pre surgery and now eat them every day. Loved cooked salmon but can not eat it, just the thought of it makes me want to vomit. Avocado is also off. It took me almost two years to want chicken again

    There are other things that are just impossible for me to eat because of the surgery. Cheap white bread, Pasta, Curries sob... Anything with skins, tomatoes, peppers, grapes

    I craved a jacket potato with cheese and baked Beans and had it last night. I separated it into two portions and ate both eventually. Yum. Zero side effects. Another tick on the chart for me.

    I've always had to be int he mood for Avocado and even when I was, I had to have it with something, like toast or cracker, maybe in a salad... now guacamole was a different story😋. Though it's not something that's really crossed my mind. Thanks for mentioning the potato (we call it Baked Potatoe in the states), I'm pretty sure I can have that and so now I know what to make or dinner!

  2. 14 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Tastes certainly change post surgery. Prior to my sleeve I was a salty snack girl. Had the sleeve and I started craving sweets all of a sudden. Possibly part of why it didn’t work for me. Woke up from my revision craving healthy Food-food though. Even for Snacks I want nourishment not junk. I wanted fish tacos so bad during my entire liquid phase and I like things like spinach now. It’s weird. You may not like stuff you loved before but you may also like some things you didn’t before so be open to trying things. Hopefully you will find some healthy things you love to replace them things you don’t like now. Ooh and if you like Peanut Butter and have some vanilla shakes left over try mixing PB2 into your shake. It takes a lot of mixing and you won’t want to do it until your cleared for like purées because it makes it a little thicker but it’s really good and it increases the Protein. Ooh another thing you can do with the shakes to cut the sweetness is to mix them with coffee. I actually buy the caramel ones that are really sweet intentionally to make my iced coffee. It’s delicious.

    I am definitely a salty-crunchy craver. So far that still seems legit, I think about my deluxe nuts and stove popped popcorn, but that thought/craving may pass since it'll be sometime before I can test it out. As someone who hasn't eaten meat for years, and still find the thought unappealing, I'm interested if I'll wake up one day like... "Oh, I could go for a steak 🤣" As for the Vanilla shakes, yes, I've been mixing them in my coffee as well as with my Protein Powder and I've been enjoying PB2 for years... still tastes Amazing... though I miss putting a little granola in it (maybe that'll pass too (shrug), But hey it's the Protein Boost and I'm happy for it.

  3. Finally cleared for soft foods, increased physical/sexual activity and massage. Oh it's a good day! Was able go handle half a scrambled egg and 2oz of mashed pinto Beans. Was so nervous they'd taste bad or make me nauseous. So far, only my vanilla Protein Shake that I've loved for a few years; now tastes like Syrup. Has anyone "lost" the ability to enjoy their favorites since having surgery? And if so, has it changed ?

  4. 10 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    I wouldn’t trust any signals now either. Simply because many nerves were cut during the surgery, so signals either aren’t getting through, aren’t the same or maybe off. You won’t start to get these signals again until you’re fully healed (about 6-8 weeks). This is why it’s so important to follow your plan in regards to portion sizes and frequency of meals.

    Many do find their signals change. Well may be not change more you learn to identify and recognise what the signals really mean. Like a signal for being full (or had enough) might be sneezing, hiccups or a runny nose. We also learn to differentiate between head hunger (which usually used to drive us to eat ) and real hunger .Generally if you are craving a specific texture, flavour or food. Like many want to eat something crunchy during puree stage - that’s head hunger. Your desire for coffee is head hunger. Like @SpartanMaker said real hunger has different and unusual signals. I get restless and think something is wrong and then I realise I’m hungry. And yes, most times a grumbling tummy (hunger pangs) are just your digestive system working properly.

    It takes time to learn what these things mean to you. Just tread slowly and stick to your plan.

    Most appreciated. I am having zero problems sticking to the plan and I don't know that I agree wanting coffee is head hunger or "hunger" at all. I suppose it's a routine/want no different than having tea in the evening (for me) Nevertheless, remembering that the signals are currently obscure is a very helpful. Thanks 😊

  5. So yesterday, I was finally able to get down a cup of Decaf coffee, cup of yogurt and a full Protein Shake (along with sipping my water). I wanted the coffee for sure, the yogurt was purposeful though I didn't really want it and finishing the shake in a day was surprising. However, today I can't help but wonder was that success the beginning of now having an "appetite"? Because did I just have some phantom hunger urge? I mean what is an appetite now? Am I doing too much? Today, coffee down, yogurt down about 2 hours later and I actually wanted it, and now I'm sipping my Butternut Squash Soup that I truly did want 😋. Curious what are my true appetite/hunger signals will now be? Anyone care to share their experiences in the early days of PostOp?

  6. 3 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Does anyone know an exercise to help slim down the inner thighs? I hate mine. I need that and core exercises for like absolute beginner. I have zero ab muscle.

    Sumo squats and leg lifts are great for the thighs and best beginner friendly for core that I believe in, is planks, increasing your hold time will tighten your core.

  7. On 9/3/2024 at 10:47 AM, MrsFitz said:

    Maybe the gym isn’t *your thing* and that’s why you’re finding it such a struggle to commit to it? Maybe a personal trainer isn’t for you but you would be happy to work out on your own? Is there anything else that piques your interest fitness-wise? I love the gym but actual fitness classes bore me rigid! Maybe being out in nature (with your beloved even) would interest you more? Or rock climbing, canoeing, running (or walking) around a track, go carting, swimming blah, blah, blah. For a fitness regime to stick, you have to find something you love.

    If you’ve paid for a gym membership and want to get your monies worth until it runs out then I’m more than happy to be your virtual gym buddy. Please don’t think you’ve failed or that you HAVE to put additional pressure on yourself to get fit. Do whatever you feel happy and comfortable with. It’s just baby steps to begin with, dipping in to things to see what works for you. Also have a think about what you’re doing in the gym as it could be the workout that isn’t floating your boat. I do a bit of cardio to warm up/cool down and then I’m on the resistance machines. Could I do a cardio-heavy workout? Nah! It’s all personal choice 🙂

    Celebrate your successes so far, because (in the words of a cheesy ad) YOU’RE WORTH IT!

    Wow! This reminder is so helpful. I'm only 4 days PostOp and I am already overwhelmed with the thought of...getting up at 5AM, to get to gym and workout, be showered and ready to for work by 8AM at minimum 4 days a week... like OMG! But you are so right, having something you enjoy doing makes it less of a "chore". I really love yoga; I mean truly love it. I remember going to classes and having the ability to do poses that were "potentially questionable" for my size and thinking how much more amazing it would feel and benefit me to do the poses at a smaller size. This goal was and remains on my list of experiences I am looking forward to. I will say, remember @Bypass2Freedom it's about healthy movement so to me... any and everything counts.

  8. Tomorrow is the day... but today's clear liquid diet had me with a constant headache. Of course it didn't help that my mother decided to schedule a cookout at the last minute not realizing (or accepting) that I cannot have a thing. *side story I've been vegetarian for over 12 years so if there's a cookout she goes out of her way to have things I like to eat...months ago I asked for a lasagna for my birthday for this month (not knowing I'd be back on this weight loss path or that my procedure would be expedited or that I'd be scheduled for Sept) sooo guess what she decides to have on this menu for this surprise cookout? 🤦🏽‍♀️ She meant well of course but there I was sipping broth and watching my family enjoy my gift 😆. Anyway, then I had to take my daughter to urgent care for what I knew was strep and I'm in there praying no one coughs, sneezes or happens to touch me... including her... not sure how this exposure will pan out tomorrow. I notice my husband seems on edge and I finally accept that his worry and stress has got the best of him. Nevertheless all is quiet now, early day tomorrow... I do believe I'm ready to finally get to the other side of this journey... THE REAL WORK.

  9. 47 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    So how are you feeling today, @Rashi?

    Thanks so much for asking. Well, I'm 5 days away... still nervous. Similar to your mention; I think of the most illogical and irrational things to worry about. However I find comfort in now realizing how "popular" this procedure is, though I worry about the long term outcome, let alone just getting through my post op liquid diet and the healing process. It's a lot, it's heavy but I'm centering myself with thoughts of things I'm excited for, grateful for this platform annnd I think I'll op for the ear buds and music for as long as I can on surgery day. *On a plus, I'm down 4lbs since Monday in prep for Tuesday 🤷🏽‍♀️

  10. On 7/27/2024 at 2:03 PM, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I had to sip for a good 6-8 weeks when I had my sleeve. I really struggled with the sleeve, and ended up with a revision to bypass a year later because of complications. I didn't have to sip at all when I had the bypass. I finished an entire 20oz bottle of Water the day I had the revision in 2 hours in the hospital. When they saw that, they unhooked me from the IV because they saw I was getting enough fluids lol

    Could you elaborate on your complications?

  11. So glad I found this forum as I'm looking to calm my nerves. My procedure is scheduled next week and my anxiety is BEYOND. 3 years ago I made it until the night before my surgery where I had a total meltdown and canceled the procedure. This time around the process was shorter (less nutrition visits) and I feel like I'm on the speed round, while that may have seemed helpful at first... the countdown has me so frazzled. I'm open to any feedback, tips, suggestions... anything to get me through these next 6 days.

    Thanks in advance

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